C# Class ZXing.Datamatrix.Encoder.HighLevelEncoder

DataMatrix ECC 200 data encoder following the algorithm described in ISO/IEC 16022:200(E) in annex S.
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Public Methods

Method Description
determineConsecutiveDigitCount ( String msg, int startpos ) : int

Determines the number of consecutive characters that are encodable using numeric compaction.

encodeHighLevel ( String msg ) : String

Performs message encoding of a DataMatrix message using the algorithm described in annex P of ISO/IEC 16022:2000(E).

encodeHighLevel ( String msg, SymbolShapeHint shape, Dimension minSize, Dimension maxSize, int defaultEncodation ) : String

Performs message encoding of a DataMatrix message using the algorithm described in annex P of ISO/IEC 16022:2000(E).

Private Methods

Method Description
findMinimums ( float charCounts, int intCharCounts, int min, byte mins ) : int
getMinimumCount ( byte mins ) : int
illegalCharacter ( char c ) : void
isDigit ( char ch ) : bool
isExtendedASCII ( char ch ) : bool
isNativeC40 ( char ch ) : bool
isNativeEDIFACT ( char ch ) : bool
isNativeText ( char ch ) : bool
isNativeX12 ( char ch ) : bool
isSpecialB256 ( char ch ) : bool
isX12TermSep ( char ch ) : bool
lookAheadTest ( String msg, int startpos, int currentMode ) : int
randomize253State ( char ch, int codewordPosition ) : char

Converts the message to a byte array using the default encoding (cp437) as defined by the specification

Method Details

determineConsecutiveDigitCount() public static method

Determines the number of consecutive characters that are encodable using numeric compaction.
public static determineConsecutiveDigitCount ( String msg, int startpos ) : int
msg String the message
startpos int the start position within the message
return int

encodeHighLevel() public static method

Performs message encoding of a DataMatrix message using the algorithm described in annex P of ISO/IEC 16022:2000(E).
public static encodeHighLevel ( String msg ) : String
msg String the message
return String

encodeHighLevel() public static method

Performs message encoding of a DataMatrix message using the algorithm described in annex P of ISO/IEC 16022:2000(E).
public static encodeHighLevel ( String msg, SymbolShapeHint shape, Dimension minSize, Dimension maxSize, int defaultEncodation ) : String
msg String the message
shape SymbolShapeHint requested shape. May be {@code SymbolShapeHint.FORCE_NONE},{@code SymbolShapeHint.FORCE_SQUARE} or {@code SymbolShapeHint.FORCE_RECTANGLE}.
minSize Dimension the minimum symbol size constraint or null for no constraint
maxSize Dimension the maximum symbol size constraint or null for no constraint
defaultEncodation int
return String