C# Class SobekCM_Resource_Database.SobekCM_Item_Database

SobekCM_Database is the main object used to query the database for information
This class contains a static constructor and contains mostly static members. Since this is a database class, it does not make sense to have multiple instances to access a single database.

Object created by Mark V Sullivan and Ying Tang (2006) for University of Florida's Digital Library Center.
Mostrar archivo Open project: MarkVSullivan/SobekCM-Web-Application

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
DisplayErrors bool
DisplayInnerExceptions bool
ThrowExceptions bool

Public Methods

Method Description
Add_External_Record_Number ( int GroupID, string Identifier, string Type ) : void

Adds an external record number to an item group (i.e., OCLC or ALEPH number)

Add_Minimum_Builder_Information ( SobekCM_Item Resource ) : bool

Pulls the item id, main thumbnail, and aggregation codes and adds them to the resource object

This calls the 'SobekCM_Builder_Get_Minimum_Item_Information' stored procedure

Add_Past_Workflow ( int ItemID, string Workflow_Type, string Notes, System.DateTime Date, string UserName, string StorageLocation ) : bool

Add a worklog history entry for some previous datetime

This method calls the stored procedure 'Tracking_Add_Past_Workflow_By_ItemID'.

Add_Workflow ( int ItemID, string Workflow_Type, string Notes, string UserName, string StorageLocation ) : bool

Add a worklog entry for a current event

This method calls the stored procedure 'Tracking_Add_Workflow_By_ItemID'.

Check_For_Record_Existence ( string BibID, string VID, string OCLC, string Local_Catalog_ID ) : DataTable

Checks for similar records within the database

This calls the 'SobekCM_Check_For_Record_Existence' stored procedure

Create_Full_Citation_Value ( int ItemID ) : bool

Causes the database to build the searchable full citation cell for basic searching from all of the discrete metadata elements stored for this item

This method calls the stored procedure 'SobekCM_Create_Full_Citation_Value'.

Current_SobekCM_Items ( string SobekCM_Base_URL ) : SobekCM.Resource_Object.Database.DataSets.SobekCM_All_Items

Returns the list of items currently loaded to a SobekCM instance

Delete_QC_Error ( int itemID, string filename ) : void

Delete the QC error for a single page of an item from the database

Download_METS ( string PackageResourceURL, string BIBID, string VID ) : string

Downloads a METS file from the SobekCM web page

Edit_Disposition_Advice ( int ItemID, int DispositionTypeID, string Notes ) : bool

Update the disposition advice on what to do when the physical material leaves the digitization location

This method calls the stored procedure 'Tracking_Update_Disposition_Advice'.

GetHtmlPage ( string StrURL, int SecondsToTimeOut ) : String

Retrive html as a string from a web page

Get_All_Corporations ( ) : DataTable

Get the list of all corporations from the database

Get_All_Regions ( ) : DataTable

Get the list of all regions from the database

Get_ItemID ( string BibID, string VID ) : int

Gets the item id for an resource in a SobekCM library, by BibID and VID

This calls the 'SobekCM_Get_ItemID' stored procedure

Get_QC_Errors_For_Item ( int ItemID ) : DataTable

Get the list of all the QC Page errors for a single item

QC_Update_Item_Info ( string BibID, string VID, string User, string MainThumbnailFileName, string MainJpgFileName, int PageCount, int FileCount, double DisksizeMb, string Notes ) : bool

Updates the relevant item info in the database after QC (main thumbnail info, pagecount, filecount, disksize)

Save_Behaviors ( SobekCM_Item ThisPackage, bool TextFlag, bool Mass_Update_Mode, bool Minimal_Mode ) : void

Save all the item behaviors associated with a SobekCM Digital Resource

Save_Digital_Resource ( SobekCM_Item ThisPackage, object>.Dictionary Options ) : int

Saves this bibliographic package to the SobekCM database

Save_Digital_Resource ( SobekCM_Item ThisPackage, object>.Dictionary Options, System.DateTime CreateDate, bool Existed ) : int

Saves this bibliographic package to the SobekCM database

Save_Item_Add_Viewer ( int ItemID, string Viewer_Type, string Viewer_Label, string Viewer_Attributes ) : bool

Add an new item viewer linked to an item

This method calls the stored procedure 'SobekCM_Add_Item_Viewers'.

Save_Item_Group_Web_Skins ( int GroupID, SobekCM_Item ThisPackage ) : bool

Saves the links between an item group and the web skins possible

This method calls the stored procedure 'SobekCM_Save_Item_Group_Web_Skins'.

Save_Item_Internal_Comments ( int ItemID, string Internal_Comments ) : bool

Saves the internal comments related to an item

This method calls the stored procedure 'SobekCM_Set_Item_Comments'.

Save_Item_OAI ( int ItemID, string OAI_Data, string Data_Code ) : bool

Saves the OAI-PMH data associated with an item

This method calls the stored procedure 'SobekCM_Add_OAI_PMH_Data'.

If the OAI-PMH data is locked via the database flag on this data, this does not change the OAI stored for the item.

Save_Item_Views ( string BibID, string VID, int Viewer1_Type, string Viewer1_Label, string Viewer1_Attributes, int Viewer2_Type, string Viewer2_Label, string Viewer2_Attributes, int Viewer3_Type, string Viewer3_Label, string Viewer3_Attributes ) : bool

Adds up to three additional views for a single item in a SobekCM digital library

This method calls the stored procedure 'SobekCM_Save_Item_Views'.

Save_New_Digital_Resource ( SobekCM_Item ThisPackage, bool TextFlag, bool OnlineSubmit, string Username, string Usernotes, int Userid ) : bool

Save a brand new bibliographic item to the SobekCM database

This saves the item information, the serial hierarchy, the behaviors, tracking information, and links to the user and the user's folders, all in a single procedure call

Save_New_Tracking_Box ( int ItemID, string Tracking_Box ) : bool

Saves the tracking box information for a single item

This method calls the stored procedure 'Tracking_Update_Tracking_Box'.

Save_OAI_Information ( SobekCM_Item ThisPackage, object>.Dictionary Options ) : void

Saves the OAI-PMH information associated with an item

Save_QC_Error ( int ItemID, string Filename, string ErrorCode, string Description, bool isVolumeError ) : int

Save QC error for a single page of a single item

Save_Serial_Hierarchy_Information ( SobekCM_Item ThisPackage, int GroupID, int ItemID ) : void

Saves the serial hierarchy information for a single item

Set_IP_Restriction_Mask ( int ItemID, int New_Restriction_Mask, string UserName, string ProgressNote ) : bool

Saves the IP Restriction mask which determines public, private, or restricted by IP

This method calls the stored procedure 'SobekCM_Set_IP_Restriction_Mask'.

Set_Item_Setting_Value ( int ItemID, string Setting_Key, string Setting_Value ) : bool

Add or update a setting related to an individual digital resource

This method calls the stored procedure 'SobekCM_Set_Item_Setting_Value'.

Set_Item_Visibility ( int ItemID, int NewRestrictionMask, bool DarkFlag, System.DateTime EmbargoDate, string UserName ) : bool

Sets the general visibility and embargo information for a single item

This method calls the stored procedure 'SobekCM_Set_Item_Visibility'.

