C# Class R.Scheduler.Core.AuditJobListener

Persist history of all job executions via implementation of IPersistanceStore configured during the Scheduler initialisation. Log history of all job executions via Common.Logging.
Inheritance: IJobListener
Mostrar archivo Open project: R-Suite/R.Scheduler

Public Methods

Method Description
AuditJobListener ( ) : System
JobExecutionVetoed ( IJobExecutionContext context ) : void

Called by the Schedule when a IJobDetail was about to be executed (an associated ITrigger has occured), but a ITriggerListener vetoed it's execution.

JobToBeExecuted ( IJobExecutionContext context ) : void

Called by the Scheduler when a IJobDetail is about to be executed (an associated ITrigger has occurred). This method will not be invoked if the execution of the Job was vetoed by a ITriggerListener.

JobWasExecuted ( IJobExecutionContext context, Quartz.JobExecutionException jobException ) : void

Called by the Scheduler after a IJobDetail has been executed, and be for the associated ITrigger's IOperableTrigger.Triggered method has been called.

Private Methods

Method Description
GetAuditLog ( string action, IJobExecutionContext context ) : AuditLog

Method Details

AuditJobListener() public method

public AuditJobListener ( ) : System
return System

JobExecutionVetoed() public method

Called by the Schedule when a IJobDetail was about to be executed (an associated ITrigger has occured), but a ITriggerListener vetoed it's execution.
public JobExecutionVetoed ( IJobExecutionContext context ) : void
context IJobExecutionContext
return void

JobToBeExecuted() public method

Called by the Scheduler when a IJobDetail is about to be executed (an associated ITrigger has occurred). This method will not be invoked if the execution of the Job was vetoed by a ITriggerListener.
public JobToBeExecuted ( IJobExecutionContext context ) : void
context IJobExecutionContext
return void

JobWasExecuted() public method

Called by the Scheduler after a IJobDetail has been executed, and be for the associated ITrigger's IOperableTrigger.Triggered method has been called.
public JobWasExecuted ( IJobExecutionContext context, Quartz.JobExecutionException jobException ) : void
context IJobExecutionContext
jobException Quartz.JobExecutionException
return void