C# Class PodioAPI.Services.TaskService

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Public Methods

Method Description
AssignTask ( int taskId, int responsible = null, bool silent = false ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task

Assigns the task to another user. This makes the user responsible for the task and its completion.

API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/tasks/assign-task-22412

CompleteTask ( int taskId, bool hook = true, bool silent = false ) : Task

Mark the given task as completed.

API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/tasks/complete-task-22432

CreateLabel ( string text, string color ) : Task

Creates a new personal label for the user.

API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/tasks/create-label-151265

CreateTask ( TaskCreateUpdateRequest task, string refType = null, int refId = null, bool hook = true, bool silent = false ) : Task>

Creates a new task

API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/tasks/create-task-22419

CreateTask ( string text, System.DateTime dueDate = null, string description = null, int responsible = null, bool isPrivate = true, string refType = null, int refId = null, bool hook = true, bool silent = false ) : Task>

Creates a new task with no reference to other objects.

API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/tasks/create-task-22419

DeleteLabel ( int labelId ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task

Deletes the label with the given id. This will remove the label from all tasks.

API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/tasks/delete-label-151302

DeleteTask ( int taskId, bool hook = true, bool silent = false ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task

Deletes the task with the given id.

API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/tasks/delete-task-77179

GetLabels ( ) : Task>

Returns the users task labels.

API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/tasks/get-labels-151534

GetTask ( int taskId ) : Task

Returns the task with the given id.

API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/tasks/get-task-22413

GetTaskCount ( string refType, int refId ) : Task

Returns the total open tasks for the user on the reference.

API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/tasks/get-task-count-38316458

GetTaskSummary ( int limit = 4 ) : Task

Returns the task summary for the active user.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/tasks/get-task-summary-1612017

GetTaskSummaryForOrganization ( int orgId, int limit = 4 ) : Task

Returns the task summary for the organization for the active user.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/tasks/get-task-summary-for-organization-1612063

GetTaskSummaryForPersonal ( int limit = 4 ) : Task

Returns the tasks summary for personal tasks and tasks on personal spaces and sub-orgs.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/tasks/get-task-summary-for-personal-1657217

GetTaskSummaryForReference ( string refType, int refId, int limit = 4 ) : Task

Returns the task summary for the given object.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/tasks/get-task-summary-for-reference-1657980

GetTaskSummaryForSpace ( int spaceId, int limit = 4 ) : Task

Returns the task summary for the given space for the active user.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/tasks/get-task-summary-for-space-1612130

GetTaskTotals ( int spaceIds = null ) : Task

Get the totals for the users active tasks.

API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/tasks/get-task-totals-v2-83590

GetTaskTotalsByTime ( string time, int spaceId ) : Task

Returns the total number of tasks for the given time.

API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/tasks/get-task-totals-by-time-5435062

GetTasks ( int appId = null, bool completed = null, int completedBy = null, string completedOn = null, int createdBy = null, string createdOn = null, int createdVia = null, string dueDate = null, string externalId = null, bool files = null, string grouping = null, int label = null, int limit = null, int offset, int org = null, bool reassigned = null, string reference = null, int responsible = null, string sort_by = "rank", bool sortDesc = false, int space = null, string view = null ) : Task>

Returns a list of all tasks matching the given filters and grouped by the specified group.

API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/tasks/get-tasks-77949

IncompleteTask ( int taskId, bool hook = true, bool silent = false ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task

Mark the completed task as no longer being completed.

API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/tasks/incomplete-task-22433

RankTask ( int taskId, int beforeTaskId, int afterTaskId ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task

Ranks the task in comparision to one or two other tasks.

API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/tasks/rank-task-81015

RemoveTaskReference ( int taskId ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task

Deletes the reference on the task.

API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/tasks/remove-task-reference-6146114

TaskService ( Podio currentInstance ) : System
UpdateLabel ( int labelId, string text, string color ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task

Updates the label with the given id.

API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/tasks/update-label-151289

UpdateTask ( int taskId, TaskCreateUpdateRequest task, bool hook = true, bool silent = false ) : Task

Updates the task with the given requestData. Any requestData not specified will remain unchanged.

API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/tasks/update-task-10583674

UpdateTaskDescription ( int taskId, string description, bool hook = true, bool silent = false ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task

Updates the description of the task.

API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/tasks/update-task-description-76982

UpdateTaskDueOn ( int taskId, System.DateTime dueOn, System.DateTime dueDateTime, bool hook = true, bool silent = false ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task

Updates the due on property on the task.

API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/tasks/update-task-due-on-3442633

UpdateTaskLabels ( int taskId, List labelIds ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task

Updates the task with new labels.

API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/tasks/update-task-labels-151769

UpdateTaskPrivate ( int taskId, bool isPrivate, bool hook = true, bool silent = false ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task

Update the private flag on the given task.

API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/tasks/update-task-private-22434

UpdateTaskReference ( int taskId, string refType, int refId, bool hook = true, bool silent = false ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task

Attached this task to an object. If the task is already attached to an object, it will be detached from that object and reattached on the new object.

API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/tasks/update-task-reference-170733

UpdateTaskText ( int taskId, string text, bool hook = true, bool silent = false ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task

Updates the text of the task.

API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/tasks/update-task-text-22428

Method Details

AssignTask() public method

Assigns the task to another user. This makes the user responsible for the task and its completion.