Simple_Item_List ( string Aggregation_Code ) : SobekCM.Resource_Object.Database.DataSets.SobekCM_All_Items

Gets the simple list of items for a single item aggregation, or all of the library

This calls the 'SobekCM_Simple_Item_List' stored procedure in the main database

Tivoli_Get_Archived_Files ( string BibID, string VID ) : DataTable

Get the list of all archived TIVOLI files by BibID and VID

This calls the 'Tivoli_Get_File_By_Bib_VID' stored procedure in the main SobekCM database

Update_Born_Digital_Flag ( int ItemID, bool Born_Digital_Flag ) : bool

Update the born digital flag for an item

This method calls the stored procedure 'Tracking_Update_Born_Digital'.

Update_Digitization_Milestone ( int ItemID, int Last_Milestone, System.DateTime Milestone_Date ) : bool

Update the digitization milestones

This method calls the stored procedure 'Tracking_Update_Digitization_Milestones'.

Update_Disposition ( int ItemID, int DispositionTypeID, string Notes, System.DateTime DispositionDate, string UserName ) : bool

Update the disposition information when the physical material leaves the digitization location

This method calls the stored procedure 'Tracking_Update_Disposition'.

Update_Item_Group ( string BibID, string GroupTitle, string SortTitle, string Group_Thumbnail, string Primary_Identifier_Type, string Primary_Identifier ) : bool

Saves the basic title information for an item group

This calls the 'SobekCM_Update_Item_Group' stored procedure

Update_Item_Online_Statistics ( string BibID, string VID, int PageCount, int FileCount, double DiskSizeMb ) : bool

Update the physical statistics ( files, pages, size ) of an item

This calls the 'SobekCM_Update_Item_Online_Statistics' stored procedure

Update_Material_Received ( int ItemID, System.DateTime Date, bool Estimated, string UserName, string Notes ) : bool

Update information regarding the receipt of material

This method calls the stored procedure 'Tracking_Update_Material_Received'.

Protected Methods

Method Description
Clear_Item_Metadata ( int ItemID, bool Clear_Non_Metadata_Values ) : bool

Clears all the metadata associated with a particular item in the database

This calls the 'SobekCM_Metadata_Clear2' stored procedure in the SobekCM database

Clear_Old_Item_Info ( int ItemID ) : bool

Clears all the old information out from the database

This method calls the stored procedure 'SobekCM_Clear_Old_Item_Info'.

Mass_Update_Item_Behaviors ( int GroupID, bool Set_IP_Restriction_Mask, short IP_Restriction_Mask, bool Set_CheckoutRequired, bool CheckoutRequired, bool Set_Dark_Flag, bool Dark_Flag, bool Set_Born_Digital, bool Born_Digital, string AggregationCode1, string AggregationCode2, string AggregationCode3, string AggregationCode4, string AggregationCode5, string AggregationCode6, string AggregationCode7, string AggregationCode8, string HoldingCode, string SourceCode, string Icon1_Name, string Icon2_Name, string Icon3_Name, string Icon4_Name, string Icon5_Name, string Viewer1_Type, string Viewer1_Label, string Viewer1_Attributes, string Viewer2_Type, string Viewer2_Label, string Viewer2_Attributes, string Viewer3_Type, string Viewer3_Label, string Viewer3_Attributes, string Viewer4_Type, string Viewer4_Label, string Viewer4_Attributes, string Viewer5_Type, string Viewer5_Label, string Viewer5_Attributes, string Viewer6_Type, string Viewer6_Label, string Viewer6_Attributes ) : bool

Mass updates the behaviors for all items within a single item group

This method calls the stored procedure 'SobekCM_Mass_Update_Item_Behaviors2'.

Save_Item ( int GroupID, string VID, int PageCount, int FileCount, string Title, string SortTitle, string Link, System.DateTime CreateDate, string PubDate, int SortDate, string Holding_Code, string Source_Code, string Author, string Spatial_KML, double Spatial_KML_Distance, double DiskSizeMb, string Donor, string Publisher, string Spatial_Display, string Institution_Display, string Edition, string Material_Display, string Measurement_Display, string StylePeriod_Display, string Technique_Display, string Subjects_Display ) : Save_Item_Args

Stores information about a single digital resource ( existing or new )

This calls the 'SobekCM_Save_Item' stored procedure in the SobekCM database

Save_Item_Add_Viewers ( int ItemID, string Viewer1_Type, string Viewer1_Label, string Viewer1_Attributes, string Viewer2_Type, string Viewer2_Label, string Viewer2_Attributes, string Viewer3_Type, string Viewer3_Label, string Viewer3_Attributes, string Viewer4_Type, string Viewer4_Label, string Viewer4_Attributes, string Viewer5_Type, string Viewer5_Label, string Viewer5_Attributes, string Viewer6_Type, string Viewer6_Label, string Viewer6_Attributes ) : bool

Add, or update existing, item viewers linked to an item

This method calls the stored procedure 'SobekCM_Add_Item_Viewers'.

Save_Item_Behaviors ( int ItemID, bool TextSearchable, string MainThumbnail, string MainJPEG, short IP_Restriction_Mask, bool CheckoutRequired, bool Dark_Flag, bool Born_Digital, short DispositionAdvice, string DispositionAdviceNotes, Nullable Material_Received_Date, bool Material_Recd_Date_Estimated, string Tracking_Box, string AggregationCode1, string AggregationCode2, string AggregationCode3, string AggregationCode4, string AggregationCode5, string AggregationCode6, string AggregationCode7, string AggregationCode8, string HoldingCode, string SourceCode, string Icon1_Name, string Icon2_Name, string Icon3_Name, string Icon4_Name, string Icon5_Name, bool Left_To_Right, string CitationSet ) : bool

Saves the behaviors for a single item in a SobekCM digital library

This method calls the stored procedure 'SobekCM_Save_Item_Behaviors'.

Save_Item_Behaviors_Minimal ( int ItemID, bool TextSearchable ) : bool

Saves the minimal behaviors for a single item in a SobekCM digital library

This method calls the stored procedure 'SobekCM_Save_Item_Behaviors_Minimal'.

Save_Item_Group ( string BibID, string GroupTitle, string SortTitle, string Type, string File_Root, string Group_Thumbnail, bool Update_Existing, System.DateTime CreateDate, long OCLC_Number, int ALEPH_Number, bool Large_Format, bool Track_By_Month, bool Never_Overlay_Record, string Primary_Identifier_Type, string Primary_Identifier ) : Save_Item_Group_Args

Saves the main information about an item group in SobekCM

This method calls the stored procedure 'SobekCM_Save_Item_Group'.

