C# Class XMLViewsTests.MockEnv

Inheritance: IVwEnv
Mostrar archivo Open project: sillsdev/FieldWorks Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
EventHistory List

Public Methods

Method Description
AddDerivedProp ( int _rgtag, int ctag, IVwViewConstructor _vwvc, int frag ) : void

This is similar to AddProp, but used where it is necessary to follow a path of properties to get to the desired object/property. The first tag in prgtag indicates an atomic object property of the current open object, the next an atomic object property of the one obtained from the first property, and so on until the last indicates the property that is represented by the string. This last tag (and the corresponding object) is what gets passed to UpdateProp(). If any of the attrs along the path is null, nothing gets added. DisplayVariant is used to display the property (which must be basic).


This method is not yet implemented.

AddIntProp ( int tag ) : void

The view looks up the value of the indicated property on the current open object and displays it as a decimal string. The property must be an integer property.

AddIntPropPic ( int tag, IVwViewConstructor _vc, int frag, int nMin, int nMax ) : void

The view looks up the value of the indicated property in the current open object and passes it to the view constructor's DisplayPicture method. If nMax is greater than nMin, automatic cycling is performed: clicking on one of the picutes will not make a selection, but will merely increment the specified property (and rotate from nMax to nMin).

AddLazyItems ( int _rghvo, int chvo, IVwViewConstructor _vwvc, int frag ) : void

Display a list of items using laziness. Typically, this is used to implement DisplayVec, either of the complete property contents, or a filtered subset. Nothing is added to the display immediately, but at some point the views code will call the IVwViewConstructor.EstimateHeight method to find out how high one or more items are. At that time or later, it may call your IVwViewConstructor.LoadData method, followed by the IVwViewConstructor.Display method, for one or more items in the list, as needed. Note: this method has not been tested and I suspect the implementation is incomplete.

AddLazyVecItems ( int tag, IVwViewConstructor _vwvc, int frag ) : void

Display a vector property using laziness. Nothing is added to the display immediately, but at some point the views code will call the IVwViewConstructor.EstimateHeight method to find out how high one or more items are. At that time or later, it may call your IVwViewConstructor.LoadData method, followed by the IVwViewConstructor.Display method, for one or more items in the property, as needed. Note: the current flow object MUST be a Div (or the root).

AddObj ( int hvo, IVwViewConstructor _vwvc, int frag ) : void

Display another object, not one of your own properties. Calls IVwViewConstructor.Display, passing the HVO and frag specified here, on the view constructor specified here. Consider using NoteDependency if this part of the display should change when certain propertiese.g., those you used to find the objectchange.

AddObjProp ( int tag, IVwViewConstructor _vwvc, int frag ) : void

Display an (atomic) object prop. Calls IVwViewConstructor.Display for the object that is the value of the (atomic) object property. Passes 0 as the HVO of the Display method if the property is empty.

AddObjVec ( int tag, IVwViewConstructor _vwvc, int frag ) : void

Display a vector property. Calls IVwViewConstructor.DisplayVec, passing the current HVO, the tag specified here, and the frag specied here, to the view constructor specified here.

AddObjVecItems ( int tag, IVwViewConstructor vc, int frag ) : void

Display a vector property. Calls IVwViewConstructor.Display for each item in the vector, passing the HVO of each item (obtained by passing the HVO and tag to ISilDataAccess.get_VecItem) and the frag specied here, to the view constructor specified here (usually the caller of the method).

AddPicture ( IPicture _pict, int tag, int dxmpWidth, int dympHeight ) : void

Insert a picture, optionally limiting the height and width. Mark it as if it came from the property tag, though we don't actually read data from there (the caller can pass any value that might be useful later to identify something about the picture the user clicked). If the tag argument is not useful, pass ktagNotAnAttr. It is planned that a positive dxmpHeight is a maximum height, negative is an exact height, and 0 means don't specify height (use natural height or determine from width and aspect ratio). Similarly for width. Currently only max height is implemented. Always pass zero for width.

AddPictureWithCaption ( IPicture _pict, int tag, ITsTextProps _ttpCaption, int hvoCmFile, int ws, int dxmpWidth, int dympHeight, IVwViewConstructor _vwvc ) : void

Insert a picture along with the specified ws alternative of the caption. Mark it as if it came from the property tag, though we don't actually read data from there (the caller can pass any value that might be useful later to identify something about the picture the user clicked). If the tag argument is not useful, pass ktagNotAnAttr. It is planned that a positive dxmpHeight is a maximum height, negative is an exact height, and 0 means don't specify height (use natural height or determine from width and aspect ratio). Similarly for width. Currently only max height is implemented. Always pass zero for width.

