C# Class XWiki.LoginData

Provindes functionality for storing authentication data.
Mostrar archivo Open project: xwiki-contrib/xwiki-office Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
ClearCredentials ( ) : void

Erases the last saved credentials form isolated storage.

GetCredentials ( ) : String[]

Gets the last used credentials.

HasCredentials ( ) : bool

Specifies if the last user saved his credentials for autologin.

LoginData ( string filename ) : System

Creates an instance of the LoginData.

WriteCredentials ( String credentials ) : bool

Writes the user credentials to the disk for automatic login

Method Details

ClearCredentials() public method

Erases the last saved credentials form isolated storage.
public ClearCredentials ( ) : void
return void

GetCredentials() public method

Gets the last used credentials.
public GetCredentials ( ) : String[]
return String[]

HasCredentials() public method

Specifies if the last user saved his credentials for autologin.
public HasCredentials ( ) : bool
return bool

LoginData() public method

Creates an instance of the LoginData.
public LoginData ( string filename ) : System
filename string /// Name of the file in which the authentication data will be stored. /// Default is LoginData.XWORD_LOGIN_DATA_FILENAME; ///
return System

WriteCredentials() public method

Writes the user credentials to the disk for automatic login
public WriteCredentials ( String credentials ) : bool
credentials String Array of strings containing the credentials
return bool