Name |
Description |
AnyBuilder |
Base class for classes that iterate over the vertices in a mesh |
AutoParamDataSource |
This utility class is used to hold the information used to generate the matrices and other information required to automatically populate GpuProgramParameters. |
BufferStream |
This class is intended to allow a clean stream interface for writing to hardware buffers. An instance of this would be returned by one of the HardwareBuffer.Lock methods, which would allow easily and safely writing to a hardware buffer without having to use unsafe code. |
CapsUtil |
CompositeRenderSystemOperation |
Base class for other render system operations |
CompositeTargetOperation |
Operation setup for a RenderTarget (collected). |
CompositionPass |
Object representing one pass or operation in a composition sequence. This provides a method to conviently interleave RenderSystem commands between Render Queues. |
CompositionPass.InputTexture |
CompositionTargetPass |
Object representing one pass or operation in a composition sequence. This provides a method to conviently interleave RenderSystem commands between Render Queues. |
CompositionTechnique |
Base composition technique, can be subclassed in plugins. |
CompositionTechnique.TextureDefinition |
Local texture definitions |
Compositor |
Class representing a Compositor object. Compositors provide the means to flexibly "composite" the final rendering result from multiple scene renders and intermediate operations like rendering fullscreen quads. This makes it possible to apply postfilter effects, HDRI postprocessing, and shadow effects to a Viewport. |
CompositorInstance |
An instance of a Compositor object for one Viewport. It is part of the CompositorChain for a Viewport. |
CompositorInstance.QueueIDAndOperation |
A pairing of int and CompositeRenderSystemOperation, needed because the collection in TargetOperation must be ordered |
CompositorInstanceMaterialEventArgs |
CompositorInstanceResourceEventArgs |
CompositorLogic |
Implementation base class for compositor logics, which can be automatically bound to compositors, allowing per-compositor logic (such as attaching a relevant listener) to happen automatically. |
CompositorScriptLoader |
CompositorScriptLoader.CompositorScriptContext |
Struct for holding the script context while parsing. |
DefaultHardwareBufferManager |
DefaultHardwareBufferManagerBase |
Specialization of HardwareBufferManagerBase to emulate hardware buffers. |
DefaultHardwareIndexBuffer |
DefaultHardwareVertexBuffer |
DriverVersion |
DriverVersion is used by RenderSystemCapabilities and both GL and D3D9 to store the version of the current GPU driver |
EdgeData |
This class contains the information required to describe the edge connectivity of a given set of vertices and indexes. |
EdgeData.Edge |
Edge data. |
EdgeData.EdgeGroup |
A group of edges sharing the same vertex data. |
EdgeData.Triangle |
Basic triangle structure. |
GpuProgramManager |
Summary description for GpuProgramManager. |
GpuProgramParameters |
Collects together the program parameters used for a GpuProgram. |
GpuProgramParameters.AutoConstantDefinition |
GpuProgramParameters.GpuConstantDefinition |
Information about predefined program constants. |
GpuProgramParameters.GpuLogicalBufferStruct |
GpuProgramParameters.GpuNamedConstants |
class collecting together the information for named constants. |
GpuProgramParameters.GpuNamedConstantsSerializer |
Simple class for loading / saving GpuNamedConstants |
GpuProgramParameters.GpuSharedParameters |
GpuProgramParameters.ParameterEntry |
GpuProgramUsage |
This class makes the usage of a vertex and fragment programs (low-level or high-level), with a given set of parameters, explicit. |
HardwareAnimationData |
Struct used to hold hardware morph / pose vertex data information |
HardwareBufferManager |
Abstract singleton class for managing hardware buffers, a concrete instance of this will be created by the RenderSystem. |
HardwareIndexBuffer |
Describes the graphics API independent functionality required by a hardware index buffer. |
HardwareOcclusionQuery |
Interface specification for hardware queries that can be used to find the number of fragments rendered by the last render operation. |
HardwareVertexBuffer |
Describes the graphics API independent functionality required by a hardware vertex buffer. |
HighLevelGpuProgramManager |
This ResourceManager manages high-level vertex and fragment programs. |
IlluminationPass |
Struct recording a pass which can be used for a specific illumination stage. |
IndexData |
Summary class collecting together index data source information. |
LayerBlendModeEx |
Utility class for handling texture layer blending parameters. |
Material |
Class encapsulating the rendering properties of an object. |
MovablePlane |
Definition of a Plane that may be attached to a node, and the derived details of it retrieved simply. |
NullProgram |
NullProgramFactory |
Pass |
Class defining a single pass of a Technique (of a Material), ie a single rendering call. |
RSClearOperation |
Clear framebuffer RenderSystem operation |
RSQuadOperation |
"Render quad" RenderSystem operation |
RSRestoreSchemeOperation |
Restore the settings changed by the set scheme operation |
RSSetSchemeOperation |
"Set material scheme" RenderSystem operation |
RSStencilOperation |
"Set stencil state" RenderSystem operation |
RenderOperation |
Contains all the information required to render a set of vertices. This includes a list of VertexBuffers. |
RenderQueue |
Class to manage the scene object rendering queue. |
RenderQueueInvocation |
RenderTarget |
A 'canvas' which can receive the results of a rendering operation. |
RenderTarget.FrameStatistics |
Holds all the current statistics for a RenderTarget |
RenderTargetEventArgs |
Event arguments for render target updates. |
RenderTargetViewportEventArgs |
Event arguments for viewport updates while processing a RenderTarget. |
RenderTexture |
Custom RenderTarget that allows for rendering a scene to a texture. |
RenderablePass |
Internal structure reflecting a single Pass for a Renderable |
ShadowCaster |
This class defines the interface that must be implemented by shadow casters. |
ShadowRenderable |
Class which represents the renderable aspects of a set of shadow volume faces. |
ShadowVolumeExtrudeProgram |
Static class containing source for vertex programs for extruding shadow volumes. |
SpotShadowFadePng |
This exists so we don't have to be dependent on an external .png file for this core feature (PNG used to fade out the edges of spotlight shadows) |
Technique |
Class representing an approach to rendering a particular Material. |
Technique.GPUDeviceNameRule |
Rule controlling whether technique is deemed supported based on GPU device name |
Technique.GPUVendorRule |
Rule controlling whether technique is deemed supported based on GPU vendor |
TempBlendedBufferInfo |
Records the use of temporary blend buffers. |
TextureEffect |
Class used to define parameters for a texture effect. |
TextureUnitState |
Class representing the state of a single texture unit during a Pass of a Technique, of a Material. |
UVWAddressing |
Texture addressing mode for each texture coordinate. |
UnifiedHighLevelGpuProgram |
Specialization of HighLevelGpuProgram which just delegates its implementation to one other high level program, allowing a single program definition to represent one supported program from a number of options |
UnifiedHighLevelGpuProgramFactory |
VertexBufferBinding |
Records the state of all the vertex buffer bindings required to provide a vertex declaration with the input data it needs for the vertex elements. |
VertexBufferLicense |
Structure holding details of a license to use a temporary shared buffer. |
VertexData |
Summary class collecting together vertex source information. |
VertexElement |
This class declares the usage of a single vertex buffer as a component of a complete VertexDeclaration. |