AddProp ( int tag, IVwViewConstructor _vwvc, int frag ) : void

:> Generic basic property displays, managed by the VC. Display a property, with the client handling the process of formatting it as a string. (Calls IVwViewConstructor.DisplayVariant, and the resulting string is inserted into the display.) If the user edits the data, then when focus leaves the display of the property, the system calls its IViewConstructor.UpdateProp method. That method is responsible to make an appropriate change to the underlying data, or veto it with an appropriate error message. The variant is obtained by calling ISilDataAccess.get_Prop. Current implementations of ISilDataAcess can only provide variants for 4byte and 8byte integers and simple string (ITsString, nonalternation) properties. This could fairly easily be extended if needed. This may eventually also be used for string alts. The Alternation object will get passed as an IUnknown variant. If pvwvc is not prepared to receive an UpdateProp call when the string is edited, be sure to disable editing of this property.

AddReversedObjVecItems ( int tag, IVwViewConstructor _vwvc, int frag ) : void

Display a vector property in reverse order. Calls IVwViewConstructor.Display for each item in the vector, passing the HVO of each item (obtained by passing the HVO and tag to ISilDataAccess.get_VecItem) and the frag specied here, to the view constructor specified here (usually the caller of the method).

AddSeparatorBar ( ) : void

Add the special little grey box used to separate items in Data Entry lists.

AddSimpleRect ( int rgb, int dmpWidth, int dmpHeight, int dmpBaselineOffset ) : void

Insert a simple rectangular box with the specified color, height, and width.

AddString ( ITsString _ss ) : void

Add literal text that is not a property and not editable.

AddStringAlt ( int tag ) : void

Add all the alternatives present in the indicated property of the current object, in a default format labelled by writing system tag markers. If the current flow object is a paragraph, the items are separated with a space. If the current flow object is a pile (Div or InnerPile), each alternative (with identifying tag) is a row. ENHANCE JohnT: what controls the order of the encodings? As found? Alphabetical by enc? Numeric by enc? Need to resolve this before implementing.


This method is not yet implemented.

AddStringAltMember ( int tag, int ws, IVwViewConstructor vc ) : void

:> ENHANCE JohnT: we should have individual methods and default formats :> for more of the basic types. :> String alternations. Add a single, isolated alternative (of the indicated property of the open object).

AddStringAltSeq ( int tag, int _rgenc, int cws ) : void

Display the indicated multialternative string property of the current object, showing the alternaties specified by the given list of encodings, with ws tags. An ws appears (as an empty string) even if the corresponding alternative is absent. If the current flow object is a paragraph, the items are separated with a space. If the current flow object is a pile (Div or InnerPile), each alternative (with identifying tag) is a row.


This method is not yet implemented.

AddStringProp ( int tag, IVwViewConstructor vc ) : void

:> Inserting basic object property displays into the view. The view looks up the value of the indicated property on the current open object and displays it. The property must be a (non alternation) string property.

AddTimeProp ( int tag, uint flags ) : void

Add an SilTime property, formatted according to the default user locale. The flags argument is currently interpreted as by ::GetDateFormat, but we may decide to restrict the full range of these options to achieve easier portability. Passing DATE_SHORTDATE is safe.

AddUnicodeProp ( int tag, int ws, IVwViewConstructor _vwvc ) : void

Add a Unicode string property, as if it were a string in the specified WS.

AddWindow ( IVwEmbeddedWindow _ew, int dmpAscent, bool fJustifyRight, bool fAutoShow ) : void

Add a display region whose contents are controlled by the client, which must implement IVwEmbeddedWindow. The mechanism is designed to allow either an embedded window (which gets moves as the view is laid out) or just a region of the larger window which the client draws into. ENHANCE JohnT: can this be implemented reliably? What if the root box is displayed in two places, so we can't just move the embedded Window? (Could we say that it appears in the primary split? Which one is primary?)

CloseDiv ( ) : void

End a group of paragraphs sharing properties.

CloseInnerPile ( ) : void

End a pile of paras embedded in another para, for interlinear.

CloseParagraph ( ) : void

End a paragraph (of any type).

CloseSpan ( ) : void

End a group of subpara objects sharing properties

CloseTable ( ) : void

End a table.

CloseTableBody ( ) : void

End a body section of a table.

CloseTableCell ( ) : void

End a cell in a table.

CloseTableFooter ( ) : void

End the footer section of a table.

CloseTableHeader ( ) : void

End the header section of a table.

CloseTableHeaderCell ( ) : void

End a header cell in a table.

CloseTableRow ( ) : void

End a row in a table.

CloseTheObject ( ) : void
CurrentObject ( ) : int

Get the object currently being displayed. (This is the object whose properties will be used by the various Add methods.) Compare OpenObject.

