C# Class Scorchio.VisualStudio.Extensions.ProjectItemExtensions

Defines the ProjectItemExtensions type.
Mostrar archivo Open project: asudbury/NinjaCoderForMvvmCross

Public Methods

Method Description
AddHeaderComment ( this instance, string headerComment ) : void

Adds the header comment.

AddNameSpace ( this instance, string nameSpace ) : CodeNamespace

Adds the name space.

AddUsingStatement ( this instance, string usingStatement ) : void

Adds the using statement.

CreateInterface ( this instance ) : CodeInterface

Creates the interface.

DeleteFileContents ( this instance ) : void

Delete the file contents.

DeleteFolder ( this instance, IEnumerable excludeFiles = null ) : void

Deletes the folder.

DeleteNameSpaceUsingStatements ( this instance ) : void

Deletes the name space using statements.

FixUsingStatements ( this instance ) : void

Fixes the using statements.

GetCSharpProjectItems ( this instance ) : IEnumerable

Gets the c# project items.

GetFirstClass ( this instance ) : CodeClass

Gets the first class.

GetFirstCodeElement ( this instance ) : CodeElement

Gets the first code element.

GetFirstInterface ( this instance ) : CodeInterface

Gets the first interface.

GetFirstNameSpace ( this instance ) : CodeNamespace

Gets the first name space.

GetFolder ( this instance, string folderName ) : ProjectItem

Gets the folder.

GetFolder ( this instance ) : string

Gets the folder.

GetFolderOrCreate ( this instance, string folderName ) : ProjectItem

Gets the folder or create.

GetFolderProjectItems ( this instance ) : IEnumerable

Gets the folder project items.

GetNameSpace ( this instance ) : CodeNamespace

Gets the name space.

GetProjectItem ( this instance, string name ) : ProjectItem

Gets the project item.

GetSubProjectItems ( this instance ) : IEnumerable

Gets the sub project items.

GetUsingStatements ( this instance ) : IEnumerable

Gets the using statements.

GetXamlProjectItems ( this instance ) : IEnumerable

Gets the c# project items.

ImplementCodeSnippet ( this instance, CodeSnippet codeSnippet, bool formatFunctionParameters ) : void

Implements the code snippet.

IsCSharpFile ( this instance ) : bool

Determines whether [is C sharp file] [the specified instance].

IsPhysicalFile ( this instance ) : bool

Determines whether the project item is a physical file.

IsXamlFile ( this instance ) : bool

Determines whether [is xaml file] [the specified instance].

MoveUsingStatements ( this instance ) : void

Moves the using statements.

RemoveAndDelete ( this instance ) : void

Removes the and delete.

RemoveComments ( this instance ) : void

Removes the comments.

RemoveDoubleBlankLines ( this instance ) : void

Removes the double blank lines.

RemoveHeader ( this instance ) : void

Removes the header.

ReplaceText ( this instance, string text, string replacementText, int findOptions = (int)vsFindOptions.vsFindOptionsMatchCase ) : void

Replaces the text.

SortAndRemoveUsingStatements ( this instance ) : void

Sorts the and remove using statements.

Method Details

AddHeaderComment() public static method

Adds the header comment.
public static AddHeaderComment ( this instance, string headerComment ) : void
instance this The instance.
headerComment string The header comment.
return void

AddNameSpace() public static method

Adds the name space.
public static AddNameSpace ( this instance, string nameSpace ) : CodeNamespace
instance this The instance.
nameSpace string The name space.
return CodeNamespace

AddUsingStatement() public static method

Adds the using statement.
public static AddUsingStatement ( this instance, string usingStatement ) : void
instance this The instance.
usingStatement string The using statement.
return void

CreateInterface() public static method

Creates the interface.
public static CreateInterface ( this instance ) : CodeInterface
instance this The instance.
return CodeInterface

DeleteFileContents() public static method

Delete the file contents.
public static DeleteFileContents ( this instance ) : void
instance this The instance.
return void

DeleteFolder() public static method

Deletes the folder.
public static DeleteFolder ( this instance, IEnumerable excludeFiles = null ) : void
instance this The instance.
excludeFiles IEnumerable The exclude files.
return void

DeleteNameSpaceUsingStatements() public static method

Deletes the name space using statements.
public static DeleteNameSpaceUsingStatements ( this instance ) : void
instance this The instance.
return void

