C# Class idTech4.IO.idFileSystem

All of Doom's data access is through a hierarchical file system, but the contents of the file system can be transparently merged from several sources.
Throughout the game a forward slash should be used as a separator. The file system takes care of the conversion to an OS specific separator. The file system treats all file and directory names as case insensitive.

The following cvars store paths used by the file system: "fs_basepath" path to local install, read-only "fs_savepath" path to config, save game, etc. files, read & write "fs_cdpath" path to cd, read-only "fs_devpath" path to files created during development, read & write

The base path for file saving can be set to "fs_savepath" or "fs_devpath".

A "relativePath" is a reference to game file data. "..", "\\", and ":" are explicitly illegal in qpaths to prevent any references outside the Doom directory system.

The "base path" is the path to the directory holding all the game directories and usually the executable. It defaults to the current directory, but can be overridden with "+set fs_basepath c:\doom" on the command line. The base path cannot be modified at all after startup.

The "save path" is the path to the directory where game files will be saved. It defaults to the base path, but can be overridden with a "+set fs_savepath c:\doom" on the command line. Any files that are created during the game (demos, screenshots, etc.) will be created reletive to the save path.

The "cd path" is the path to an alternate hierarchy that will be searched if a file is not located in the base path. A user can do a partial install that copies some data to a base path created on their hard drive and leave the rest on the cd. It defaults to the current directory, but it can be overridden with "+set fs_cdpath g:\doom" on the command line.

The "dev path" is the path to an alternate hierarchy where the editors and tools used during development (Radiant, AF editor, dmap, runAAS) will write files to. It defaults to the cd path, but can be overridden with a "+set fs_devpath c:\doom" on the command line.

If a user runs the game directly from a CD, the base path would be on the CD. This should still function correctly, but all file writes will fail (harmlessly).

The "base game" is the directory under the paths where data comes from by default, and can be either "base" or "demo".

The "current game" may be the same as the base game, or it may be the name of another directory under the paths that should be searched for files before looking in the base game. The game directory is set with "+set fs_game myaddon" on the command line. This is the basis for addons.

No other directories outside of the base game and current game will ever be referenced by filesystem functions.

To save disk space and speed up file loading, directory trees can be collapsed into zip files. The files use a ".pk4" extension to prevent users from unzipping them accidentally, but otherwise they are simply normal zip files. A game directory can have multiple zip files of the form "pak0.pk4", "pak1.pk4", etc. Zip files are searched in decending order from the highest number to the lowest, and will always take precedence over the filesystem. This allows a pk4 distributed as a patch to override all existing data.

Because we will have updated executables freely available online, there is no point to trying to restrict demo / oem versions of the game with code changes. Demo / oem versions should be exactly the same executables as release versions, but with different data that automatically restricts where game media can come from to prevent add-ons from working.

After the paths are initialized, Doom will look for the product.txt file. If not found and verified, the game will run in restricted mode. In restricted mode, only files contained in demo/pak0.pk4 will be available for loading, and only if the zip header is verified to not have been modified. A single exception is made for DoomConfig.cfg. Files can still be written out in restricted mode, so screenshots and demos are allowed. Restricted mode can be tested by setting "+set fs_restrict 1" on the command line, even if there is a valid product.txt under the basepath or cdpath.

If the "fs_copyfiles" cvar is set to 1, then every time a file is sourced from the cd path, it will be copied over to the save path. This is a development aid to help build test releases and to copy working sets of files.

If the "fs_copyfiles" cvar is set to 2, any file found in fs_cdpath that is newer than it's fs_savepath version will be copied to fs_savepath (in addition to the fs_copyfiles 1 behaviour).

If the "fs_copyfiles" cvar is set to 3, files from both basepath and cdpath will be copied over to the save path. This is useful when copying working sets of files mainly from base path with an additional cd path (which can be a slower network drive for instance).

If the "fs_copyfiles" cvar is set to 4, files that exist in the cd path but NOT the base path will be copied to the save path

NOTE: fs_copyfiles and case sensitivity. On fs_caseSensitiveOS 0 filesystems ( win32 ), the copied files may change casing when copied over.

