C# Class SwarmOps.Optimizers.Parallel.MOL

Parallel version of MOL which computes the fitness of its agents in parallel. Assumes the fitness function is thread-safe. Should only be used with very time-consuming optimization problems otherwise basic MOL will execute faster because of less overhead.
Inheritance: Optimizer
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Public Methods

Method Description
GetNumAgents ( double parameters ) : int

Get parameter, Number of agents, aka. swarm-size.

GetOmega ( double parameters ) : double

Get parameter, Omega.

GetPhi ( double parameters ) : double

Get parameter, Phi.

MOL ( ) : System.Diagnostics

Construct the object.

MOL ( Problem problem ) : System.Diagnostics

Construct the object.

MOL ( int numAgentsMultiple ) : System.Diagnostics

Construct the object.

MOL ( int numAgentsMultiple, Problem problem ) : System.Diagnostics

Construct the object.

Optimize ( double parameters ) : Result

Perform one optimization run and return the best found solution.

Method Details

GetNumAgents() public method

Get parameter, Number of agents, aka. swarm-size.
public GetNumAgents ( double parameters ) : int
parameters double Optimizer parameters.
return int

GetOmega() public method

Get parameter, Omega.
public GetOmega ( double parameters ) : double
parameters double Optimizer parameters.
return double

GetPhi() public method

Get parameter, Phi.
public GetPhi ( double parameters ) : double
parameters double Optimizer parameters.
return double

MOL() public method

Construct the object.
public MOL ( ) : System.Diagnostics
return System.Diagnostics

MOL() public method

Construct the object.
public MOL ( Problem problem ) : System.Diagnostics
problem Problem Problem to optimize.
return System.Diagnostics

MOL() public method

Construct the object.
public MOL ( int numAgentsMultiple ) : System.Diagnostics
numAgentsMultiple int Population size multiple, e.g. 4 ensures populations are sized 4, 8, 12, 16, ...
return System.Diagnostics

MOL() public method

Construct the object.
public MOL ( int numAgentsMultiple, Problem problem ) : System.Diagnostics
numAgentsMultiple int Population size multiple, e.g. 4 ensures populations are sized 4, 8, 12, 16, etc.
problem Problem Problem to optimize.
return System.Diagnostics

Optimize() public method

Perform one optimization run and return the best found solution.
public Optimize ( double parameters ) : Result
parameters double Control parameters for the optimizer.
return Result