EmptyParagraphBehavior ( int behavior ) : void

Called while a paragraph is open, this controls how the view will behave if no content is added to the paragraph before it is closed. Currently the argument must be 1; the only reason to have the argument at all is in the interests of forward compatibility if we think of more behaviors. The default behavior is that the paragraph behaves as if it contained a readonly empty string. The behavior when this method is called (with argument 1) is to make the empty paragraph as nearly as possible invisible.

GetOuterObject ( int ichvoLevel, int &_hvo, int &_tag, int &_ihvo ) : void

Get info about outer objects, inside whose display the display of the current object is embedded. The outermost object is returned at level 0. Whatever property of that object the next object is embedded in is returned in ptag. The index of the nextlevel object in that property (if it is a vector property) is returned in pihvo; if not a vector property, that value is always zero. The Level argument may range from 0 to EmbeddingLevel() 1. Level 0 is one of the toplevel objects passed to SetRootObjects.

IsParagraphOpen ( ) : bool

Current flow object is a paragraph. (But being in a span it will still be true.)

MakeColumnGroup ( int nColSpan, VwLength vlWidth ) : void

This is like MakeColumns, except that a "group" of columns ends after the last one whose width is specified using this method. Groups are significant for some options regarding drawing rules between cells; see the vwrule parameter of OpenTable.

MakeColumns ( int nColSpan, VwLength vlWidth ) : void

Specify the width of columns in a table. Should be called after OpenTable and before OpenTableBody or OpenTableHeader. Each call sets the width of a specified number of columns. This should be called enough times (in combination with MakeColumnGroup) to account for all the columns in the table.

NoteDependency ( int _rghvo, int _rgtag, int chvo ) : void

Inform the view of special dependencies. The current flow object (and anything else that is part of the same object in the same higher level property) needs to be regenerated if any of the listed properties changes.

NoteStringValDependency ( int hvo, int tag, int ws, ITsString _tssVal ) : void

Inform the view of special dependencies. The current flow object (and anything else that is part of the same object in the same higher level property) needs to be regenerated if there is a change (from the time where this method is called) in whether it is true that ptssVal is equal to the specified property. It is a multilingual string property if ws is nonzero, otherwise a plain string. Note that this can be VERY much more efficient than using NoteDependency for such conditions, which will regenerate every time the property changes.

OpenConcPara ( int ichMinItem, int ichLimItem, VwConcParaOpts cpoFlags, int dmpAlign ) : void

Start a paragraph that is intended to be a line in a concordance display. A key word is identified, typically the item being concorded on, and its position is indicated. Typically, the keyword is bold, and gets aligned with a specified position, dmpAlign. Alignment will be left, center, or right, according to the alignment of the paragraph as a whole. (Nonleft alignment is not yet implemented.)

OpenDiv ( ) : void

:> Delimit layout flow objects Start a group of paragraphs sharing properties.

OpenInnerPile ( ) : void

Start a pile of paras embedded in another para, for interlinear.

OpenMappedPara ( ) : void

Start a paragraph that supports certain kinds of onethefly text substitution. Currently the only type supported is an embedded object character with text property ktptObjData's first character set to kodtNameGuidHot. The system finds a name for the specified object using IVwViewConstructor.GetStrForGuid, and displays that.

OpenMappedTaggedPara ( ) : void

Start a paragraph that supports both tagging and mapping.

OpenOverridePara ( int cOverrideProperties, DispPropOverride _rgOverrideProperties ) : void

Start a paragraph that supports overrides

OpenParagraph ( ) : void

Start a normal paragraph.

OpenSpan ( ) : void

Start a group of subpara objects sharing properties

OpenTable ( int cCols, VwLength vlWidth, int mpBorder, VwAlignment vwalign, VwFramePosition frmpos, VwRule vwrule, int mpSpacing, int mpPadding, bool fSelectOneCol ) : void

:> ENHANCE JohnT: VwLength is used only in three places now. Would it be better to :> just have an int plus a FwTextPropVar? Start a table.

OpenTableBody ( ) : void

Start a body section of a table. There may be multiple body sections; each defines a "group" of rows. (Groups are significant for some options regarding drawing rules between cells; see the vwrule parameter of OpenTable).

OpenTableCell ( int nRowSpan, int nColSpan ) : void

Start a cell in a table.

OpenTableFooter ( ) : void

Start the footer section of a table. Note that this is specified before the body, so that (eventually) we can repeat it at the bottom of each page in a long table, which requires us to know what it is even before we have all the information about the body.

OpenTableHeader ( ) : void

Start the header section of a table. This is like a body section except that (eventually) in a long printout it will be repeated at the start of each new page.

OpenTableHeaderCell ( int nRowSpan, int nColSpan ) : void

Start a header cell in a table. Params as in OpenCell.

OpenTableRow ( ) : void

Start a row in a table.