FixUsingStatements() public static method

Fixes the using statements.
public static FixUsingStatements ( this instance ) : void
instance this The instance.
return void

GetCSharpProjectItems() public static method

Gets the c# project items.
public static GetCSharpProjectItems ( this instance ) : IEnumerable
instance this The instance.
return IEnumerable

GetFirstClass() public static method

Gets the first class.
public static GetFirstClass ( this instance ) : CodeClass
instance this The instance.
return CodeClass

GetFirstCodeElement() public static method

Gets the first code element.
public static GetFirstCodeElement ( this instance ) : CodeElement
instance this The instance.
return CodeElement

GetFirstInterface() public static method

Gets the first interface.
public static GetFirstInterface ( this instance ) : CodeInterface
instance this The instance.
return CodeInterface

GetFirstNameSpace() public static method

Gets the first name space.
public static GetFirstNameSpace ( this instance ) : CodeNamespace
instance this The instance.
return CodeNamespace

GetFolder() public static method

Gets the folder.
public static GetFolder ( this instance, string folderName ) : ProjectItem
instance this The instance.
folderName string Name of the folder.
return ProjectItem

GetFolder() public static method

Gets the folder.
public static GetFolder ( this instance ) : string
instance this The instance.
return string

GetFolderOrCreate() public static method

Gets the folder or create.
public static GetFolderOrCreate ( this instance, string folderName ) : ProjectItem
instance this The instance.
folderName string Name of the folder.
return ProjectItem

GetFolderProjectItems() public static method

Gets the folder project items.
public static GetFolderProjectItems ( this instance ) : IEnumerable
instance this The instance.
return IEnumerable

GetNameSpace() public static method

Gets the name space.
public static GetNameSpace ( this instance ) : CodeNamespace
instance this The instance.
return CodeNamespace

GetProjectItem() public static method

Gets the project item.
public static GetProjectItem ( this instance, string name ) : ProjectItem
instance this The instance.
name string The name.
return ProjectItem

GetSubProjectItems() public static method

Gets the sub project items.
public static GetSubProjectItems ( this instance ) : IEnumerable
instance this The instance.
return IEnumerable

GetUsingStatements() public static method

Gets the using statements.
public static GetUsingStatements ( this instance ) : IEnumerable
instance this The instance.
return IEnumerable

GetXamlProjectItems() public static method

Gets the c# project items.
public static GetXamlProjectItems ( this instance ) : IEnumerable
instance this The instance.
return IEnumerable

ImplementCodeSnippet() public static method

Implements the code snippet.
public static ImplementCodeSnippet ( this instance, CodeSnippet codeSnippet, bool formatFunctionParameters ) : void
instance this The instance.
codeSnippet CodeSnippet The code snippet.
formatFunctionParameters bool if set to true [format function parameters].
return void

IsCSharpFile() public static method

Determines whether [is C sharp file] [the specified instance].
public static IsCSharpFile ( this instance ) : bool
instance this The instance.
return bool

IsPhysicalFile() public static method

Determines whether the project item is a physical file.
public static IsPhysicalFile ( this instance ) : bool
instance this The instance.
return bool

IsXamlFile() public static method

Determines whether [is xaml file] [the specified instance].
public static IsXamlFile ( this instance ) : bool
instance this The instance.
return bool

MoveUsingStatements() public static method

Moves the using statements.
public static MoveUsingStatements ( this instance ) : void
instance this The instance.
return void

RemoveAndDelete() public static method

Removes the and delete.
public static RemoveAndDelete ( this instance ) : void
instance this The instance.
return void

RemoveComments() public static method

Removes the comments.
public static RemoveComments ( this instance ) : void
instance this The instance.
return void

RemoveDoubleBlankLines() public static method

Removes the double blank lines.
public static RemoveDoubleBlankLines ( this instance ) : void
instance this The instance.
return void

RemoveHeader() public static method

Removes the header.
public static RemoveHeader ( this instance ) : void
instance this The instance.
return void

ReplaceText() public static method

Replaces the text.
public static ReplaceText ( this instance, string text, string replacementText, int findOptions = (int)vsFindOptions.vsFindOptionsMatchCase ) : void
instance this The instance.
text string The text.
replacementText string The replacement text.
findOptions int The find options.
return void

SortAndRemoveUsingStatements() public static method

Sorts the and remove using statements.
public static SortAndRemoveUsingStatements ( this instance ) : void
instance this The instance.
return void