C# Class Yava.YavaSettings

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Public Properties

Property Type Description
FolderNameToLastSelectedFilePath String>.Dictionary
LastFilesListViewWidth System.Int32
LastFoldersListViewWidth System.Int32
LastSelectedFolderName String
LastYavaFormHeight System.Int32
LastYavaFormWidth System.Int32

Public Methods

Method Description
YavaSettings ( ) : System

Stores program settings.

Method Details

YavaSettings() public method

Stores program settings.
public YavaSettings ( ) : System
return System

Property Details

FolderNameToLastSelectedFilePath public_oe property

A map from folder names to their last selected file path.
public Dictionary FolderNameToLastSelectedFilePath
return String>.Dictionary

LastFilesListViewWidth public_oe property

Last files listview width.
public Int32,System LastFilesListViewWidth
return System.Int32

LastFoldersListViewWidth public_oe property

Last folders listview width.
public Int32,System LastFoldersListViewWidth
return System.Int32

LastSelectedFolderName public_oe property

Last selected folder name in the folders listview.
public String LastSelectedFolderName
return String

LastYavaFormHeight public_oe property

Last form height.
public Int32,System LastYavaFormHeight
return System.Int32

LastYavaFormWidth public_oe property

Last form width.
public Int32,System LastYavaFormWidth
return System.Int32