C# Class Smartsheet.Api.OAuth.OAuthFlowBuilder

This is the builder that is used To build OAuthFlow instances.

Thread Safety: This class is not thread safe since it's mutable, one builder instance is NOT expected To be used in multiple threads.

Mostrar archivo Open project: smartsheet-platform/smartsheet-csharp-sdk Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
Build ( ) : OAuthFlow

Build the OAuthFlow instance.

OAuthFlowBuilder ( ) : System


SetAuthorizationURL ( string authorizationURL ) : OAuthFlowBuilder

Set the authorization URL.

SetClientId ( string clientId ) : OAuthFlowBuilder

Set the client ID

SetClientSecret ( string clientSecret ) : OAuthFlowBuilder

Set the client secret.

SetHttpClient ( Api.Internal.Http.HttpClient httpClient ) : OAuthFlowBuilder

Set the HttpClient.

SetJsonSerializer ( Api.Internal.Json.JsonSerializer jsonSerializer ) : OAuthFlowBuilder

Set the JsonSerializer.

SetRedirectURL ( string redirectURL ) : OAuthFlowBuilder

Set the redirect URL

SetTokenURL ( string tokenURL ) : OAuthFlowBuilder

Set the token URL.

Method Details

Build() public method

Build the OAuthFlow instance.
if ClientId, ClientSecret or RedirectURL isn't set yet.
public Build ( ) : OAuthFlow
return OAuthFlow

OAuthFlowBuilder() public method

public OAuthFlowBuilder ( ) : System
return System

SetAuthorizationURL() public method

Set the authorization URL.
if any argument is null/empty string
public SetAuthorizationURL ( string authorizationURL ) : OAuthFlowBuilder
authorizationURL string the authorization URL
return OAuthFlowBuilder

SetClientId() public method

Set the client ID
if any argument is null/empty string
public SetClientId ( string clientId ) : OAuthFlowBuilder
clientId string the Value To set
return OAuthFlowBuilder

SetClientSecret() public method

Set the client secret.
if any argument is null/empty string
public SetClientSecret ( string clientSecret ) : OAuthFlowBuilder
clientSecret string the client secret
return OAuthFlowBuilder

SetHttpClient() public method

Set the HttpClient.
public SetHttpClient ( Api.Internal.Http.HttpClient httpClient ) : OAuthFlowBuilder
httpClient Api.Internal.Http.HttpClient the HttpClient
return OAuthFlowBuilder

SetJsonSerializer() public method

Set the JsonSerializer.

if any argument is null/empty string
public SetJsonSerializer ( Api.Internal.Json.JsonSerializer jsonSerializer ) : OAuthFlowBuilder
jsonSerializer Api.Internal.Json.JsonSerializer the JsonSerializer
return OAuthFlowBuilder

SetRedirectURL() public method

Set the redirect URL
if any argument is null/empty string
public SetRedirectURL ( string redirectURL ) : OAuthFlowBuilder
redirectURL string the redirect Url
return OAuthFlowBuilder

SetTokenURL() public method

Set the token URL.
if any argument is null/empty string
public SetTokenURL ( string tokenURL ) : OAuthFlowBuilder
tokenURL string the token Url
return OAuthFlowBuilder