OpenTaggedPara ( ) : void

Start a paragraph that supports display of tagging, if an overlay is installed in the root box.

SetParagraphMark ( VwBoundaryMark boundaryMark ) : void

Setting a Unicode character that indicates a boundary (e.g. for a paragraph or section).

get_StringWidth ( ITsString _tss, ITsTextProps _ttp, int &dmpx, int &dmpy ) : void

:> More informative routines to help with fancy layouts. Gives the height and width required to lay out the given string, using current display properties plus those produced by pttp (which may be null). In other words, this is the amount of space that would be occupied if one currently called putref_Props(pttp); AddString(ptss); (assuming infinite available width). EberhardB: This used to be [propget] and named without get_. However, this results in a TLBIMP warning because we don't specify a [retval], so I renamed it.

set_IntProperty ( int tpt, int tpv, int nValue ) : void

Specify an integer style property to be applied to the next flow object opened. Ignored if a close flow object operation precedes the next open. Adding anything basic (such as a string or int object property, string literal, string alternation, or string generated using AddProp/DisplayVariant) means the property applies as if to a span containing just that text.

set_StringProperty ( int sp, string bstrValue ) : void

Specify a string style property to be applied to the next flow object opened. Ignored if a close flow object operation precedes the next open. Adding anything basic (such as a string or int object property, string literal, string alternation, or string generated using AddProp/DisplayVariant) means the property applies as if to a span containing just that text.

Private Methods

Method Description
OpenTheObject ( int hvo, int index ) : void

Method Details

AddDerivedProp() public method

This is similar to AddProp, but used where it is necessary to follow a path of properties to get to the desired object/property. The first tag in prgtag indicates an atomic object property of the current open object, the next an atomic object property of the one obtained from the first property, and so on until the last indicates the property that is represented by the string. This last tag (and the corresponding object) is what gets passed to UpdateProp(). If any of the attrs along the path is null, nothing gets added. DisplayVariant is used to display the property (which must be basic).


This method is not yet implemented.
public AddDerivedProp ( int _rgtag, int ctag, IVwViewConstructor _vwvc, int frag ) : void
_rgtag int
ctag int
_vwvc IVwViewConstructor
frag int
return void

AddIntProp() public method

The view looks up the value of the indicated property on the current open object and displays it as a decimal string. The property must be an integer property.
public AddIntProp ( int tag ) : void
tag int
return void

AddIntPropPic() public method

The view looks up the value of the indicated property in the current open object and passes it to the view constructor's DisplayPicture method. If nMax is greater than nMin, automatic cycling is performed: clicking on one of the picutes will not make a selection, but will merely increment the specified property (and rotate from nMax to nMin).
public AddIntPropPic ( int tag, IVwViewConstructor _vc, int frag, int nMin, int nMax ) : void
tag int
_vc IVwViewConstructor
frag int
nMin int
nMax int
return void

AddLazyItems() public method

Display a list of items using laziness. Typically, this is used to implement DisplayVec, either of the complete property contents, or a filtered subset. Nothing is added to the display immediately, but at some point the views code will call the IVwViewConstructor.EstimateHeight method to find out how high one or more items are. At that time or later, it may call your IVwViewConstructor.LoadData method, followed by the IVwViewConstructor.Display method, for one or more items in the list, as needed. Note: this method has not been tested and I suspect the implementation is incomplete.
public AddLazyItems ( int _rghvo, int chvo, IVwViewConstructor _vwvc, int frag ) : void
_rghvo int
chvo int
_vwvc IVwViewConstructor
frag int
return void

AddLazyVecItems() public method

Display a vector property using laziness. Nothing is added to the display immediately, but at some point the views code will call the IVwViewConstructor.EstimateHeight method to find out how high one or more items are. At that time or later, it may call your IVwViewConstructor.LoadData method, followed by the IVwViewConstructor.Display method, for one or more items in the property, as needed. Note: the current flow object MUST be a Div (or the root).
public AddLazyVecItems ( int tag, IVwViewConstructor _vwvc, int frag ) : void
tag int
_vwvc IVwViewConstructor
frag int
return void

AddObj() public method

Display another object, not one of your own properties. Calls IVwViewConstructor.Display, passing the HVO and frag specified here, on the view constructor specified here. Consider using NoteDependency if this part of the display should change when certain propertiese.g., those you used to find the objectchange.
public AddObj ( int hvo, IVwViewConstructor _vwvc, int frag ) : void
hvo int
_vwvc IVwViewConstructor
frag int
return void

