C# Class hoTools.EaServices.EaService

Mostrar archivo Open project: Helmut-Ortmann/EnterpriseArchitect_hoTools Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
About ( string release, string configFilePath ) : void

Outputs the About window

AboutVar1 ( string release, string configFilePath ) : void
AddDiagramNote ( Repository rep ) : void
AddElementNote ( Repository rep, EA.DiagramObject diaObj ) : void

Add Element note for diagram Object from: Element, Attribute, Operation, Package

AddNote ( Repository rep ) : void

Add Element- or Diagram -Note to Element or Diagram and link Note to Notes Property.

CopyGuidSqlToClipboard ( Repository rep ) : void
CreateAttributesFromText ( Repository rep, string txt ) : void
CreateOperationFromText ( Repository rep, EA.Element el, string txt ) : void
DisplayOperationForSelectedElement ( Repository repository, DisplayMode showBehavior ) : void
GetAssemblyPath ( ) : string
GetVcLatestRecursive ( Repository rep ) : void
GotoSvnBrowser ( Repository rep, EA.Package pkg ) : void
GotoSvnLog ( Repository rep, EA.Package pkg ) : void
InsertDiagramElementAndConnect ( Repository rep, string type, string subType, string guardString = "" ) : void

insertDiagramElement insert a diagram element and connects it to all selected diagramobject

type: type of the node like "Action", Activity", "MergeNode"

MergeNode may have the subType "no" to draw a transition with a "no" guard.

subTyp: subType of the node: StateNode: 100=ActivityInitial, 101 ActivityFinal

guardString of the connector "","yes","no",.. if "yes" or "" it will locate the node under the last selected element

InsertInActivtyDiagram ( Repository rep, string text ) : void
LocateType ( Repository rep ) : void

Locate the type for Connector, Method, Attribute, Diagram, Element, Package

NavigateComposite ( Repository repository ) : void
Repo ( ) : void
RunQuickSearch ( Repository rep, string searchName, string searchString ) : void
SetDirectoryTaggedValues ( Repository rep, EA.Package pkg ) : void
SetLineStyle ( Repository repository, string lineStyle ) : void
SetNewXmlPath ( Repository rep ) : bool
SetSvnProperty ( Repository rep, EA.Package pkg ) : void
SetTaggedValueGui ( Repository rep ) : void
UpdateActivityParameter ( Repository rep ) : void
Wiki ( ) : void
WikiScript ( ) : void
WikiSql ( ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
AddFavorite ( Repository rep ) : void
AddInterfaceToElement ( Repository rep, int pos, EA.Element elSource, EA.Element elTarget, Diagram dia, EA.DiagramObject diaObjSource ) : void
AddPortToComponent ( EA.Element elSource, EA.Element elInterface ) : void
AddReleaseInformation ( Repository rep, EA.Element el ) : string
BehaviorForOperation ( Repository repository, Method method ) : void
ChangeAuthor ( Repository rep ) : void
ChangeAuthorDiagram ( Repository rep, Diagram dia, string args ) : void
ChangeAuthorElement ( Repository rep, EA.Element el, string args ) : void
ChangeAuthorPackage ( Repository rep, EA.Package pkg, string args ) : void
ChangeUserRecursive ( Repository rep ) : void
CheckIn ( Repository rep, EA.Package pkg = null, bool withGetLatest = false, string comment = "0" ) : void

Check in of a package. If there are the following package tagged values a get latest is performed to update keywords: -- svnDoc -- svnRevision

CheckInService ( Repository rep ) : void
CheckInServiceWithUpdateKeyword ( Repository rep ) : void
CheckOut ( Repository rep, EA.Package pkg = null ) : void
CheckOutService ( Repository rep ) : void
CheckTaggedValuePackage ( EA.Package pkg ) : bool
CopyReleaseInfoOfModule ( Repository rep ) : void
CopyReleaseInfoOfModuleService ( Repository rep ) : void
CreateActionFromText ( Repository rep, string s1, int offsetHorizental, int offsetVertical, string guardString = "", bool removeModuleNameFromMethodName = false ) : void
CreateActivityForOperation ( Repository rep ) : void
CreateActivityForOperationsInElement ( Repository rep, EA.Element el ) : void
CreateActivityForOperationsInPackage ( Repository rep, EA.Package pkg ) : void
CreateClassAttributesFromText ( Repository rep, EA.Element el, string txt ) : void
CreateDecisionFromText ( Repository rep, string decisionName, int offsetHorizental, int offsetVertical, string guardString = "" ) : string
CreateDiagramObjectFromContext ( Repository rep, string name, string type, string extension, int offsetHorizental, int offsetVertical, string guardString = "", EA.Element srcEl = null ) : EA.DiagramObject
CreateEnumerationAttributesFromText ( Repository rep, EA.Element el, string txt ) : void
CreateMacro ( Repository rep, EA.Element el, string s, string stereotype ) : void
CreateNoteFromText ( Repository rep, string text ) : void
CreateOperationsFromText ( Repository rep, string txt ) : void
CreateOperationsFromTextService ( Repository rep, string txt ) : void
CreateSharedMemoryFromText ( Repository rep, string txt ) : void

createSharedMemoryFromText Create: Shared Memory as Class and interface - Class Realize shared memory - Class has port shared memory Tagged values: - StartAdress: - EndAddress