Save_Item_Metadata ( int ItemID, string Metadata_Type1, string Metadata_Value1, string Metadata_Type2, string Metadata_Value2, string Metadata_Type3, string Metadata_Value3, string Metadata_Type4, string Metadata_Value4, string Metadata_Type5, string Metadata_Value5, string Metadata_Type6, string Metadata_Value6, string Metadata_Type7, string Metadata_Value7, string Metadata_Type8, string Metadata_Value8, string Metadata_Type9, string Metadata_Value9, string Metadata_Type10, string Metadata_Value10 ) : bool

Saves metadata from an item into the tables for searching metadata

This calls the 'SobekCM_Metadata_Save' stored procedure in the SobekCM database

Save_Item_Remove_Viewers ( int ItemID, string Viewer1_Type, string Viewer2_Type, string Viewer3_Type, string Viewer4_Type, string Viewer5_Type, string Viewer6_Type ) : bool

Remove (and exclude) item viewers linked to an item

This method calls the stored procedure 'SobekCM_Remove_Item_Viewers'.

Save_Item_Ticklers ( int ItemID, string Tickler1, string Tickler2, string Tickler3, string Tickler4, string Tickler5 ) : bool

Saves up to five ticklers for a single item in a SobekCM digital library

This method calls the stored procedure 'SobekCM_Save_Item_Ticklers'.

Save_Serial_Hierarchy ( int GroupID, int ItemID, string Level1_Text, int Level1_Index, string Level2_Text, int Level2_Index, string Level3_Text, int Level3_Index, string Level4_Text, int Level4_Index, string Level5_Text, int Level5_Index, string SerialHierarchy ) : void

Saves the serial hierarchy and link between an item and an item group

This method calls the stored procedure 'SobekCM_Save_Serial_Hierarchy'.

Private Methods

Method Description
Clear_Features_Streets_By_Item ( int ItemID ) : bool
Clear_Region_Link_By_Item ( int ItemID ) : bool
Get_Current_Item_Viewers ( string BibID, string VID ) : List
Lock_Digital_Resource ( int ItemID ) : bool
Save_Corporation ( string CorpAuthCode, string CorporateName ) : bool
Save_Feature ( string FeatAuthCode, string FeatureName, string LocationDesc, string CorpAuthCode, bool AA_Indicated, string Albers_X, string Albers_Y, string Latitude, string Longitude, string FeatureType, int FeatureTypeYear, int PageID1, int PageID2, int PageID3, int PageID4, int PageID5 ) : bool
Save_GeoRegion_Links ( SobekCM_Item ThisPackage, int ItemID ) : void
Save_Item_Group_Information ( SobekCM_Item ThisPackage, System.DateTime CreateDate ) : int

Saves the item group information for this bibliographic package to the SobekCM database

Save_Item_Information ( SobekCM_Item ThisPackage, int GroupID, System.DateTime CreateDate, object>.Dictionary Options ) : bool

Saves information about single item

Save_Item_Metadata_Information ( SobekCM_Item ThisPackage ) : bool
Save_Region_Item_Link ( int ItemID, string GeoAuthCode, string Name, string Type, string P_Code, string P_Name, string P_Type, string P2_Code, string P2_Name, string P2_Type, string P3_Code, string P3_Name, string P3_Type, string P4_Code, string P4_Name, string P4_Type, string P5_Code, string P5_Name, string P5_Type ) : bool
Save_Street ( string StreetAuthCode, string StreetName, long StartAddress, long EndAddress, string StreetDirection, string StreetSide, string SegmentDesc, int PageID ) : bool
Save_Streets_and_Features_To_Item ( SobekCM_Item ThisPackage, int ItemID ) : void
SobekCM_Item_Database ( ) : System

Static constructor for the SobekCM_Database class

exception_caught ( string StoredProcedureName, Exception Exception ) : void

Method is called when an exception is caught while accessing the database.

Method Details

Add_External_Record_Number() public static method

Adds an external record number to an item group (i.e., OCLC or ALEPH number)
public static Add_External_Record_Number ( int GroupID, string Identifier, string Type ) : void
GroupID int Primary key to this item group
Identifier string Value for the external identifier
Type string String which indicates the type of indentifier
return void

Add_Minimum_Builder_Information() public static method

Pulls the item id, main thumbnail, and aggregation codes and adds them to the resource object
This calls the 'SobekCM_Builder_Get_Minimum_Item_Information' stored procedure
public static Add_Minimum_Builder_Information ( SobekCM_Item Resource ) : bool
Resource SobekCM.Resource_Object.SobekCM_Item Digital resource object
return bool

Add_Past_Workflow() public static method

Add a worklog history entry for some previous datetime
This method calls the stored procedure 'Tracking_Add_Past_Workflow_By_ItemID'.
Exception is thrown if an error is caught during /// the database work and the THROW_EXCEPTIONS internal flag is set to true.
public static Add_Past_Workflow ( int ItemID, string Workflow_Type, string Notes, System.DateTime Date, string UserName, string StorageLocation ) : bool
ItemID int ItemID for which to add a workflow history entry
Workflow_Type string Name of the workflow to add to this item
Notes string Any notes associated with the workflow
Date System.DateTime Date the workflow occurred
UserName string User who added this worklog enty
StorageLocation string Location this work occured on the network or detached drives
return bool

Add_Workflow() public static method

Add a worklog entry for a current event
This method calls the stored procedure 'Tracking_Add_Workflow_By_ItemID'.
Exception is thrown if an error is caught during /// the database work and the THROW_EXCEPTIONS internal flag is set to true.
public static Add_Workflow ( int ItemID, string Workflow_Type, string Notes, string UserName, string StorageLocation ) : bool
ItemID int ItemID for which to add a workflow history entry
Workflow_Type string Name of the workflow to add to this item
Notes string Any notes associated with the workflow
UserName string User who added this worklog enty
StorageLocation string Location this work occured on the network or detached drives
return bool

Check_For_Record_Existence() public static method

Checks for similar records within the database
This calls the 'SobekCM_Check_For_Record_Existence' stored procedure
public static Check_For_Record_Existence ( string BibID, string VID, string OCLC, string Local_Catalog_ID ) : DataTable
BibID string Bibliographic identifier to check
VID string Volume identifier to check
OCLC string OCLC Record number to look for existence
Local_Catalog_ID string Local catalog record number to look for existence
return System.Data.DataTable

Clear_Item_Metadata() protected static method

Clears all the metadata associated with a particular item in the database
This calls the 'SobekCM_Metadata_Clear2' stored procedure in the SobekCM database
protected static Clear_Item_Metadata ( int ItemID, bool Clear_Non_Metadata_Values ) : bool
ItemID int Primary key for the item to clear the searchable metadata values
Clear_Non_Metadata_Values bool Flag indicates if the values which are not derived from the metadata file should be cleared as well
return bool

Clear_Old_Item_Info() protected static method

Clears all the old information out from the database
This method calls the stored procedure 'SobekCM_Clear_Old_Item_Info'.
Exception is thrown if an error is caught during /// the database work and the THROW_EXCEPTIONS internal flag is set to true.
protected static Clear_Old_Item_Info ( int ItemID ) : bool
ItemID int Item ID of the item to clear
return bool

Create_Full_Citation_Value() public static method

Causes the database to build the searchable full citation cell for basic searching from all of the discrete metadata elements stored for this item
This method calls the stored procedure 'SobekCM_Create_Full_Citation_Value'.
Exception is thrown if an error is caught during /// the database work and the THROW_EXCEPTIONS internal flag is set to true.
public static Create_Full_Citation_Value ( int ItemID ) : bool
ItemID int Item ID of the item
return bool

