C# Class Spatial4n.Core.Shapes.Impl.CircleImpl

A circle, also known as a point-radius, based on a {@link com.spatial4j.core.distance.DistanceCalculator} which does all the work. This implementation implementation should work for both cartesian 2D and geodetic sphere surfaces.
Inheritance: Circle
Mostrar archivo Open project: synhershko/Spatial4n

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
ctx Spatial4n.Core.Context.SpatialContext
enclosingBox Rectangle
point System.Point
radiusDEG double

Public Methods

Method Description
CircleImpl ( System.Point p, double radiusDEG, SpatialContext ctx ) : System
Contains ( double x, double y ) : bool
Equals ( Circle thiz, Object o ) : bool
Equals ( object obj ) : bool
GetArea ( SpatialContext ctx ) : double
GetBoundingBox ( ) : Rectangle
GetCenter ( ) : System.Point
GetHashCode ( ) : int
GetHashCode ( Circle thiz ) : int

All {@link Circle} implementations should use this definition of {@link Object#hashCode()}.

GetRadius ( ) : double
HasArea ( ) : bool
Relate ( Circle circle ) : SpatialRelation
Relate ( System.Point point ) : SpatialRelation
Relate ( Rectangle r ) : SpatialRelation
Relate ( Shape other ) : SpatialRelation
Reset ( double x, double y, double radiusDEG ) : void
ToString ( ) : string

Protected Methods

Method Description
GetXAxis ( ) : double

The X coordinate of where the circle axis intersect.

GetYAxis ( ) : double

The Y coordinate of where the circle axis intersect.

RelateRectanglePhase2 ( Rectangle r, SpatialRelation bboxSect ) : SpatialRelation

Method Details

CircleImpl() public method

public CircleImpl ( System.Point p, double radiusDEG, SpatialContext ctx ) : System
p System.Point
radiusDEG double
ctx Spatial4n.Core.Context.SpatialContext
return System

Contains() public method

public Contains ( double x, double y ) : bool
x double
y double
return bool

Equals() public static method

public static Equals ( Circle thiz, Object o ) : bool
thiz Circle
o Object
return bool

Equals() public method

public Equals ( object obj ) : bool
obj object
return bool

GetArea() public method

public GetArea ( SpatialContext ctx ) : double
ctx Spatial4n.Core.Context.SpatialContext
return double

GetBoundingBox() public method

public GetBoundingBox ( ) : Rectangle
return Rectangle

GetCenter() public method

public GetCenter ( ) : System.Point
return System.Point

GetHashCode() public method

public GetHashCode ( ) : int
return int

GetHashCode() public static method

All {@link Circle} implementations should use this definition of {@link Object#hashCode()}.
public static GetHashCode ( Circle thiz ) : int
thiz Circle
return int

GetRadius() public method

public GetRadius ( ) : double
return double

GetXAxis() protected method

The X coordinate of where the circle axis intersect.
protected GetXAxis ( ) : double
return double

GetYAxis() protected method

The Y coordinate of where the circle axis intersect.
protected GetYAxis ( ) : double
return double

HasArea() public method

public HasArea ( ) : bool
return bool

Relate() public method

public Relate ( Circle circle ) : SpatialRelation
circle Circle
return SpatialRelation

Relate() public method

public Relate ( System.Point point ) : SpatialRelation
point System.Point
return SpatialRelation

Relate() public method

public Relate ( Rectangle r ) : SpatialRelation
r Rectangle
return SpatialRelation

Relate() public method

public Relate ( Shape other ) : SpatialRelation
other Shape
return SpatialRelation

RelateRectanglePhase2() protected method

protected RelateRectanglePhase2 ( Rectangle r, SpatialRelation bboxSect ) : SpatialRelation
r Rectangle
bboxSect SpatialRelation
return SpatialRelation

Reset() public method

public Reset ( double x, double y, double radiusDEG ) : void
x double
y double
radiusDEG double
return void

ToString() public method

public ToString ( ) : string
return string

Property Details

ctx protected_oe property

protected SpatialContext,Spatial4n.Core.Context ctx
return Spatial4n.Core.Context.SpatialContext

enclosingBox protected_oe property

protected Rectangle enclosingBox
return Rectangle

point protected_oe property

protected Point,System point
return System.Point

radiusDEG protected_oe property

protected double radiusDEG
return double