AddObjProp() public method

Display an (atomic) object prop. Calls IVwViewConstructor.Display for the object that is the value of the (atomic) object property. Passes 0 as the HVO of the Display method if the property is empty.
public AddObjProp ( int tag, IVwViewConstructor _vwvc, int frag ) : void
tag int Identifies the property; used to retrieve the value using /// ISilDataAccess.get_ObjectProp
_vwvc IVwViewConstructor View constructor that will be sent the Display message to display the /// object. Usually the caller is a view constructor and will pass 'this', but it /// is possible for one view constructor to make use of another one.
frag int A value to pass on to the Display method, indicating what kind of /// display of the object is desired.
return void

AddObjVec() public method

Display a vector property. Calls IVwViewConstructor.DisplayVec, passing the current HVO, the tag specified here, and the frag specied here, to the view constructor specified here.
public AddObjVec ( int tag, IVwViewConstructor _vwvc, int frag ) : void
tag int
_vwvc IVwViewConstructor
frag int
return void

AddObjVecItems() public method

Display a vector property. Calls IVwViewConstructor.Display for each item in the vector, passing the HVO of each item (obtained by passing the HVO and tag to ISilDataAccess.get_VecItem) and the frag specied here, to the view constructor specified here (usually the caller of the method).
public AddObjVecItems ( int tag, IVwViewConstructor vc, int frag ) : void
tag int
vc IVwViewConstructor
frag int
return void

AddPicture() public method

Insert a picture, optionally limiting the height and width. Mark it as if it came from the property tag, though we don't actually read data from there (the caller can pass any value that might be useful later to identify something about the picture the user clicked). If the tag argument is not useful, pass ktagNotAnAttr. It is planned that a positive dxmpHeight is a maximum height, negative is an exact height, and 0 means don't specify height (use natural height or determine from width and aspect ratio). Similarly for width. Currently only max height is implemented. Always pass zero for width.
public AddPicture ( IPicture _pict, int tag, int dxmpWidth, int dympHeight ) : void
_pict IPicture
tag int
dxmpWidth int
dympHeight int
return void

AddPictureWithCaption() public method

Insert a picture along with the specified ws alternative of the caption. Mark it as if it came from the property tag, though we don't actually read data from there (the caller can pass any value that might be useful later to identify something about the picture the user clicked). If the tag argument is not useful, pass ktagNotAnAttr. It is planned that a positive dxmpHeight is a maximum height, negative is an exact height, and 0 means don't specify height (use natural height or determine from width and aspect ratio). Similarly for width. Currently only max height is implemented. Always pass zero for width.
public AddPictureWithCaption ( IPicture _pict, int tag, ITsTextProps _ttpCaption, int hvoCmFile, int ws, int dxmpWidth, int dympHeight, IVwViewConstructor _vwvc ) : void
_pict IPicture
tag int
_ttpCaption ITsTextProps
hvoCmFile int
ws int
dxmpWidth int
dympHeight int
_vwvc IVwViewConstructor
return void

AddProp() public method

:> Generic basic property displays, managed by the VC. Display a property, with the client handling the process of formatting it as a string. (Calls IVwViewConstructor.DisplayVariant, and the resulting string is inserted into the display.) If the user edits the data, then when focus leaves the display of the property, the system calls its IViewConstructor.UpdateProp method. That method is responsible to make an appropriate change to the underlying data, or veto it with an appropriate error message. The variant is obtained by calling ISilDataAccess.get_Prop. Current implementations of ISilDataAcess can only provide variants for 4byte and 8byte integers and simple string (ITsString, nonalternation) properties. This could fairly easily be extended if needed. This may eventually also be used for string alts. The Alternation object will get passed as an IUnknown variant. If pvwvc is not prepared to receive an UpdateProp call when the string is edited, be sure to disable editing of this property.
public AddProp ( int tag, IVwViewConstructor _vwvc, int frag ) : void
tag int
_vwvc IVwViewConstructor
frag int
return void

AddReversedObjVecItems() public method

Display a vector property in reverse order. Calls IVwViewConstructor.Display for each item in the vector, passing the HVO of each item (obtained by passing the HVO and tag to ISilDataAccess.get_VecItem) and the frag specied here, to the view constructor specified here (usually the caller of the method).
public AddReversedObjVecItems ( int tag, IVwViewConstructor _vwvc, int frag ) : void
tag int
_vwvc IVwViewConstructor
frag int
return void

AddSeparatorBar() public method

Add the special little grey box used to separate items in Data Entry lists.
public AddSeparatorBar ( ) : void
return void

AddSimpleRect() public method

Insert a simple rectangular box with the specified color, height, and width.
public AddSimpleRect ( int rgb, int dmpWidth, int dmpHeight, int dmpBaselineOffset ) : void
rgb int desired box width, or 1 to fill the available space.
dmpWidth int
dmpHeight int positive to raise the box; 0 aligns bottom with baseline
dmpBaselineOffset int
return void

AddString() public method

Add literal text that is not a property and not editable.
public AddString ( ITsString _ss ) : void
_ss ITsString
return void

AddStringAlt() public method

Add all the alternatives present in the indicated property of the current object, in a default format labelled by writing system tag markers. If the current flow object is a paragraph, the items are separated with a space. If the current flow object is a pile (Div or InnerPile), each alternative (with identifying tag) is a row. ENHANCE JohnT: what controls the order of the encodings? As found? Alphabetical by enc? Numeric by enc? Need to resolve this before implementing.