Current_SobekCM_Items() public static method

Returns the list of items currently loaded to a SobekCM instance
public static Current_SobekCM_Items ( string SobekCM_Base_URL ) : SobekCM.Resource_Object.Database.DataSets.SobekCM_All_Items
SobekCM_Base_URL string Base SobekCM URL
return SobekCM.Resource_Object.Database.DataSets.SobekCM_All_Items

Delete_QC_Error() public static method

Delete the QC error for a single page of an item from the database
public static Delete_QC_Error ( int itemID, string filename ) : void
itemID int
filename string
return void

Download_METS() public static method

Downloads a METS file from the SobekCM web page
public static Download_METS ( string PackageResourceURL, string BIBID, string VID ) : string
PackageResourceURL string URL for this packages resources
BIBID string Bib ID for this package
VID string VID for this package
return string

Edit_Disposition_Advice() public static method

Update the disposition advice on what to do when the physical material leaves the digitization location
This method calls the stored procedure 'Tracking_Update_Disposition_Advice'.
Exception is thrown if an error is caught during /// the database work and the THROW_EXCEPTIONS internal flag is set to true.
public static Edit_Disposition_Advice ( int ItemID, int DispositionTypeID, string Notes ) : bool
ItemID int ItemID for which to update the disposition advice
DispositionTypeID int Primary key to the disposition type from the database
Notes string Any associated notes included about the disposition advice
return bool

GetHtmlPage() public static method

Retrive html as a string from a web page
public static GetHtmlPage ( string StrURL, int SecondsToTimeOut ) : String
StrURL string URL to use to retrieve the source
SecondsToTimeOut int Seconds before the HTML request times out
return String

Get_All_Corporations() public static method

Get the list of all corporations from the database
public static Get_All_Corporations ( ) : DataTable
return System.Data.DataTable

Get_All_Regions() public static method

Get the list of all regions from the database
public static Get_All_Regions ( ) : DataTable
return System.Data.DataTable

Get_ItemID() public static method

Gets the item id for an resource in a SobekCM library, by BibID and VID
This calls the 'SobekCM_Get_ItemID' stored procedure
public static Get_ItemID ( string BibID, string VID ) : int
BibID string Bibliographic identifier to check
VID string Volume identifier to check
return int

Get_QC_Errors_For_Item() public static method

Get the list of all the QC Page errors for a single item
public static Get_QC_Errors_For_Item ( int ItemID ) : DataTable
ItemID int ItemID
return System.Data.DataTable

Mass_Update_Item_Behaviors() protected static method

Mass updates the behaviors for all items within a single item group
This method calls the stored procedure 'SobekCM_Mass_Update_Item_Behaviors2'.
Exception is thrown if an error is caught during /// the database work and the THROW_EXCEPTIONS internal flag is set to true.
protected static Mass_Update_Item_Behaviors ( int GroupID, bool Set_IP_Restriction_Mask, short IP_Restriction_Mask, bool Set_CheckoutRequired, bool CheckoutRequired, bool Set_Dark_Flag, bool Dark_Flag, bool Set_Born_Digital, bool Born_Digital, string AggregationCode1, string AggregationCode2, string AggregationCode3, string AggregationCode4, string AggregationCode5, string AggregationCode6, string AggregationCode7, string AggregationCode8, string HoldingCode, string SourceCode, string Icon1_Name, string Icon2_Name, string Icon3_Name, string Icon4_Name, string Icon5_Name, string Viewer1_Type, string Viewer1_Label, string Viewer1_Attributes, string Viewer2_Type, string Viewer2_Label, string Viewer2_Attributes, string Viewer3_Type, string Viewer3_Label, string Viewer3_Attributes, string Viewer4_Type, string Viewer4_Label, string Viewer4_Attributes, string Viewer5_Type, string Viewer5_Label, string Viewer5_Attributes, string Viewer6_Type, string Viewer6_Label, string Viewer6_Attributes ) : bool
GroupID int GroupID for the item group to mass update all item behaviors for
Set_IP_Restriction_Mask bool Flag indicates if the IP restriction mask should be set for all items in this title
IP_Restriction_Mask short IP Restriction mask for this item
Set_CheckoutRequired bool Flag indicates whether the checkout required flag should be set for all items in this title
CheckoutRequired bool Flag indicates if this is a single-use item which requires checkout
Set_Dark_Flag bool Flag indicates if the dark flag should be set for all items in this title
Dark_Flag bool Flag indicates this item is permanently DARK and can not be made public without first un-darking the item
Set_Born_Digital bool Flag indicates whether the born digital flag should be set for all items in this title
Born_Digital bool Flag indicates this item was born digitally, rather than scanned in-house
AggregationCode1 string Code for the first aggregation this item belongs to
AggregationCode2 string Code for the second aggregation this item belongs to
AggregationCode3 string Code for the third aggregation this item belongs to
AggregationCode4 string Code for the fourth aggregation this item belongs to
AggregationCode5 string Code for the fifth aggregation this item belongs to
AggregationCode6 string Code for the sixth aggregation this item belongs to
AggregationCode7 string Code for the seventh aggregation this item belongs to
AggregationCode8 string Code for the eighth aggregation this item belongs to
HoldingCode string Holding code for this item's holding location aggregation
SourceCode string Source location code for this item's source location
Icon1_Name string Name of the first icon
Icon2_Name string Name of the second icon
Icon3_Name string Name of the third icon
Icon4_Name string Name of the fourth icon
Icon5_Name string Name of the fifth icon
Viewer1_Type string Primary key for the first viewer type in the SobekCM database
Viewer1_Label string Label to be displayed for the first viewer of this item
Viewer1_Attributes string Optional attributes for the first viewer of this item
Viewer2_Type string Primary key for the second viewer type in the SobekCM database
Viewer2_Label string Label to be displayed for the second viewer of this item
Viewer2_Attributes string Optional attributes for the second viewer of this item
Viewer3_Type string Primary key for the third viewer type in the SobekCM database
Viewer3_Label string Label to be displayed for the third viewer of this item
Viewer3_Attributes string Optional attributes for the third viewer of this item
Viewer4_Type string Primary key for the fourth viewer type in the SobekCM database
Viewer4_Label string Label to be displayed for the fourth viewer of this item
Viewer4_Attributes string Optional attributes for the fourth viewer of this item
Viewer5_Type string Primary key for the fifth viewer type in the SobekCM database
Viewer5_Label string Label to be displayed for the fifth viewer of this item
Viewer5_Attributes string Optional attributes for the fifth viewer of this item
Viewer6_Type string Primary key for the sixth viewer type in the SobekCM database
Viewer6_Label string Label to be displayed for the sixth viewer of this item
Viewer6_Attributes string Optional attributes for the sixth viewer of this item
return bool

QC_Update_Item_Info() public static method

Updates the relevant item info in the database after QC (main thumbnail info, pagecount, filecount, disksize)
public static QC_Update_Item_Info ( string BibID, string VID, string User, string MainThumbnailFileName, string MainJpgFileName, int PageCount, int FileCount, double DisksizeMb, string Notes ) : bool
BibID string
VID string
User string
MainThumbnailFileName string
MainJpgFileName string
PageCount int
FileCount int
DisksizeMb double
Notes string
return bool

