C# Class SuperCaissiere.Engine.Core.Resolution

Easy resolution management
Author : David Gouveia
Mostrar archivo Open project: valryon/super-caissiere

Public Methods

Method Description
Initialize ( GraphicsDeviceManager graphics, int deviceWidth, int deviceHeight, int virtualWidth, int virtualHeight, bool fullscreen ) : void

Intialize the resolution independance

SetGameResolution ( int width, int height ) : void
SetResolution ( int width, int height, bool fullscreen ) : void

Change the resolution after initialization

Private Methods

Method Description
ApplyChanges ( ) : void
CalculateViewport ( ) : void
Invalidate ( ) : void

Method Details

Initialize() public static method

Intialize the resolution independance
public static Initialize ( GraphicsDeviceManager graphics, int deviceWidth, int deviceHeight, int virtualWidth, int virtualHeight, bool fullscreen ) : void
graphics GraphicsDeviceManager
deviceWidth int
deviceHeight int
virtualWidth int
virtualHeight int
fullscreen bool
return void

SetGameResolution() public static method

public static SetGameResolution ( int width, int height ) : void
width int
height int
return void

SetResolution() public static method

Change the resolution after initialization
public static SetResolution ( int width, int height, bool fullscreen ) : void
width int
height int
fullscreen bool
return void