C# Class ZoomAndPan.AnimationHelper

A helper class to simplify animation.
Mostrar archivo Open project: Zoomicon/ZUI Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
CancelAnimation ( UIElement animatableElement, DependencyProperty dependencyProperty ) : void

Cancel any animations that are running on the specified dependency property.

StartAnimation ( UIElement animatableElement, DependencyProperty dependencyProperty, double toValue, double animationDurationSeconds ) : void

Starts an animation to a particular value on the specified dependency property.

StartAnimation ( UIElement animatableElement, DependencyProperty dependencyProperty, double toValue, double animationDurationSeconds, EventHandler completedEvent ) : void

Starts an animation to a particular value on the specified dependency property. You can pass in an event handler to call when the animation has completed.

Method Details

CancelAnimation() public static method

Cancel any animations that are running on the specified dependency property.
public static CancelAnimation ( UIElement animatableElement, DependencyProperty dependencyProperty ) : void
animatableElement System.Windows.UIElement
dependencyProperty System.Windows.DependencyProperty
return void

StartAnimation() public static method

Starts an animation to a particular value on the specified dependency property.
public static StartAnimation ( UIElement animatableElement, DependencyProperty dependencyProperty, double toValue, double animationDurationSeconds ) : void
animatableElement System.Windows.UIElement
dependencyProperty System.Windows.DependencyProperty
toValue double
animationDurationSeconds double
return void

StartAnimation() public static method

Starts an animation to a particular value on the specified dependency property. You can pass in an event handler to call when the animation has completed.
public static StartAnimation ( UIElement animatableElement, DependencyProperty dependencyProperty, double toValue, double animationDurationSeconds, EventHandler completedEvent ) : void
animatableElement System.Windows.UIElement
dependencyProperty System.Windows.DependencyProperty
toValue double
animationDurationSeconds double
completedEvent EventHandler
return void