This method is not yet implemented.
public AddStringAlt ( int tag ) : void
tag int
return void

AddStringAltMember() public method

:> ENHANCE JohnT: we should have individual methods and default formats :> for more of the basic types. :> String alternations. Add a single, isolated alternative (of the indicated property of the open object).
public AddStringAltMember ( int tag, int ws, IVwViewConstructor vc ) : void
tag int
ws int
vc IVwViewConstructor
return void

AddStringAltSeq() public method

Display the indicated multialternative string property of the current object, showing the alternaties specified by the given list of encodings, with ws tags. An ws appears (as an empty string) even if the corresponding alternative is absent. If the current flow object is a paragraph, the items are separated with a space. If the current flow object is a pile (Div or InnerPile), each alternative (with identifying tag) is a row.


This method is not yet implemented.
public AddStringAltSeq ( int tag, int _rgenc, int cws ) : void
tag int
_rgenc int
cws int
return void

AddStringProp() public method

:> Inserting basic object property displays into the view. The view looks up the value of the indicated property on the current open object and displays it. The property must be a (non alternation) string property.
public AddStringProp ( int tag, IVwViewConstructor vc ) : void
tag int
vc IVwViewConstructor
return void

AddTimeProp() public method

Add an SilTime property, formatted according to the default user locale. The flags argument is currently interpreted as by ::GetDateFormat, but we may decide to restrict the full range of these options to achieve easier portability. Passing DATE_SHORTDATE is safe.
public AddTimeProp ( int tag, uint flags ) : void
tag int
flags uint
return void

AddUnicodeProp() public method

Add a Unicode string property, as if it were a string in the specified WS.
public AddUnicodeProp ( int tag, int ws, IVwViewConstructor _vwvc ) : void
tag int
ws int
_vwvc IVwViewConstructor
return void

AddWindow() public method

Add a display region whose contents are controlled by the client, which must implement IVwEmbeddedWindow. The mechanism is designed to allow either an embedded window (which gets moves as the view is laid out) or just a region of the larger window which the client draws into. ENHANCE JohnT: can this be implemented reliably? What if the root box is displayed in two places, so we can't just move the embedded Window? (Could we say that it appears in the primary split? Which one is primary?)
public AddWindow ( IVwEmbeddedWindow _ew, int dmpAscent, bool fJustifyRight, bool fAutoShow ) : void
_ew IVwEmbeddedWindow Distance from top of embedded box to baseline for text alignment
dmpAscent int
fJustifyRight bool True if embedded box is last in para and should be rightaligned, /// as we do with "..." buttons in data entry. (However, that facility is currently /// implemented a different way).
fAutoShow bool True if true view will ensure visibility before drawing. ///


This method is not yet implemented.
return void

CloseDiv() public method

End a group of paragraphs sharing properties.
public CloseDiv ( ) : void
return void

CloseInnerPile() public method

End a pile of paras embedded in another para, for interlinear.
public CloseInnerPile ( ) : void
return void

CloseParagraph() public method

End a paragraph (of any type).
public CloseParagraph ( ) : void
return void

CloseSpan() public method

End a group of subpara objects sharing properties
public CloseSpan ( ) : void
return void

CloseTable() public method

End a table.
public CloseTable ( ) : void
return void

CloseTableBody() public method

End a body section of a table.
public CloseTableBody ( ) : void
return void

CloseTableCell() public method

End a cell in a table.
public CloseTableCell ( ) : void
return void

CloseTableFooter() public method

End the footer section of a table.
public CloseTableFooter ( ) : void
return void

CloseTableHeader() public method

End the header section of a table.
public CloseTableHeader ( ) : void
return void

CloseTableHeaderCell() public method

End a header cell in a table.
public CloseTableHeaderCell ( ) : void
return void

CloseTableRow() public method

End a row in a table.
public CloseTableRow ( ) : void
return void

CloseTheObject() public method

public CloseTheObject ( ) : void
return void

CurrentObject() public method

Get the object currently being displayed. (This is the object whose properties will be used by the various Add methods.) Compare OpenObject.
public CurrentObject ( ) : int
return int

