C# Class Sharpex2D.Math.Circle

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Public Methods

Method Description
Circle ( Vector2 position, float radius )

Creates a new Circle.

Distance ( Circle circle ) : float

Gets the Distance between this, and a second Circle.

Distance ( Circle circle1, Circle circle2 ) : float

Gets the Distance between two circles.

Intersects ( Circle circle1, Circle circle2 ) : bool

Indicates whether the first Circle intersects with the second Circle.

IntersectsWith ( Circle circle ) : bool

Indicates whether the Circle intersects with another Circle.

ToString ( ) : string

Converts the circle in to a string.

Method Details

Circle() public method

Creates a new Circle.
public Circle ( Vector2 position, float radius )
position Vector2 The Position.
radius float The Radius.

Distance() public method

Gets the Distance between this, and a second Circle.
public Distance ( Circle circle ) : float
circle Circle The second Circle.
return float

Distance() public static method

Gets the Distance between two circles.
public static Distance ( Circle circle1, Circle circle2 ) : float
circle1 Circle The first Circle.
circle2 Circle The second Circle.
return float

Intersects() public static method

Indicates whether the first Circle intersects with the second Circle.
public static Intersects ( Circle circle1, Circle circle2 ) : bool
circle1 Circle The first Circle.
circle2 Circle The second Circle.
return bool

IntersectsWith() public method

Indicates whether the Circle intersects with another Circle.
public IntersectsWith ( Circle circle ) : bool
circle Circle The second Circle.
return bool

ToString() public method

Converts the circle in to a string.
public ToString ( ) : string
return string