Name |
Description |
Announcement |
The announcement ( bidding ) in the current deal. |
AnnouncementManager |
A manager that observes bidding rules. |
BelotCombination |
Summary description for BelotCombination. |
BelotGame |
Belot Game. |
Card |
Summary description for Card. |
CardCombination |
Summary description for CardCombination. |
CardComparer |
Compares two cards according to a given announcement. |
CardPointEvaluator |
Evaluates points for a card in a specific game . |
CardsCollection |
Collection of cards. |
CombinationFinder |
Summary description for CombinationFinder. |
ComputerPlayer |
Represents a computer player. |
Deal |
A deal during the game. |
FourEqualsCombination |
Summary description for FourEqualsCombination. |
Hand |
Represents a hand of 4 cards. |
Player |
This is a base class for all players. Custom implementations (Human or Computer players) must derive from this class. |
PlayingManager |
A manager that observes playing rules. |
SequentialCombination |
Summary description for SequentialCombination. |