EmptyParagraphBehavior() public method

Called while a paragraph is open, this controls how the view will behave if no content is added to the paragraph before it is closed. Currently the argument must be 1; the only reason to have the argument at all is in the interests of forward compatibility if we think of more behaviors. The default behavior is that the paragraph behaves as if it contained a readonly empty string. The behavior when this method is called (with argument 1) is to make the empty paragraph as nearly as possible invisible.
public EmptyParagraphBehavior ( int behavior ) : void
behavior int
return void

GetOuterObject() public method

Get info about outer objects, inside whose display the display of the current object is embedded. The outermost object is returned at level 0. Whatever property of that object the next object is embedded in is returned in ptag. The index of the nextlevel object in that property (if it is a vector property) is returned in pihvo; if not a vector property, that value is always zero. The Level argument may range from 0 to EmbeddingLevel() 1. Level 0 is one of the toplevel objects passed to SetRootObjects.
public GetOuterObject ( int ichvoLevel, int &_hvo, int &_tag, int &_ihvo ) : void
ichvoLevel int
_hvo int
_tag int
_ihvo int
return void

IsParagraphOpen() public method

Current flow object is a paragraph. (But being in a span it will still be true.)
public IsParagraphOpen ( ) : bool
return bool

MakeColumnGroup() public method

This is like MakeColumns, except that a "group" of columns ends after the last one whose width is specified using this method. Groups are significant for some options regarding drawing rules between cells; see the vwrule parameter of OpenTable.
public MakeColumnGroup ( int nColSpan, VwLength vlWidth ) : void
nColSpan int
vlWidth VwLength
return void

MakeColumns() public method

Specify the width of columns in a table. Should be called after OpenTable and before OpenTableBody or OpenTableHeader. Each call sets the width of a specified number of columns. This should be called enough times (in combination with MakeColumnGroup) to account for all the columns in the table.
public MakeColumns ( int nColSpan, VwLength vlWidth ) : void
nColSpan int Number of columns which have this same width (NOT an index!).
vlWidth VwLength Percent of the overall space available for laying out the table.
return void

NoteDependency() public method

Inform the view of special dependencies. The current flow object (and anything else that is part of the same object in the same higher level property) needs to be regenerated if any of the listed properties changes.
public NoteDependency ( int _rghvo, int _rgtag, int chvo ) : void
_rghvo int
_rgtag int
chvo int
return void

NoteStringValDependency() public method

Inform the view of special dependencies. The current flow object (and anything else that is part of the same object in the same higher level property) needs to be regenerated if there is a change (from the time where this method is called) in whether it is true that ptssVal is equal to the specified property. It is a multilingual string property if ws is nonzero, otherwise a plain string. Note that this can be VERY much more efficient than using NoteDependency for such conditions, which will regenerate every time the property changes.
public NoteStringValDependency ( int hvo, int tag, int ws, ITsString _tssVal ) : void
hvo int
tag int
ws int
_tssVal ITsString
return void

OpenConcPara() public method

Start a paragraph that is intended to be a line in a concordance display. A key word is identified, typically the item being concorded on, and its position is indicated. Typically, the keyword is bold, and gets aligned with a specified position, dmpAlign. Alignment will be left, center, or right, according to the alignment of the paragraph as a whole. (Nonleft alignment is not yet implemented.)
public OpenConcPara ( int ichMinItem, int ichLimItem, VwConcParaOpts cpoFlags, int dmpAlign ) : void
ichMinItem int Indicate the position of the item being concorded. Depending /// on the flags, this item is typically made bold and aligned with dmpAlign
ichLimItem int Indicate the position of the item being concorded. Depending /// on the flags, this item is typically made bold and aligned with dmpAlign
cpoFlags VwConcParaOpts indicates whether to bold the key word, and whether to align it. /// Eventually other flag bits may be supported.
dmpAlign int distance from left of paragraph to align keywords.
return void

OpenDiv() public method

:> Delimit layout flow objects Start a group of paragraphs sharing properties.
public OpenDiv ( ) : void
return void

OpenInnerPile() public method

Start a pile of paras embedded in another para, for interlinear.
public OpenInnerPile ( ) : void
return void

OpenMappedPara() public method

Start a paragraph that supports certain kinds of onethefly text substitution. Currently the only type supported is an embedded object character with text property ktptObjData's first character set to kodtNameGuidHot. The system finds a name for the specified object using IVwViewConstructor.GetStrForGuid, and displays that.
public OpenMappedPara ( ) : void
return void

OpenMappedTaggedPara() public method

Start a paragraph that supports both tagging and mapping.
public OpenMappedTaggedPara ( ) : void
return void

OpenOverridePara() public method

Start a paragraph that supports overrides
public OpenOverridePara ( int cOverrideProperties, DispPropOverride _rgOverrideProperties ) : void
cOverrideProperties int Number of overriden properties
_rgOverrideProperties DispPropOverride Array of override properties
return void