Save_Behaviors() public static method

Save all the item behaviors associated with a SobekCM Digital Resource
public static Save_Behaviors ( SobekCM_Item ThisPackage, bool TextFlag, bool Mass_Update_Mode, bool Minimal_Mode ) : void
ThisPackage SobekCM.Resource_Object.SobekCM_Item Digital resource which needs to have its behaviors saved to the SobekCM database
TextFlag bool Flag indicates if this item has text files
Mass_Update_Mode bool Flag indicates if this is a mass-update mode, in which case all items within a single item group will be updated
Minimal_Mode bool Flag indicates if this is just additive with new viewers and setting the text flag
return void

Save_Digital_Resource() public static method

Saves this bibliographic package to the SobekCM database
public static Save_Digital_Resource ( SobekCM_Item ThisPackage, object>.Dictionary Options ) : int
ThisPackage SobekCM.Resource_Object.SobekCM_Item Bibliographic package to save to the SobekCM database
Options object>.Dictionary Options used possibly during the saving process
return int

Save_Digital_Resource() public static method

Saves this bibliographic package to the SobekCM database
public static Save_Digital_Resource ( SobekCM_Item ThisPackage, object>.Dictionary Options, System.DateTime CreateDate, bool Existed ) : int
ThisPackage SobekCM.Resource_Object.SobekCM_Item Bibliographic package to save to the SobekCM database
Options object>.Dictionary Options used possibly during the saving process
CreateDate System.DateTime Date this item was originally created
Existed bool Flag indicates if this item pre-existed
return int

Save_Item() protected static method

Stores information about a single digital resource ( existing or new )
This calls the 'SobekCM_Save_Item' stored procedure in the SobekCM database
protected static Save_Item ( int GroupID, string VID, int PageCount, int FileCount, string Title, string SortTitle, string Link, System.DateTime CreateDate, string PubDate, int SortDate, string Holding_Code, string Source_Code, string Author, string Spatial_KML, double Spatial_KML_Distance, double DiskSizeMb, string Donor, string Publisher, string Spatial_Display, string Institution_Display, string Edition, string Material_Display, string Measurement_Display, string StylePeriod_Display, string Technique_Display, string Subjects_Display ) : Save_Item_Args
GroupID int Primary key for the item group / title / bib id
VID string Volume identifier for this item
PageCount int Number of pages present in this item
FileCount int Number of files present in this item
Title string Main title for this volume
SortTitle string Sort title for this volume ( all caps, and without the leading articles like 'The', 'A', 'Le', etc.. )
Link string Link to this item, if this is not loaded into this digital library
CreateDate System.DateTime Create date for this item
PubDate string Publication date string
SortDate int Sort date is used to sort all items by publication date
Holding_Code string Code for the holding location related to this item
Source_Code string Code for the source institution related to this item
Author string Display field includes all authors' names
Spatial_KML string List of main coordinate points in the main display for this item
Spatial_KML_Distance double Distance of the hypotenuse of the bounding box made up by the coordinates in this item
DiskSizeMb double Total size (in MB) of this entire package on the digital library
Donor string Donor string to display for this item within any search or browse results
Publisher string Publishers string to display for this item within any search or browse results ( multiple publishers are seperated by a '|' character )
Spatial_Display string Spatial information string to display for this item within any search or browse results ( multiple compound spatials are seperated by a '|' character )
Institution_Display string Institution statement to display for this item within any search or browse results
Edition string Edition/state string to display for this item within any search or browse results
Material_Display string Materials (i.e. type of materials used to create object) to display for this item within any search or browse results
Measurement_Display string Measurement information to display for this item within any search or browse results
StylePeriod_Display string Style/Period string to display for this item within any search or browse results
Technique_Display string Techniques information string to display for this item within any search or browse results
Subjects_Display string Subjects information string to display for this item within any search or browse results ( multiple compound subjects are seperated by a '|' character )
return Save_Item_Args

Save_Item_Add_Viewer() public static method

Add an new item viewer linked to an item
This method calls the stored procedure 'SobekCM_Add_Item_Viewers'.
Exception is thrown if an error is caught during /// the database work and the THROW_EXCEPTIONS internal flag is set to true.
public static Save_Item_Add_Viewer ( int ItemID, string Viewer_Type, string Viewer_Label, string Viewer_Attributes ) : bool
ItemID int Item ID to associate these icons and downlaods with
Viewer_Type string Viewer type code for the new viewer type in the SobekCM database
Viewer_Label string Label to be displayed for the new viewer of this item
Viewer_Attributes string Optional attributes for the new viewer of this item
return bool

Save_Item_Add_Viewers() protected static method

Add, or update existing, item viewers linked to an item
This method calls the stored procedure 'SobekCM_Add_Item_Viewers'.
Exception is thrown if an error is caught during /// the database work and the THROW_EXCEPTIONS internal flag is set to true.
protected static Save_Item_Add_Viewers ( int ItemID, string Viewer1_Type, string Viewer1_Label, string Viewer1_Attributes, string Viewer2_Type, string Viewer2_Label, string Viewer2_Attributes, string Viewer3_Type, string Viewer3_Label, string Viewer3_Attributes, string Viewer4_Type, string Viewer4_Label, string Viewer4_Attributes, string Viewer5_Type, string Viewer5_Label, string Viewer5_Attributes, string Viewer6_Type, string Viewer6_Label, string Viewer6_Attributes ) : bool
ItemID int Item ID to associate these icons and downlaods with
Viewer1_Type string Viewer type code for the first viewer type in the SobekCM database
Viewer1_Label string Label to be displayed for the first viewer of this item
Viewer1_Attributes string Optional attributes for the first viewer of this item
Viewer2_Type string Viewer type code for the second viewer type in the SobekCM database
Viewer2_Label string Label to be displayed for the second viewer of this item
Viewer2_Attributes string Optional attributes for the second viewer of this item
Viewer3_Type string Viewer type code for the third viewer type in the SobekCM database
Viewer3_Label string Label to be displayed for the third viewer of this item
Viewer3_Attributes string Optional attributes for the third viewer of this item
Viewer4_Type string Viewer type code for the fourth viewer type in the SobekCM database
Viewer4_Label string Label to be displayed for the fourth viewer of this item
Viewer4_Attributes string Optional attributes for the fourth viewer of this item
Viewer5_Type string Viewer type code for the fifth viewer type in the SobekCM database
Viewer5_Label string Label to be displayed for the fifth viewer of this item
Viewer5_Attributes string Optional attributes for the fifth viewer of this item
Viewer6_Type string Viewer type code for the sixth viewer type in the SobekCM database
Viewer6_Label string Label to be displayed for the sixth viewer of this item
Viewer6_Attributes string Optional attributes for the sixth viewer of this item
return bool

