C# Class RasterSyncExtension.RasterSyncWorkspaceExtension

Inheritance: IWorkspaceExtensionControl, IWorkspaceExtension2, IWorkspaceReplicaSyncEvents
Mostrar archivo Open project: Esri/arcobjects-sdk-community-samples

Public Methods

Method Description
AfterExportingDataChanges ( IReplica sourceReplica, object dataChangesSource, object deltaFile ) : void

Occurs in the replica geodatabase after data changes have been exported from that replica geodatabase to a delta database. Not used in this implementation.

AfterSynchronizingDataChanges ( IReplica targetReplica, object dataChangesSource, ITable oidMappingTable, ITable changesTable ) : void

Occurs in the master geodatabase after data changes in either a replica geodatabase or delta database are transferred to the master geodatabase.

BeforeExportingDataChanges ( IReplica sourceReplica, object dataChangesSource, object deltaFile ) : void

Occurs in the replica geodatabase before data changes are exported from that replica geodatabase to a delta database. Not used in this implementation.

BeforeSynchronizingDataChanges ( IReplica targetReplica, object dataChangesSource ) : void

Occurs in the master geodatabase before data changes in either a replica geodatabase or delta database are transferred to the master geodatabase. Not used in this implementation.

Init ( IWorkspaceHelper workspaceHelper ) : void

Initializes the workspace extension.

OwnsDatasetType ( esriDatasetType datasetType ) : System.Boolean

Indicates whether the extension owns a dataset type.

Shutdown ( ) : void

Called to shutdown the extension.

get_PrivateDatasetNames ( esriDatasetType datasetType ) : IEnumBSTR

An enumerator of private dataset names used by the extension. Not used in this implementation.

Method Details

AfterExportingDataChanges() public method

Occurs in the replica geodatabase after data changes have been exported from that replica geodatabase to a delta database. Not used in this implementation.
public AfterExportingDataChanges ( IReplica sourceReplica, object dataChangesSource, object deltaFile ) : void
sourceReplica IReplica
dataChangesSource object
deltaFile object
return void

AfterSynchronizingDataChanges() public method

Occurs in the master geodatabase after data changes in either a replica geodatabase or delta database are transferred to the master geodatabase.
public AfterSynchronizingDataChanges ( IReplica targetReplica, object dataChangesSource, ITable oidMappingTable, ITable changesTable ) : void
targetReplica IReplica The target replica.
dataChangesSource object A collection of changes made to the master geodatabase.
oidMappingTable ITable Not used in this implementation.
changesTable ITable Not used in this implemented.
return void

BeforeExportingDataChanges() public method

Occurs in the replica geodatabase before data changes are exported from that replica geodatabase to a delta database. Not used in this implementation.
public BeforeExportingDataChanges ( IReplica sourceReplica, object dataChangesSource, object deltaFile ) : void
sourceReplica IReplica
dataChangesSource object
deltaFile object
return void

BeforeSynchronizingDataChanges() public method

Occurs in the master geodatabase before data changes in either a replica geodatabase or delta database are transferred to the master geodatabase. Not used in this implementation.
public BeforeSynchronizingDataChanges ( IReplica targetReplica, object dataChangesSource ) : void
targetReplica IReplica
dataChangesSource object
return void

Init() public method

Initializes the workspace extension.
public Init ( IWorkspaceHelper workspaceHelper ) : void
workspaceHelper IWorkspaceHelper Provides a weak reference to the workspace.
return void

OwnsDatasetType() public method

Indicates whether the extension owns a dataset type.
public OwnsDatasetType ( esriDatasetType datasetType ) : System.Boolean
datasetType esriDatasetType The type of dataset to check.
return System.Boolean

Shutdown() public method

Called to shutdown the extension.
public Shutdown ( ) : void
return void

get_PrivateDatasetNames() public method

An enumerator of private dataset names used by the extension. Not used in this implementation.
public get_PrivateDatasetNames ( esriDatasetType datasetType ) : IEnumBSTR
datasetType esriDatasetType The dataset type.
return IEnumBSTR