C# Class WebApplications.Utilities.Database.Schema.SqlMetaType

Mostrar archivo Open project: webappsuk/CoreLibraries

Public Properties

Property Type Description
DbType DbType
FixedLength int
IsFixed bool
IsLong bool
IsPlp bool
NullableType byte
Precision byte
PropBytes byte
Scale byte
SqlDbType SqlDbType
TDSType byte

Public Methods

Method Description
GetSqlDbTypeFromOleDbType ( OleDbType dbType, string typeName ) : SqlDbType

Gets the type of the SQL db type from OLE db.

Is100Supported ( SqlDbType type ) : bool

Determines whether the type is compatible in SQL Server 2008.

Is70Supported ( SqlDbType type ) : bool

Determines whether the type is compatible in SQL Server 7.0.

Is80Supported ( SqlDbType type ) : bool

Determines whether the type is compatible in SQL Server 2000.

Is90Supported ( SqlDbType type ) : bool

Determines whether the type is compatible in SQL Server 2005.

IsAnsiType ( SqlDbType type ) : bool


IsBinType ( SqlDbType type ) : bool

Determines whether the type is a binary data type.

IsCharType ( SqlDbType type ) : bool

Determines whether the data type is a character stream.

IsNCharType ( SqlDbType type ) : bool

Determines whether the type can contain Unicode characters.

IsNewKatmaiType ( SqlDbType type ) : bool

Determines whether the type is new from SQL Server 2008 onwards.

IsSizeInCharacters ( SqlDbType type ) : bool

Determines whether the data size can be determined by the number of characters in the type.

IsVarTime ( SqlDbType type ) : bool

Determines whether the specified type is a time type.

Private Methods

Method Description
GetCLRValueFromSqlVariant ( object sqlVal ) : object
GetMaxMetaTypeFromMetaType ( [ mt ) : SqlMetaType
GetMetaTypeFromDbType ( DbType target ) : SqlMetaType
GetMetaTypeFromSqlDbType ( SqlDbType target, bool isMultiValued = false ) : SqlMetaType
GetMetaTypeFromType ( Type dataType ) : SqlMetaType
GetMetaTypeFromValue ( Type dataType, object value, bool inferLen ) : SqlMetaType
GetMetaTypeFromValue ( object value ) : SqlMetaType
GetNullSqlValue ( Type sqlType ) : object
GetSqlDataType ( int tdsType, uint userType, int length ) : SqlMetaType
GetSqlValueFromCLRVariant ( object clrVal ) : object
PromoteStringType ( string s ) : SqlMetaType
SqlMetaType ( byte precision, byte scale, int fixedLength, bool isFixed, bool isLong, bool isPlp, byte tdsType, byte nullableTdsType, [ typeName, [ classType, [ sqlType, SqlDbType sqldbType, DbType dbType, byte propBytes ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the SqlMetaType class.

Method Details

GetSqlDbTypeFromOleDbType() public static method

Gets the type of the SQL db type from OLE db.
public static GetSqlDbTypeFromOleDbType ( OleDbType dbType, string typeName ) : SqlDbType
dbType OleDbType Type of the db.
typeName string Name of the type.
return SqlDbType

Is100Supported() public static method

Determines whether the type is compatible in SQL Server 2008.
public static Is100Supported ( SqlDbType type ) : bool
type SqlDbType The SQL type to check.
return bool

Is70Supported() public static method

Determines whether the type is compatible in SQL Server 7.0.
public static Is70Supported ( SqlDbType type ) : bool
type SqlDbType The SQL type to check.
return bool

Is80Supported() public static method

Determines whether the type is compatible in SQL Server 2000.
public static Is80Supported ( SqlDbType type ) : bool
type SqlDbType The SQL type to check.
return bool

Is90Supported() public static method

Determines whether the type is compatible in SQL Server 2005.
public static Is90Supported ( SqlDbType type ) : bool
type SqlDbType The SQL type to check.
return bool

IsAnsiType() public static method

public static IsAnsiType ( SqlDbType type ) : bool
type SqlDbType The SQL type to check.
return bool

IsBinType() public static method

Determines whether the type is a binary data type.
public static IsBinType ( SqlDbType type ) : bool
type SqlDbType The SQL type to check.
return bool

IsCharType() public static method

Determines whether the data type is a character stream.
public static IsCharType ( SqlDbType type ) : bool
type SqlDbType The SQL type to check.
return bool

IsNCharType() public static method

Determines whether the type can contain Unicode characters.
public static IsNCharType ( SqlDbType type ) : bool
type SqlDbType The SQL type to check.
return bool

IsNewKatmaiType() public static method

Determines whether the type is new from SQL Server 2008 onwards.
public static IsNewKatmaiType ( SqlDbType type ) : bool
type SqlDbType The SQL type to check.
return bool

IsSizeInCharacters() public static method

Determines whether the data size can be determined by the number of characters in the type.
public static IsSizeInCharacters ( SqlDbType type ) : bool
type SqlDbType The SQL type to check.
return bool

IsVarTime() public static method

Determines whether the specified type is a time type.
public static IsVarTime ( SqlDbType type ) : bool
type SqlDbType The SQL type to check.
return bool

Property Details

DbType public_oe property

The equivalent DbType
public DbType DbType
return DbType

FixedLength public_oe property

The number of bytes the type is stored in. If this is -1 then the data type is variable-length.
public int FixedLength
return int

IsFixed public_oe property

A bool value indicating whether the data type is fixed-length.
public bool IsFixed
return bool

IsLong public_oe property

A bool value indicating whether the data type is a large object/value.
public bool IsLong
return bool

IsPlp public_oe property

public bool IsPlp
return bool

NullableType public_oe property

Nullable TDS value.
public byte NullableType
return byte

Precision public_oe property

The precision, which is the number of digits in a numerical data type.
public byte Precision
return byte

PropBytes public_oe property

public byte PropBytes
return byte

Scale public_oe property

The scale, which is the number of digits to the right of the decimal point.
public byte Scale
return byte

SqlDbType public_oe property

The equivalent SqlDbType
public SqlDbType SqlDbType
return SqlDbType

TDSType public_oe property

TDS value.
public byte TDSType
return byte