Save_Item_Behaviors() protected static method

Saves the behaviors for a single item in a SobekCM digital library
This method calls the stored procedure 'SobekCM_Save_Item_Behaviors'.
Exception is thrown if an error is caught during /// the database work and the THROW_EXCEPTIONS internal flag is set to true.
protected static Save_Item_Behaviors ( int ItemID, bool TextSearchable, string MainThumbnail, string MainJPEG, short IP_Restriction_Mask, bool CheckoutRequired, bool Dark_Flag, bool Born_Digital, short DispositionAdvice, string DispositionAdviceNotes, Nullable Material_Received_Date, bool Material_Recd_Date_Estimated, string Tracking_Box, string AggregationCode1, string AggregationCode2, string AggregationCode3, string AggregationCode4, string AggregationCode5, string AggregationCode6, string AggregationCode7, string AggregationCode8, string HoldingCode, string SourceCode, string Icon1_Name, string Icon2_Name, string Icon3_Name, string Icon4_Name, string Icon5_Name, bool Left_To_Right, string CitationSet ) : bool
ItemID int Item ID to associate these icons and downlaods with
TextSearchable bool Flag indicates if this item is text searchable
MainThumbnail string Main thumbnail file name
MainJPEG string Main page jpeg image (for full results view)
IP_Restriction_Mask short IP Restriction mask for this item
CheckoutRequired bool Flag indicates if this is a single-use item which requires checkout
Dark_Flag bool Flag indicates if this item is DARK and should not be made public or restricted (i.e., remains private)
Born_Digital bool Flag indicates if this material was born digitally, rather than digitized
DispositionAdvice short Key to how this item will be disposed of once complete, or -1 for no advice
DispositionAdviceNotes string Notes to further explain how this item should be disposed of (i.e., return to whom, etc.)
Material_Received_Date Nullable Day the material was received into the digitization office
Material_Recd_Date_Estimated bool Flag indicates if the date above is an estimate
Tracking_Box string Tracking box this item currently resides in or is tracked with
AggregationCode1 string Code for the first aggregation this item belongs to
AggregationCode2 string Code for the second aggregation this item belongs to
AggregationCode3 string Code for the third aggregation this item belongs to
AggregationCode4 string Code for the fourth aggregation this item belongs to
AggregationCode5 string Code for the fifth aggregation this item belongs to
AggregationCode6 string Code for the sixth aggregation this item belongs to
AggregationCode7 string Code for the seventh aggregation this item belongs to
AggregationCode8 string Code for the eighth aggregation this item belongs to
HoldingCode string Holding code for this item's holding location aggregation
SourceCode string Source location code for this item's source location
Icon1_Name string Name of the first icon
Icon2_Name string Name of the second icon
Icon3_Name string Name of the third icon
Icon4_Name string Name of the fourth icon
Icon5_Name string Name of the fifth icon
Left_To_Right bool Flag indicates this item is read from Left-to-Right, rather than standard Right-to-Left
CitationSet string Citation set to use when displaying this item
return bool

Save_Item_Behaviors_Minimal() protected static method

Saves the minimal behaviors for a single item in a SobekCM digital library
This method calls the stored procedure 'SobekCM_Save_Item_Behaviors_Minimal'.
Exception is thrown if an error is caught during /// the database work and the THROW_EXCEPTIONS internal flag is set to true.
protected static Save_Item_Behaviors_Minimal ( int ItemID, bool TextSearchable ) : bool
ItemID int Item ID to associate these icons and downlaods with
TextSearchable bool Flag indicates if this item is text searchable
return bool

Save_Item_Group() protected static method

Saves the main information about an item group in SobekCM
This method calls the stored procedure 'SobekCM_Save_Item_Group'.
Exception is thrown if an error is caught during /// the database work and the THROW_EXCEPTIONS internal flag is set to true.
protected static Save_Item_Group ( string BibID, string GroupTitle, string SortTitle, string Type, string File_Root, string Group_Thumbnail, bool Update_Existing, System.DateTime CreateDate, long OCLC_Number, int ALEPH_Number, bool Large_Format, bool Track_By_Month, bool Never_Overlay_Record, string Primary_Identifier_Type, string Primary_Identifier ) : Save_Item_Group_Args
BibID string Bib ID for this group
GroupTitle string Title for this group
SortTitle string Sort title for this item group
Type string Resource type for this group
File_Root string File root for this item group's files
Group_Thumbnail string Thumbnail to use for this item group
Update_Existing bool Flag indicates to update this bib id if it exists
CreateDate System.DateTime Day this item was created
OCLC_Number long OCLC record number for this item group
ALEPH_Number int ALEPH record number for this item group
Large_Format bool Flag indicates if this a large format item, which will affect size of service image files
Track_By_Month bool Flag indicates this material should be tracked by month, along with other items within the same title
Never_Overlay_Record bool Flag indicates to never overlay this record from the original ALEPH or OCLC record
Primary_Identifier_Type string Primary identifier type for this item group
Primary_Identifier string Primary identifier for this item group
return Save_Item_Group_Args

Save_Item_Group_Web_Skins() public static method

Saves the links between an item group and the web skins possible
This method calls the stored procedure 'SobekCM_Save_Item_Group_Web_Skins'.
Exception is thrown if an error is caught during /// the database work and the THROW_EXCEPTIONS internal flag is set to true.
public static Save_Item_Group_Web_Skins ( int GroupID, SobekCM_Item ThisPackage ) : bool
GroupID int Primary key to this item group / title in the SobekCM database
ThisPackage SobekCM.Resource_Object.SobekCM_Item Digital resource object from which to save the web skins
return bool

Save_Item_Internal_Comments() public static method

Saves the internal comments related to an item
This method calls the stored procedure 'SobekCM_Set_Item_Comments'.
Exception is thrown if an error is caught during /// the database work and the THROW_EXCEPTIONS internal flag is set to true.
public static Save_Item_Internal_Comments ( int ItemID, string Internal_Comments ) : bool
ItemID int Item ID to associate this internal comment with
Internal_Comments string New internal comments
return bool

Save_Item_Metadata() protected static method

Saves metadata from an item into the tables for searching metadata
This calls the 'SobekCM_Metadata_Save' stored procedure in the SobekCM database
protected static Save_Item_Metadata ( int ItemID, string Metadata_Type1, string Metadata_Value1, string Metadata_Type2, string Metadata_Value2, string Metadata_Type3, string Metadata_Value3, string Metadata_Type4, string Metadata_Value4, string Metadata_Type5, string Metadata_Value5, string Metadata_Type6, string Metadata_Value6, string Metadata_Type7, string Metadata_Value7, string Metadata_Type8, string Metadata_Value8, string Metadata_Type9, string Metadata_Value9, string Metadata_Type10, string Metadata_Value10 ) : bool
ItemID int Primary key for the item to which to tag this metadata
Metadata_Type1 string Type string for the first metadata value
Metadata_Value1 string Value of the first piece of metadata
Metadata_Type2 string Type string for the second metadata value
Metadata_Value2 string Value of the second piece of metadata
Metadata_Type3 string Type string for the third metadata value
Metadata_Value3 string Value of the third piece of metadata
Metadata_Type4 string Type string for the fourth metadata value
Metadata_Value4 string Value of the fourth piece of metadata
Metadata_Type5 string Type string for the fifth metadata value
Metadata_Value5 string Value of the fifth piece of metadata
Metadata_Type6 string Type string for the sixth metadata value
Metadata_Value6 string Value of the sixth piece of metadata
Metadata_Type7 string Type string for the seventh metadata value
Metadata_Value7 string Value of the seventh piece of metadata
Metadata_Type8 string Type string for the eight metadata value
Metadata_Value8 string Value of the eight piece of metadata
Metadata_Type9 string Type string for the ninth metadata value
Metadata_Value9 string Value of the ninth piece of metadata
Metadata_Type10 string Type string for the tenth metadata value
Metadata_Value10 string Value of the tenth piece of metadata
return bool

Save_Item_OAI() public static method

Saves the OAI-PMH data associated with an item
This method calls the stored procedure 'SobekCM_Add_OAI_PMH_Data'.