OpenParagraph() public method

Start a normal paragraph.
public OpenParagraph ( ) : void
return void

OpenSpan() public method

Start a group of subpara objects sharing properties
public OpenSpan ( ) : void
return void

OpenTable() public method

:> ENHANCE JohnT: VwLength is used only in three places now. Would it be better to :> just have an int plus a FwTextPropVar? Start a table.
public OpenTable ( int cCols, VwLength vlWidth, int mpBorder, VwAlignment vwalign, VwFramePosition frmpos, VwRule vwrule, int mpSpacing, int mpPadding, bool fSelectOneCol ) : void
cCols int The number of columns the table will have.
vlWidth VwLength The width of whole table. If the unit is percent, it is relative /// to the available width for laying out the table.
mpBorder int The thickness of the border drawn around the whole table. /// This can be overridden by individual cells which explicitly set a border on the /// relevant side.
vwalign VwAlignment Default alignment for text in the table (not implemented, I think)
frmpos VwFramePosition Indicates which sides of the table to draw a border all around it.
vwrule VwRule Indicates where to draw lines between cells.
mpSpacing int between cells
mpPadding int between cell border and contents
fSelectOneCol bool true to keep the selection in one column, false to use normal /// selections.
return void

OpenTableBody() public method

Start a body section of a table. There may be multiple body sections; each defines a "group" of rows. (Groups are significant for some options regarding drawing rules between cells; see the vwrule parameter of OpenTable).
public OpenTableBody ( ) : void
return void

OpenTableCell() public method

Start a cell in a table.
public OpenTableCell ( int nRowSpan, int nColSpan ) : void
nRowSpan int Number of rows in the table occupied by the cell
nColSpan int Number of columns in the table occupied by the cell.
return void

OpenTableFooter() public method

Start the footer section of a table. Note that this is specified before the body, so that (eventually) we can repeat it at the bottom of each page in a long table, which requires us to know what it is even before we have all the information about the body.
public OpenTableFooter ( ) : void
return void

OpenTableHeader() public method

Start the header section of a table. This is like a body section except that (eventually) in a long printout it will be repeated at the start of each new page.
public OpenTableHeader ( ) : void
return void

OpenTableHeaderCell() public method

Start a header cell in a table. Params as in OpenCell.
public OpenTableHeaderCell ( int nRowSpan, int nColSpan ) : void
nRowSpan int
nColSpan int
return void

OpenTableRow() public method

Start a row in a table.
public OpenTableRow ( ) : void
return void

OpenTaggedPara() public method

Start a paragraph that supports display of tagging, if an overlay is installed in the root box.
public OpenTaggedPara ( ) : void
return void

SetParagraphMark() public method

Setting a Unicode character that indicates a boundary (e.g. for a paragraph or section).
public SetParagraphMark ( VwBoundaryMark boundaryMark ) : void
boundaryMark VwBoundaryMark
return void

get_StringWidth() public method

:> More informative routines to help with fancy layouts. Gives the height and width required to lay out the given string, using current display properties plus those produced by pttp (which may be null). In other words, this is the amount of space that would be occupied if one currently called putref_Props(pttp); AddString(ptss); (assuming infinite available width). EberhardB: This used to be [propget] and named without get_. However, this results in a TLBIMP warning because we don't specify a [retval], so I renamed it.
public get_StringWidth ( ITsString _tss, ITsTextProps _ttp, int &dmpx, int &dmpy ) : void
_tss ITsString
_ttp ITsTextProps
dmpx int
dmpy int
return void

set_IntProperty() public method

Specify an integer style property to be applied to the next flow object opened. Ignored if a close flow object operation precedes the next open. Adding anything basic (such as a string or int object property, string literal, string alternation, or string generated using AddProp/DisplayVariant) means the property applies as if to a span containing just that text.
public set_IntProperty ( int tpt, int tpv, int nValue ) : void
tpt int A value from the FwTextPropType enumeration, identifying the property /// to be set. It should be a property identified as having an integer value. /// Note: to allow for forwards compatibility, we unrecognized properties are simply /// ignored.
tpv int A value from the FwTextPropVar enumeration, indicating how to /// interpret the value. For example, it may be a member of another enumeration, /// a length in millipoints, a percent of some other distance, a color, etc.
nValue int
return void

set_StringProperty() public method

Specify a string style property to be applied to the next flow object opened. Ignored if a close flow object operation precedes the next open. Adding anything basic (such as a string or int object property, string literal, string alternation, or string generated using AddProp/DisplayVariant) means the property applies as if to a span containing just that text.
public set_StringProperty ( int sp, string bstrValue ) : void
sp int A value from VwStyleProperty denoting property to set.
bstrValue string
return void

Property Details

EventHistory public_oe property

public List EventHistory
return List