The relative path "sound/newstuff/test.wav" would be searched for in the following places: for save path, dev path, base path, cd path: for current game, base game: search directory search zip files

downloaded files, to be written to save path + current game's directory

The filesystem can be safely shutdown and reinitialized with different basedir / cddir / game combinations, but all other subsystems that rely on it (sound, video) must also be forced to restart.

"fs_caseSensitiveOS": This cvar is set on operating systems that use case sensitive filesystems (Linux and OSX) It is a common situation to have the media reference filenames, whereas the file on disc only matches in a case-insensitive way. When "fs_caseSensitiveOS" is set, the filesystem will always do a case insensitive search. IMPORTANT: This only applies to files, and not to directories. There is no case-insensitive matching of directories. All directory names should be lowercase, when "com_developer" is 1, the filesystem will warn when it catches bad directory situations (regardless of the "fs_caseSensitiveOS" setting) When bad casing in directories happen and "fs_caseSensitiveOS" is set, BuildOSPath will attempt to correct the situation by forcing the path to lowercase. This assumes the media is stored all lowercase.

"additional mod path search": fs_game_base can be used to set an additional search path in search order, fs_game, fs_game_base, BASEGAME for instance to base a mod of D3 + D3XP assets, fs_game mymod, fs_game_base d3xp

Mostrar archivo Open project: iainmckay/idtech4.net

Public Methods

Method Description
CreatePath ( string baseDirectory, string gameDirectory, string relativePath ) : string
FileExists ( string relativePath ) : bool
FileExists ( string relativePath, string basePath ) : bool
GetExtensionList ( string extension ) : string[]
GetFiles ( string relativePath, string extension ) : idFileList
GetFiles ( string relativePath, string extension, bool sort ) : idFileList
GetFiles ( string relativePath, string extension, bool sort, bool fullRelativePath, string gameDirectory ) : idFileList
Init ( ) : void

Called only at inital startup, not when the filesystem is resetting due to a game change.

OpenExplicitFileRead ( string osPath ) : Stream
OpenExplicitFileRead ( string osPath, System.DateTime &lastModified ) : Stream
OpenFileRead ( string relativePath, System.DateTime &lastModified ) : Stream
OpenFileRead ( string relativePath, bool allowCopyFiles, Pack &foundInPack, FileSearch searchFlags ) : Stream
OpenFileRead ( string relativePath, bool allowCopyFiles, Pack &foundInPack, string gameDirectory, FileSearch searchFlags ) : Stream
OpenFileRead ( string relativePath, bool allowCopyFiles, Pack &foundInPack, string gameDirectory, FileSearch searchFlags, bool checkOnly, bool &found, System.DateTime &lastModified ) : Stream
OpenFileRead ( string relativePath, bool allowCopyFiles = true, string gameDirectory = null ) : Stream
OpenFileWrite ( string relativePath ) : Stream
OpenFileWrite ( string relativePath, string basePath ) : Stream
QueueBackgroundLoad ( BackgroundDownload backgroundDownload ) : void
ReadFile ( string relativePath ) : byte[]
ReadFile ( string relativePath, System.DateTime &timeStamp ) : byte[]

Reads a complete file.

RelativePathToOSPath ( string relativePath, string basePath ) : string
idFileSystem ( ) : System

Private Methods

Method Description
AddGameDirectory ( string path, string directory ) : void

Sets gameFolder, adds the directory to the head of the search paths, then loads any pk4 files.

Cmd_Dir ( object sender, CommandEventArgs e ) : void
Cmd_Path ( object sender, CommandEventArgs e ) : void
FileAllowedFromDirectory ( string path ) : bool

Some files can be obtained from directories without compromising si_pure.

GetFileList ( string relativePath, string extensions, bool fullRelativePath ) : string[]
GetFileList ( string relativePath, string extensions, bool fullRelativePath, string gameDirectory ) : string[]

Does not clear the list first so this can be used to progressively build a file list. When 'sort' is true only the new files added to the list are sorted.