CreateTypeDefStructFromText ( Repository rep, Diagram dia, EA.Package pkg, EA.Element el, string txt ) : void
CreateTypeDefStructFromTextService ( Repository rep, string txt ) : void
DeleteComment ( string s ) : string

Delete Comment for C like languages.

DeleteCurleyBrackets ( string s ) : string
DeleteInvisibleUseRealizationDependencies ( Repository rep ) : void
Favorites ( Repository rep ) : void
FindUsage ( Repository rep ) : void
GenerateComponentPorts ( Repository rep ) : void
GenerateComponentPortsService ( Repository rep ) : void
GetConnectionDefault ( ) : Connectors.Connector
GetContextPackage ( Repository rep ) : EA.Package

Get context Package from Package, Element, Diagram

GetDiagramLinkForConnector ( Diagram dia, int connectorId ) : DiagramLink
GetDiagramObjectFromElement ( EA.Element el, Diagram dia ) : EA.DiagramObject
GetGuidfromSelectedItem ( Repository rep ) : string
GetIncludedHeaderFiles ( Repository rep, EA.Element el ) : List
GetInterfacesFromText ( Repository rep, EA.Package pkg, string s, bool createWarningNote = true ) : List
GetReleaseInformationFromText ( string txt ) : string
InputBox ( string title, string promptText, string &value ) : DialogResult
InsertAttributeService ( Repository rep, string txt ) : void
InsertInterface ( Repository rep, Diagram dia, string text ) : void
IsSecurityEnabled ( Repository rep ) : bool

Return false and outputs an error message if no security is enabled

IsTaggedValuesComplete ( EA.Element el ) : bool
JoinDiagramObjectsToLastSelected ( Repository rep ) : void
LocateOperationFromBehavior ( Repository repository, EA.Element el, DisplayMode showBehavior ) : void
LocateTextOrFrame ( Repository rep, EA.Element el ) : bool
LockPackage ( Repository rep ) : void
LockPackageRecursive ( Repository rep ) : void
LockSelected ( Repository rep ) : void
MakeNested ( Repository rep ) : void
MoveEmbeddedDownGui ( Repository rep ) : void
MoveEmbeddedLeftGui ( Repository rep ) : void
MoveEmbeddedRightGui ( Repository rep ) : void
MoveEmbeddedUpGui ( Repository rep ) : void
RemoveFavorite ( Repository rep ) : void
SelectBehaviorFromConnector ( Repository repository, Connector con, DisplayMode showBehavior ) : void

Display behavior or definition for selected connector ("StateFlow","Sequence"). It Displays the operation (displayMode=Method) or the Behavior (displayMode=Behavior). - enum displayMode: "Behavior" or "Method"

SetDirectoryTaggedValueRecursive ( Repository rep, EA.Package pkg ) : void
SetLineStyleB ( Repository rep ) : void
SetLineStyleLh ( Repository rep ) : void
SetLineStyleLv ( Repository rep ) : void
SetLineStyleOr ( Repository rep ) : void
SetLineStyleOs ( Repository rep ) : void
SetLineStyleTh ( Repository rep ) : void
SetLineStyleTv ( Repository rep ) : void
ShowEmbeddedElementsGui ( Repository rep, string embeddedElementType = "Port Pin Parameter", bool isOptimizePortLayout = false ) : void
ShowFolder ( Repository rep, bool isTotalCommander = false ) : void
ShowFromElement ( Repository repository, EA.Element el, DisplayMode showBehavior ) : void
ShowSpecification ( Repository rep ) : void
SplitAllDiagramObjectsToLastSelected ( Repository rep ) : void
SplitDiagramObjectsToLastSelected ( Repository rep ) : void
SplitElementsByConnectorType ( EA.Element srcEl, EA.Element trgEl, string connectorType = "all", string direction = "all" ) : void

Split / delete the connection of two elements

UnLockAllForCurrentUser ( Repository rep ) : void
UnLockPackage ( Repository rep ) : void
UnLockPackageRecursive ( Repository rep ) : void
UnLockSelected ( Repository rep ) : void
UpdateActivityParameterForElement ( Repository rep, EA.Element el ) : void
UpdateActivityParameterForPackage ( Repository rep, EA.Package pkg ) : bool
UpdateOperationType ( Repository rep, Method m ) : void

