C# Class Rtsp.Messages.RtspRequestSetup

Inheritance: RtspRequest
Mostrar archivo Open project: ngraziano/SharpRTSP Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
AddTransport ( RtspTransport newTransport ) : void
GetTransports ( ) : Rtsp.Messages.RtspTransport[]

Gets the transports associate with the request.

RtspRequestSetup ( ) : System

Method Details

AddTransport() public method

public AddTransport ( RtspTransport newTransport ) : void
newTransport RtspTransport
return void

GetTransports() public method

Gets the transports associate with the request.
public GetTransports ( ) : Rtsp.Messages.RtspTransport[]
return Rtsp.Messages.RtspTransport[]

RtspRequestSetup() public method

public RtspRequestSetup ( ) : System
return System