C# Class SharpArch.Web.Mvc.Castle.WindsorControllerFactory

Inheritance: System.Web.Mvc.DefaultControllerFactory
Mostrar archivo Open project: sharparchitecture/Sharp-Architecture

Public Methods

Method Description
ReleaseController ( [ controller ) : void

Disposes controller.

WindsorControllerFactory ( [ container ) : System

Creates a new instance of the WindsorControllerFactory class.

Protected Methods

Method Description
GetControllerInstance ( System.Web.Routing.RequestContext context, Type controllerType ) : IController

Resolves controller.

Method Details

GetControllerInstance() protected method

Resolves controller.
Controller type can not be resolved.
protected GetControllerInstance ( System.Web.Routing.RequestContext context, Type controllerType ) : IController
context System.Web.Routing.RequestContext The context.
controllerType System.Type Type of the controller.
return IController

ReleaseController() public method

Disposes controller.
public ReleaseController ( [ controller ) : void
controller [ The controller to release.
return void

WindsorControllerFactory() public method

Creates a new instance of the WindsorControllerFactory class.
public WindsorControllerFactory ( [ container ) : System
container [ The Windsor container instance to use when creating controllers.
return System