Update the types of the operation

UpdateOperationTypeForPackage ( Repository rep, EA.Package pkg ) : void
UpdateOperationTypes ( Repository rep ) : void
UpdateTypeName ( Repository rep, int &classifierId, string &parName, string &parType ) : bool
UpdateVcStateOfSelectedPackageRecursiveService ( Repository rep ) : void
UpdateVcStateRecursive ( Repository rep, EA.Package pkg, bool recursive = true ) : void
VCGetState ( Repository rep ) : void
VcReconcile ( Repository rep ) : void

Method Details

About() public static method

Outputs the About window
public static About ( string release, string configFilePath ) : void
release string
configFilePath string
return void

AboutVar1() public static method

public static AboutVar1 ( string release, string configFilePath ) : void
release string
configFilePath string
return void

AddDiagramNote() public static method

public static AddDiagramNote ( Repository rep ) : void
rep Repository
return void

AddElementNote() public static method

Add Element note for diagram Object from: Element, Attribute, Operation, Package
public static AddElementNote ( Repository rep, EA.DiagramObject diaObj ) : void
rep Repository
diaObj EA.DiagramObject
return void

AddNote() public static method

Add Element- or Diagram -Note to Element or Diagram and link Note to Notes Property.
public static AddNote ( Repository rep ) : void
rep Repository
return void

CopyGuidSqlToClipboard() public static method

public static CopyGuidSqlToClipboard ( Repository rep ) : void
rep Repository
return void

CreateAttributesFromText() public static method

public static CreateAttributesFromText ( Repository rep, string txt ) : void
rep Repository
txt string
return void

CreateOperationFromText() public static method

public static CreateOperationFromText ( Repository rep, EA.Element el, string txt ) : void
rep Repository
el EA.Element
txt string
return void

DisplayOperationForSelectedElement() public static method

public static DisplayOperationForSelectedElement ( Repository repository, DisplayMode showBehavior ) : void
repository Repository
showBehavior DisplayMode
return void

GetAssemblyPath() public static method

public static GetAssemblyPath ( ) : string
return string

GetVcLatestRecursive() public static method

public static GetVcLatestRecursive ( Repository rep ) : void
rep Repository
return void

GotoSvnBrowser() public static method

public static GotoSvnBrowser ( Repository rep, EA.Package pkg ) : void
rep Repository
pkg EA.Package
return void

GotoSvnLog() public static method

public static GotoSvnLog ( Repository rep, EA.Package pkg ) : void
rep Repository
pkg EA.Package
return void

InsertDiagramElementAndConnect() public static method

insertDiagramElement insert a diagram element and connects it to all selected diagramobject

type: type of the node like "Action", Activity", "MergeNode"

MergeNode may have the subType "no" to draw a transition with a "no" guard.

subTyp: subType of the node: StateNode: 100=ActivityInitial, 101 ActivityFinal

guardString of the connector "","yes","no",.. if "yes" or "" it will locate the node under the last selected element
public static InsertDiagramElementAndConnect ( Repository rep, string type, string subType, string guardString = "" ) : void
rep Repository
type string
subType string
guardString string
return void

InsertInActivtyDiagram() public static method

public static InsertInActivtyDiagram ( Repository rep, string text ) : void
rep Repository
text string
return void

LocateType() public static method

Locate the type for Connector, Method, Attribute, Diagram, Element, Package
public static LocateType ( Repository rep ) : void
rep Repository
return void

NavigateComposite() public static method

public static NavigateComposite ( Repository repository ) : void
repository Repository
return void

Repo() public static method

public static Repo ( ) : void
return void

RunQuickSearch() public static method

public static RunQuickSearch ( Repository rep, string searchName, string searchString ) : void
rep Repository
searchName string
searchString string
return void

SetDirectoryTaggedValues() public static method

public static SetDirectoryTaggedValues ( Repository rep, EA.Package pkg ) : void
rep Repository
pkg EA.Package
return void

SetLineStyle() public static method

public static SetLineStyle ( Repository repository, string lineStyle ) : void
repository Repository
lineStyle string
return void

SetNewXmlPath() public static method

public static SetNewXmlPath ( Repository rep ) : bool
rep Repository
return bool

SetSvnProperty() public static method

public static SetSvnProperty ( Repository rep, EA.Package pkg ) : void
rep Repository
pkg EA.Package
return void

SetTaggedValueGui() public static method

public static SetTaggedValueGui ( Repository rep ) : void
rep Repository
return void

UpdateActivityParameter() public static method

public static UpdateActivityParameter ( Repository rep ) : void
rep Repository
return void

Wiki() public static method

public static Wiki ( ) : void
return void

WikiScript() public static method

public static WikiScript ( ) : void
return void

WikiSql() public static method

public static WikiSql ( ) : void
return void