If the OAI-PMH data is locked via the database flag on this data, this does not change the OAI stored for the item.
public static Save_Item_OAI ( int ItemID, string OAI_Data, string Data_Code ) : bool
ItemID int Primary key for this item within the database
OAI_Data string Data to be stored for this item
Data_Code string Code for this metadata type being saved for this item ( i.e. 'oai_dc' )
return bool

Save_Item_Remove_Viewers() protected static method

Remove (and exclude) item viewers linked to an item
This method calls the stored procedure 'SobekCM_Remove_Item_Viewers'.
Exception is thrown if an error is caught during /// the database work and the THROW_EXCEPTIONS internal flag is set to true.
protected static Save_Item_Remove_Viewers ( int ItemID, string Viewer1_Type, string Viewer2_Type, string Viewer3_Type, string Viewer4_Type, string Viewer5_Type, string Viewer6_Type ) : bool
ItemID int Item ID to associate these icons and downlaods with
Viewer1_Type string Viewer type code for the first viewer type in the SobekCM database to exlude
Viewer2_Type string Viewer type code for the second viewer type in the SobekCM database to exlude
Viewer3_Type string Viewer type code for the third viewer type in the SobekCM database to exlude
Viewer4_Type string Viewer type code for the fourth viewer type in the SobekCM database to exlude
Viewer5_Type string Viewer type code for the fifth viewer type in the SobekCM database to exlude
Viewer6_Type string Viewer type code for the sixth viewer type in the SobekCM database to exlude
return bool

Save_Item_Ticklers() protected static method

Saves up to five ticklers for a single item in a SobekCM digital library
This method calls the stored procedure 'SobekCM_Save_Item_Ticklers'.
Exception is thrown if an error is caught during /// the database work and the THROW_EXCEPTIONS internal flag is set to true.
protected static Save_Item_Ticklers ( int ItemID, string Tickler1, string Tickler2, string Tickler3, string Tickler4, string Tickler5 ) : bool
ItemID int Item ID to associate these ticklers with
Tickler1 string Tickler to save for this item
Tickler2 string Tickler to save for this item
Tickler3 string Tickler to save for this item
Tickler4 string Tickler to save for this item
Tickler5 string Tickler to save for this item
return bool

Save_Item_Views() public static method

Adds up to three additional views for a single item in a SobekCM digital library
This method calls the stored procedure 'SobekCM_Save_Item_Views'.
Exception is thrown if an error is caught during /// the database work and the THROW_EXCEPTIONS internal flag is set to true.
public static Save_Item_Views ( string BibID, string VID, int Viewer1_Type, string Viewer1_Label, string Viewer1_Attributes, int Viewer2_Type, string Viewer2_Label, string Viewer2_Attributes, int Viewer3_Type, string Viewer3_Label, string Viewer3_Attributes ) : bool
BibID string Bibliographic identifier for the item to add
VID string Volume identifier for the item to add
Viewer1_Type int Primary key for the first viewer type in the SobekCM database
Viewer1_Label string Label to be displayed for the first viewer of this item
Viewer1_Attributes string Optional attributes for the first viewer of this item
Viewer2_Type int Primary key for the second viewer type in the SobekCM database
Viewer2_Label string Label to be displayed for the second viewer of this item
Viewer2_Attributes string Optional attributes for the second viewer of this item
Viewer3_Type int Primary key for the third viewer type in the SobekCM database
Viewer3_Label string Label to be displayed for the third viewer of this item
Viewer3_Attributes string Optional attributes for the third viewer of this item
return bool

Save_New_Digital_Resource() public static method

Save a brand new bibliographic item to the SobekCM database
This saves the item information, the serial hierarchy, the behaviors, tracking information, and links to the user and the user's folders, all in a single procedure call
public static Save_New_Digital_Resource ( SobekCM_Item ThisPackage, bool TextFlag, bool OnlineSubmit, string Username, string Usernotes, int Userid ) : bool
ThisPackage SobekCM.Resource_Object.SobekCM_Item New bibliographic package to save to the SobekCM database
TextFlag bool Flag indicates if there are text files asscociated with this item, which would case the text searchable flag to be set to true
OnlineSubmit bool Flag indicates if this was submitted via the online interface or some other means
Username string Name of the user that submitted this item, for the worklog history
Usernotes string Any user notes entered while sumitting this item
Userid int User id of the user that submitted this item, to associate with the user's submitted folder
return bool

Save_New_Tracking_Box() public static method

Saves the tracking box information for a single item
This method calls the stored procedure 'Tracking_Update_Tracking_Box'.
Exception is thrown if an error is caught during /// the database work and the THROW_EXCEPTIONS internal flag is set to true.
public static Save_New_Tracking_Box ( int ItemID, string Tracking_Box ) : bool
ItemID int Item ID to associate this tracking box with
Tracking_Box string New tracking box
return bool

Save_OAI_Information() public static method

Saves the OAI-PMH information associated with an item
public static Save_OAI_Information ( SobekCM_Item ThisPackage, object>.Dictionary Options ) : void
ThisPackage SobekCM.Resource_Object.SobekCM_Item Package to save as various OAI-PMH enabled formats
Options object>.Dictionary System options
return void

Save_QC_Error() public static method

Save QC error for a single page of a single item
public static Save_QC_Error ( int ItemID, string Filename, string ErrorCode, string Description, bool isVolumeError ) : int
ItemID int ItemID
Filename string Root filename of this page
ErrorCode string Error Code for this error
Description string Error Description
isVolumeError bool Indicates if this error is a Volume error or not
return int

Save_Serial_Hierarchy() protected static method

Saves the serial hierarchy and link between an item and an item group
This method calls the stored procedure 'SobekCM_Save_Serial_Hierarchy'.
Exception is thrown if an error is caught during /// the database work and the THROW_EXCEPTIONS internal flag is set to true.
protected static Save_Serial_Hierarchy ( int GroupID, int ItemID, string Level1_Text, int Level1_Index, string Level2_Text, int Level2_Index, string Level3_Text, int Level3_Index, string Level4_Text, int Level4_Index, string Level5_Text, int Level5_Index, string SerialHierarchy ) : void
GroupID int Group ID this item belongs to
ItemID int Item id for the individual item
Level1_Text string Text to display for the first hierarchy
Level1_Index int Order for this item within other first hierarchy items
Level2_Text string Text to display for the second hierarchy
Level2_Index int Order for this item within other second hierarchy items
Level3_Text string Text to display for the third hierarchy
Level3_Index int Order for this item within other third hierarchy items
Level4_Text string Text to display for the fourth hierarchy
Level4_Index int Order for this item within other fourth hierarchy items
Level5_Text string Text to display for the fifth hierarchy
Level5_Index int Order for this item within other fifth hierarchy items
SerialHierarchy string Serial hierarchy as a single
return void