LoadZipFile ( string zip ) : Pack
OpenOSFile ( string name, FileMode mode, FileAccess access ) : Stream
OpenOSFile ( string name, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, string &caseSensitiveName, System.DateTime &lastModified ) : Stream

ProcessBackgroundDownloadThread ( ) : void
SetupGameDirectories ( string gameName ) : void

Takes care of the correct search order.

StartBackgroundDownloadThread ( ) : void
Startup ( ) : void

Method Details

CreatePath() public method

public CreatePath ( string baseDirectory, string gameDirectory, string relativePath ) : string
baseDirectory string
gameDirectory string
relativePath string
return string

FileExists() public method

public FileExists ( string relativePath ) : bool
relativePath string
return bool

FileExists() public method

public FileExists ( string relativePath, string basePath ) : bool
relativePath string
basePath string
return bool

GetExtensionList() public method

public GetExtensionList ( string extension ) : string[]
extension string
return string[]

GetFiles() public method

public GetFiles ( string relativePath, string extension ) : idFileList
relativePath string
extension string
return idFileList

GetFiles() public method

public GetFiles ( string relativePath, string extension, bool sort ) : idFileList
relativePath string
extension string
sort bool
return idFileList

GetFiles() public method

public GetFiles ( string relativePath, string extension, bool sort, bool fullRelativePath, string gameDirectory ) : idFileList
relativePath string
extension string
sort bool
fullRelativePath bool
gameDirectory string
return idFileList

Init() public method

Called only at inital startup, not when the filesystem is resetting due to a game change.
public Init ( ) : void
return void

OpenExplicitFileRead() public method

public OpenExplicitFileRead ( string osPath ) : Stream
osPath string
return Stream

OpenExplicitFileRead() public method

public OpenExplicitFileRead ( string osPath, System.DateTime &lastModified ) : Stream
osPath string
lastModified System.DateTime
return Stream

OpenFileRead() public method

public OpenFileRead ( string relativePath, System.DateTime &lastModified ) : Stream
relativePath string
lastModified System.DateTime
return Stream

OpenFileRead() public method

public OpenFileRead ( string relativePath, bool allowCopyFiles, Pack &foundInPack, FileSearch searchFlags ) : Stream
relativePath string
allowCopyFiles bool
foundInPack Pack
searchFlags FileSearch
return Stream

OpenFileRead() public method

public OpenFileRead ( string relativePath, bool allowCopyFiles, Pack &foundInPack, string gameDirectory, FileSearch searchFlags ) : Stream
relativePath string
allowCopyFiles bool
foundInPack Pack
gameDirectory string
searchFlags FileSearch
return Stream

OpenFileRead() public method

public OpenFileRead ( string relativePath, bool allowCopyFiles, Pack &foundInPack, string gameDirectory, FileSearch searchFlags, bool checkOnly, bool &found, System.DateTime &lastModified ) : Stream
relativePath string
allowCopyFiles bool
foundInPack Pack
gameDirectory string
searchFlags FileSearch
checkOnly bool
found bool
lastModified System.DateTime
return Stream

OpenFileRead() public method

public OpenFileRead ( string relativePath, bool allowCopyFiles = true, string gameDirectory = null ) : Stream
relativePath string
allowCopyFiles bool
gameDirectory string
return Stream

OpenFileWrite() public method

public OpenFileWrite ( string relativePath ) : Stream
relativePath string
return Stream

OpenFileWrite() public method

public OpenFileWrite ( string relativePath, string basePath ) : Stream
relativePath string
basePath string
return Stream

QueueBackgroundLoad() public method

public QueueBackgroundLoad ( BackgroundDownload backgroundDownload ) : void
backgroundDownload BackgroundDownload
return void

ReadFile() public method

public ReadFile ( string relativePath ) : byte[]
relativePath string
return byte[]

ReadFile() public method

Reads a complete file.
public ReadFile ( string relativePath, System.DateTime &timeStamp ) : byte[]
relativePath string
timeStamp System.DateTime
return byte[]

RelativePathToOSPath() public method

public RelativePathToOSPath ( string relativePath, string basePath ) : string
relativePath string
basePath string
return string

idFileSystem() public method

public idFileSystem ( ) : System
return System