C# Class Zetbox.App.Base.CompoundObjectParameterNHibernateImpl

Inheritance: Zetbox.App.Base.BaseParameterNHibernateImpl, CompoundObjectParameter
Mostrar archivo Open project: daszat/zetbox

Private Properties

Property Type Description
GetLabel string
GetParameterType System.Type
GetParameterTypeString string
NotifyCreated void
NotifyDeleting void
NotifyPostSave void
NotifyPreSave void
ObjectIsValid ObjectIsValidResult
ToString string
_InitializePropertyDescriptors void

Public Methods

Method Description
ApplyChangesFrom ( IPersistenceObject obj ) : void
CompoundObjectParameterNHibernateImpl ( ) : System
CompoundObjectParameterNHibernateImpl ( Func lazyCtx ) : System

Create a new unattached instance

CompoundObjectParameterNHibernateImpl ( Func lazyCtx, CompoundObjectParameterProxy proxy ) : System

Create a instance, wrapping the specified proxy

Export ( System xml, string modules ) : void
FromStream ( Zetbox binStream ) : IEnumerable
GetImplementedInterface ( ) : Type
MergeImport ( System xml ) : void
ReloadReferences ( ) : void
SetNew ( ) : void
ToStream ( Zetbox binStream, HashSet auxObjects, bool eagerLoadLists ) : void
TriggerFetch ( string propName ) : Zetbox.API.Async.ZbTask
TriggerFetchCompoundObjectAsync ( ) : Zetbox.API.Async.ZbTask
UpdateParent ( string propertyName, IDataObject parentObj ) : void

Protected Methods

Method Description
CollectProperties ( Func lazyCtx, List props ) : void
OnPropertyChanged ( string property, object oldValue, object newValue ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
GetLabel ( ) : string
GetParameterType ( ) : Type
GetParameterTypeString ( ) : string
NotifyCreated ( ) : void
NotifyDeleting ( ) : void
NotifyPostSave ( ) : void
NotifyPreSave ( ) : void
ObjectIsValid ( ) : ObjectIsValidResult
ToString ( ) : string
_InitializePropertyDescriptors ( Func lazyCtx ) : void

Method Details

ApplyChangesFrom() public method

public ApplyChangesFrom ( IPersistenceObject obj ) : void
obj IPersistenceObject
return void

CollectProperties() protected method

protected CollectProperties ( Func lazyCtx, List props ) : void
lazyCtx Func
props List
return void

CompoundObjectParameterNHibernateImpl() public method

public CompoundObjectParameterNHibernateImpl ( ) : System
return System

CompoundObjectParameterNHibernateImpl() public method

Create a new unattached instance
public CompoundObjectParameterNHibernateImpl ( Func lazyCtx ) : System
lazyCtx Func
return System

CompoundObjectParameterNHibernateImpl() public method

Create a instance, wrapping the specified proxy
public CompoundObjectParameterNHibernateImpl ( Func lazyCtx, CompoundObjectParameterProxy proxy ) : System
lazyCtx Func
proxy CompoundObjectParameterProxy
return System

Export() public method

public Export ( System xml, string modules ) : void
xml System
modules string
return void

FromStream() public method

public FromStream ( Zetbox binStream ) : IEnumerable
binStream Zetbox
return IEnumerable

GetImplementedInterface() public method

public GetImplementedInterface ( ) : Type
return System.Type

MergeImport() public method

public MergeImport ( System xml ) : void
xml System
return void

OnPropertyChanged() protected method

protected OnPropertyChanged ( string property, object oldValue, object newValue ) : void
property string
oldValue object
newValue object
return void

ReloadReferences() public method

public ReloadReferences ( ) : void
return void

SetNew() public method

public SetNew ( ) : void
return void

ToStream() public method

public ToStream ( Zetbox binStream, HashSet auxObjects, bool eagerLoadLists ) : void
binStream Zetbox
auxObjects HashSet
eagerLoadLists bool
return void

TriggerFetch() public method

public TriggerFetch ( string propName ) : Zetbox.API.Async.ZbTask
propName string
return Zetbox.API.Async.ZbTask

TriggerFetchCompoundObjectAsync() public method

public TriggerFetchCompoundObjectAsync ( ) : Zetbox.API.Async.ZbTask
return Zetbox.API.Async.ZbTask

UpdateParent() public method

public UpdateParent ( string propertyName, IDataObject parentObj ) : void
propertyName string
parentObj IDataObject
return void