C# Class Sanderling.Parse.Number

Number formatting in the eve online client depends on number format configured in windows. For this reason, the number parsing works with a range of different group separators and decimal separators.
Mostrar archivo Open project: Arcitectus/Sanderling

Public Properties

Property Type Description
DefaultNumberFormatRegex System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex
DefaultNumberFormatRegexAllowLeadingAndTrailingChars System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex
DefaultNumberFormatRegexPattern string
DefaultNumberFormatRegexPatternAllowLeadingAndTrailingChars string

Public Methods

Method Description
DefaultNumberFormatRegexPatternConstruct ( bool allowLeadingCharacters = false, bool allowTrailingCharacters = false, string groupIdSufix = null ) : string
IntFromRoman ( this roman ) : int?
NumberFormatRegexPatternConstruct ( string setSignOption, string setDecimalSeparatorOption, string setDigitGroupSeparatorOption, bool allowLeadingCharacters = false, bool allowTrailingCharacters = false, string groupIdSufix = null ) : string
NumberParseDecimal ( this numberString ) : Int64?
NumberParseDecimalMilli ( this numberString ) : Int64?

parses a decimal number and returns the number multiplied by thousand.

NumberParseDecimalMilliBetween ( this stringContainingNumber, string prefixPattern = null, string suffixPattern = null, RegexOptions regexOptions = RegexOptions.None ) : Int64?
RegexPatternAlternativeConstruct ( string setOption ) : string

Method Details

DefaultNumberFormatRegexPatternConstruct() static public method

static public DefaultNumberFormatRegexPatternConstruct ( bool allowLeadingCharacters = false, bool allowTrailingCharacters = false, string groupIdSufix = null ) : string
allowLeadingCharacters bool
allowTrailingCharacters bool
groupIdSufix string
return string

IntFromRoman() static public method

static public IntFromRoman ( this roman ) : int?
roman this
return int?

NumberFormatRegexPatternConstruct() static public method

static public NumberFormatRegexPatternConstruct ( string setSignOption, string setDecimalSeparatorOption, string setDigitGroupSeparatorOption, bool allowLeadingCharacters = false, bool allowTrailingCharacters = false, string groupIdSufix = null ) : string
setSignOption string
setDecimalSeparatorOption string
setDigitGroupSeparatorOption string
allowLeadingCharacters bool
allowTrailingCharacters bool
groupIdSufix string
return string

NumberParseDecimal() static public method

static public NumberParseDecimal ( this numberString ) : Int64?
numberString this
return Int64?

NumberParseDecimalMilli() static public method

parses a decimal number and returns the number multiplied by thousand.
static public NumberParseDecimalMilli ( this numberString ) : Int64?
numberString this
return Int64?

NumberParseDecimalMilliBetween() static public method

static public NumberParseDecimalMilliBetween ( this stringContainingNumber, string prefixPattern = null, string suffixPattern = null, RegexOptions regexOptions = RegexOptions.None ) : Int64?
stringContainingNumber this
prefixPattern string
suffixPattern string
regexOptions RegexOptions
return Int64?

RegexPatternAlternativeConstruct() static public method

static public RegexPatternAlternativeConstruct ( string setOption ) : string
setOption string
return string

Property Details

DefaultNumberFormatRegex static_oe public_oe property

static public Regex,System.Text.RegularExpressions DefaultNumberFormatRegex
return System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex

DefaultNumberFormatRegexAllowLeadingAndTrailingChars static_oe public_oe property

static public Regex,System.Text.RegularExpressions DefaultNumberFormatRegexAllowLeadingAndTrailingChars
return System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex

DefaultNumberFormatRegexPattern static_oe public_oe property

static public string DefaultNumberFormatRegexPattern
return string

DefaultNumberFormatRegexPatternAllowLeadingAndTrailingChars static_oe public_oe property

static public string DefaultNumberFormatRegexPatternAllowLeadingAndTrailingChars
return string