Method | Description | |
EntryPoint ( RemoteHooking inContext, string implentationDir, |
Creates a new entry point.
Run ( RemoteHooking inContext, string implentationDir, |
Sets up the API hooks and maintains them.
Method | Description | |
ConfigureTaskbar ( |
Applies relaunch command and jump list modifications to a Windows 7 taskbar entry.
CreateProcessACallback ( string lpApplicationName, string lpCommandLine, |
CreateProcessWCallback ( string lpApplicationName, string lpCommandLine, |
CreateWindowExACallback ( uint dwExStyle, |
CreateWindowExWCallback ( uint dwExStyle, |
FilterWriteBuffer ( |
Applies filter operations to string buffers for registry set/write operations.
GetFilteredValue ( |
Perfrms a registry read operation applying _registryFilter.
RegQueryValueExACallback ( |
RegQueryValueExWCallback ( |
RegSetValueExACallback ( |
RegSetValueExWCallback ( |
SetupHooks ( ) : void | ||
WriteStringToBuffer ( |
Writes data to a string buffer.
public EntryPoint ( RemoteHooking inContext, string implentationDir, |
inContext | RemoteHooking | Hooking context information. |
implentationDir | string | The base directory of the implementation containing this executable. |
registryFilter | A set of filter rules to registry access. | |
relaunchControl | Stores information about how commands within an implementation can be relaunched. Used for Windows 7 taskbar pinning. | |
return | System |
public Run ( RemoteHooking inContext, string implentationDir, |
inContext | RemoteHooking | Hooking context information. |
implentationDir | string | The base directory of the implementation containing this executable. |
registryFilter | A set of filter rules to registry access. | |
relaunchControl | Stores information about how commands within an implementation can be relaunched. Used for Windows 7 taskbar pinning. | |
return | void |