C# Class ZeroInstall.Commands.WinForms.InterfaceDialog

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Public Methods

Method Description
Show ( [ owner, [ interfaceUri, [ solveCallback, [ feedManager ) : void

Displays a dialog allowing the user to modify InterfacePreferences and FeedPreferences for an interface.

Private Methods

Method Description
AddCustomFeed ( string input ) : void

Adds a feed to the list of custom feeds.

ApplySettings ( ) : void
GenerateDummyCandidate ( FeedUri feedUri, FeedPreferences feedPreferences, Implementation implementation ) : SelectionCandidate
GenerateDummyCandidates ( ) : IEnumerable

Generates SelectionCandidates using minimalistic dummy Requirements.

GenerateDummyCandidates ( FeedUri feedUri ) : IEnumerable
InterfaceDialog ( [ interfaceUri, [ solveCallback, [ feedManager ) : System

Creates a new interface dialog.

InterfaceDialog_Load ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
LoadFeeds ( ) : void

Builds the initial list of feeds.

RemoveCustomFeed ( FeedReference feed ) : void

Removes a feed from the list of custom feeds.

Solve ( ) : void

Uses the _solveCallback to get the SelectionCandidates.

UpdateDataGridVersions ( ) : void

Gets a list of SelectionCandidates from the ISolver to populate dataGridVersions.

buttonAddFeed_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
buttonOKApply_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
buttonRemoveFeed_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
checkBoxShowAllVersions_CheckedChanged ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
listBoxFeeds_DragDrop ( object sender, DragEventArgs e ) : void
listBoxFeeds_DragEnter ( object sender, DragEventArgs e ) : void
listBoxFeeds_SelectedIndexChanged ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Method Details

Show() public static method

Displays a dialog allowing the user to modify InterfacePreferences and FeedPreferences for an interface.
public static Show ( [ owner, [ interfaceUri, [ solveCallback, [ feedManager ) : void
owner [ The parent window the displayed window is modal to; can be null.
interfaceUri [ The interface to modify the preferences for.
solveCallback [ Called after have been changed and the needs to be rerun.
feedManager [ The feed manager used to retrieve feeds for additional information about implementations.
return void