C# Class xml2sql.Program

Mostrar archivo Open project: tylerjwatson/SEconomy

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
connectionString string
sec Wolfje.Plugins.SEconomy.SEconomy

Protected Methods

Method Description
CreateDatabase ( ) : void

Creates a seconomy database in MySQL based on the create database SQL embedded resources.

CurrentDomain_AssemblyResolve ( object sender, ResolveEventArgs args ) : Assembly
DatabaseExists ( ) : bool

Queries the destination MySQL server to determine if there is a database by the name matching sqlProperties.DbName set in the SEconomy configuration file.

Process ( ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
Main ( string args ) : void
journal_JournalLoadingPercentChanged ( object sender, JournalLoadingPercentChangedEventArgs e ) : void

Method Details

CreateDatabase() protected method

Creates a seconomy database in MySQL based on the create database SQL embedded resources.
protected CreateDatabase ( ) : void
return void

CurrentDomain_AssemblyResolve() protected static method

protected static CurrentDomain_AssemblyResolve ( object sender, ResolveEventArgs args ) : Assembly
sender object
args System.ResolveEventArgs
return System.Reflection.Assembly

DatabaseExists() protected method

Queries the destination MySQL server to determine if there is a database by the name matching sqlProperties.DbName set in the SEconomy configuration file.
protected DatabaseExists ( ) : bool
return bool

Process() protected method

protected Process ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

connectionString protected_oe property

protected string connectionString
return string

sec protected_oe property

protected SEconomy,Wolfje.Plugins.SEconomy sec
return Wolfje.Plugins.SEconomy.SEconomy