Save_Serial_Hierarchy_Information() public static method

Saves the serial hierarchy information for a single item
public static Save_Serial_Hierarchy_Information ( SobekCM_Item ThisPackage, int GroupID, int ItemID ) : void
ThisPackage SobekCM.Resource_Object.SobekCM_Item
GroupID int
ItemID int
return void

Set_IP_Restriction_Mask() public static method

Saves the IP Restriction mask which determines public, private, or restricted by IP
This method calls the stored procedure 'SobekCM_Set_IP_Restriction_Mask'.
public static Set_IP_Restriction_Mask ( int ItemID, int New_Restriction_Mask, string UserName, string ProgressNote ) : bool
ItemID int Item ID for the item to save the new visibility for
New_Restriction_Mask int New value for the visibility of this item
UserName string Username that performed the change
ProgressNote string Note to attach to this change in item's accessibility
return bool

Set_Item_Setting_Value() public static method

Add or update a setting related to an individual digital resource
This method calls the stored procedure 'SobekCM_Set_Item_Setting_Value'.
public static Set_Item_Setting_Value ( int ItemID, string Setting_Key, string Setting_Value ) : bool
ItemID int ItemID to attach this setting value
Setting_Key string Key for this setting value
Setting_Value string Value for this setting
return bool

Set_Item_Visibility() public static method

Sets the general visibility and embargo information for a single item
This method calls the stored procedure 'SobekCM_Set_Item_Visibility'.
public static Set_Item_Visibility ( int ItemID, int NewRestrictionMask, bool DarkFlag, System.DateTime EmbargoDate, string UserName ) : bool
ItemID int
NewRestrictionMask int
DarkFlag bool
EmbargoDate System.DateTime
UserName string
return bool

Simple_Item_List() public static method

Gets the simple list of items for a single item aggregation, or all of the library
This calls the 'SobekCM_Simple_Item_List' stored procedure in the main database
public static Simple_Item_List ( string Aggregation_Code ) : SobekCM.Resource_Object.Database.DataSets.SobekCM_All_Items
Aggregation_Code string Code for the item aggregation of interest, or an empty string
return SobekCM.Resource_Object.Database.DataSets.SobekCM_All_Items

Tivoli_Get_Archived_Files() public static method

Get the list of all archived TIVOLI files by BibID and VID
This calls the 'Tivoli_Get_File_By_Bib_VID' stored procedure in the main SobekCM database
public static Tivoli_Get_Archived_Files ( string BibID, string VID ) : DataTable
BibID string Bibliographic identifier
VID string Volume identifier
return System.Data.DataTable

Update_Born_Digital_Flag() public static method

Update the born digital flag for an item
This method calls the stored procedure 'Tracking_Update_Born_Digital'.
Exception is thrown if an error is caught during /// the database work and the THROW_EXCEPTIONS internal flag is set to true.
public static Update_Born_Digital_Flag ( int ItemID, bool Born_Digital_Flag ) : bool
ItemID int ItemID for which to update born digital flag
Born_Digital_Flag bool New value for the born digital flag on this item
return bool

Update_Digitization_Milestone() public static method

Update the digitization milestones
This method calls the stored procedure 'Tracking_Update_Digitization_Milestones'.
public static Update_Digitization_Milestone ( int ItemID, int Last_Milestone, System.DateTime Milestone_Date ) : bool
ItemID int Primary key for the item to update the digitization miliestons
Last_Milestone int Last milesont completed ( 1=Digital Acquisition Copmlete, 2=Post-Acquisition Processing Complete, 3=QC Complete, 4=Online Complete )
Milestone_Date System.DateTime Date the last milestone was performed
return bool

Update_Disposition() public static method

Update the disposition information when the physical material leaves the digitization location
This method calls the stored procedure 'Tracking_Update_Disposition'.
Exception is thrown if an error is caught during /// the database work and the THROW_EXCEPTIONS internal flag is set to true.
public static Update_Disposition ( int ItemID, int DispositionTypeID, string Notes, System.DateTime DispositionDate, string UserName ) : bool
ItemID int ItemID for which to update the disposition
DispositionTypeID int Primary key to the disposition type from the database
Notes string Any notes associated with the disposition
DispositionDate System.DateTime Date the disposition occurred
UserName string User who added this disposition information (for the work history)
return bool

Update_Item_Group() public static method

Saves the basic title information for an item group
This calls the 'SobekCM_Update_Item_Group' stored procedure
public static Update_Item_Group ( string BibID, string GroupTitle, string SortTitle, string Group_Thumbnail, string Primary_Identifier_Type, string Primary_Identifier ) : bool
BibID string Bibliographic identifier for the item group to update
GroupTitle string New group title for this item group
SortTitle string New sort title for this item group
Group_Thumbnail string Thumbnail to use for this item group
Primary_Identifier_Type string Primary identifier type for this item group
Primary_Identifier string Primary identifier for this item group
return bool

Update_Item_Online_Statistics() public static method

Update the physical statistics ( files, pages, size ) of an item
This calls the 'SobekCM_Update_Item_Online_Statistics' stored procedure
public static Update_Item_Online_Statistics ( string BibID, string VID, int PageCount, int FileCount, double DiskSizeMb ) : bool
BibID string Bibliographic identifier for the item group to update
VID string Volume identifier for the item/volume to update
PageCount int Number of pages linked to this item in the library
FileCount int Number of page image files linked to this item in the library
DiskSizeMb double Size of the entire digital resource on the image server
return bool

Update_Material_Received() public static method

Update information regarding the receipt of material
This method calls the stored procedure 'Tracking_Update_Material_Received'.
Exception is thrown if an error is caught during /// the database work and the THROW_EXCEPTIONS internal flag is set to true.
public static Update_Material_Received ( int ItemID, System.DateTime Date, bool Estimated, string UserName, string Notes ) : bool
ItemID int ItemID for which to add material receipt information
Date System.DateTime Date the material was received
Estimated bool Flag indicates if this material receipt is estimated
UserName string Name of the user marking the material received
Notes string Notes regarding the receipt of the material
return bool

Property Details

DisplayErrors protected_oe static_oe property

Flag indicates whether a message should be displayed when errors occur.
Set this flag to TRUE to show a message box when errors occur.
protected static bool DisplayErrors
return bool

DisplayInnerExceptions protected_oe static_oe property

Flag indicates if the text of the internal exception should be included in any message or exception thrown.
Set to TRUE to show the text from the inner exception.
protected static bool DisplayInnerExceptions
return bool

ThrowExceptions protected_oe static_oe property

Flag indicates whether exceptions should be thrown
If this flag is set to TRUE, a SobekCM_Database_Exception will be thrown if any error occurs while accessing the database.
protected static bool ThrowExceptions
return bool