API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/tasks/assign-task-22412

public AssignTask ( int taskId, int responsible = null, bool silent = false ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
taskId int
responsible int The contact responsible (user_id), or null if no one should be responsible.
silent bool /// If set to true, the object will not be bumped up in the stream and notifications will not be /// generated. Default value: false. ///
return System.Threading.Tasks.Task

CompleteTask() public method

Mark the given task as completed.

API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/tasks/complete-task-22432

public CompleteTask ( int taskId, bool hook = true, bool silent = false ) : Task
taskId int
hook bool True if hooks should be executed for the change, false otherwise. Default value: true.
silent bool /// If set to true, the object will not be bumped up in the stream and notifications will not be /// generated. Default value: false. ///
return Task

CreateLabel() public method

Creates a new personal label for the user.

API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/tasks/create-label-151265

public CreateLabel ( string text, string color ) : Task
text string The name of the new label.
color string The color of the label in hex format (xxxxxx).
return Task

CreateTask() public method

Creates a new task

API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/tasks/create-task-22419

public CreateTask ( TaskCreateUpdateRequest task, string refType = null, int refId = null, bool hook = true, bool silent = false ) : Task>
task PodioAPI.Models.Request.TaskCreateUpdateRequest
refType string The valid types of objects are "item", "status", "app", "space" and "conversation".
refId int Id of the reference
hook bool True if hooks should be executed for the change, false otherwise. Default value: true
silent bool /// If set to true, the object will not be bumped up in the stream and notifications will not be /// generated. Default value: false ///
return Task>

CreateTask() public method

Creates a new task with no reference to other objects.

API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/tasks/create-task-22419

public CreateTask ( string text, System.DateTime dueDate = null, string description = null, int responsible = null, bool isPrivate = true, string refType = null, int refId = null, bool hook = true, bool silent = false ) : Task>
text string The text of the task
dueDate System.DateTime The due date and time of the task, if any (in local time)
description string The description of the task
responsible int user_id of the re
isPrivate bool True if the task should be private, default true
refType string The valid types of objects are "item", "status", "app", "space" and "conversation".
refId int Id of the reference
hook bool True if hooks should be executed for the change, false otherwise. Default value: true
silent bool /// If set to true, the object will not be bumped up in the stream and notifications will not be /// generated. Default value: false ///
return Task>

DeleteLabel() public method

Deletes the label with the given id. This will remove the label from all tasks.

API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/tasks/delete-label-151302

public DeleteLabel ( int labelId ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
labelId int
return System.Threading.Tasks.Task

DeleteTask() public method

Deletes the task with the given id.

API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/tasks/delete-task-77179

public DeleteTask ( int taskId, bool hook = true, bool silent = false ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
taskId int
hook bool True if hooks should be executed for the change, false otherwise. Default value: true
silent bool /// If set to true, the object will not be bumped up in the stream and notifications will not be /// generated. Default value: false ///
return System.Threading.Tasks.Task

GetLabels() public method

Returns the users task labels.

API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/tasks/get-labels-151534

public GetLabels ( ) : Task>
return Task>

GetTask() public method

Returns the task with the given id.

API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/tasks/get-task-22413

public GetTask ( int taskId ) : Task
taskId int
return Task

GetTaskCount() public method

Returns the total open tasks for the user on the reference.

API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/tasks/get-task-count-38316458

public GetTaskCount ( string refType, int refId ) : Task
refType string
refId int
return Task

GetTaskSummary() public method

Returns the task summary for the active user.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/tasks/get-task-summary-1612017

public GetTaskSummary ( int limit = 4 ) : Task
limit int
return Task

GetTaskSummaryForOrganization() public method

Returns the task summary for the organization for the active user.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/tasks/get-task-summary-for-organization-1612063

public GetTaskSummaryForOrganization ( int orgId, int limit = 4 ) : Task
orgId int
limit int
return Task

GetTaskSummaryForPersonal() public method

Returns the tasks summary for personal tasks and tasks on personal spaces and sub-orgs.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/tasks/get-task-summary-for-personal-1657217

public GetTaskSummaryForPersonal ( int limit = 4 ) : Task
limit int
return Task

GetTaskSummaryForReference() public method

Returns the task summary for the given object.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/tasks/get-task-summary-for-reference-1657980

public GetTaskSummaryForReference ( string refType, int refId, int limit = 4 ) : Task
refType string
refId int
limit int
return Task

GetTaskSummaryForSpace() public method

Returns the task summary for the given space for the active user.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/tasks/get-task-summary-for-space-1612130

public GetTaskSummaryForSpace ( int spaceId, int limit = 4 ) : Task
spaceId int
limit int
return Task

GetTaskTotals() public method

Get the totals for the users active tasks.

API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/tasks/get-task-totals-v2-83590

public GetTaskTotals ( int spaceIds = null ) : Task
spaceIds int /// An optional list space ids separated by semi-colon, which will limit the totals to the given /// spaces. ///
return Task

GetTaskTotalsByTime() public method

Returns the total number of tasks for the given time.

API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/tasks/get-task-totals-by-time-5435062

public GetTaskTotalsByTime ( string time, int spaceId ) : Task
time string The valid values for time are: "overdue", "due", "today" and "all".
spaceId int
return Task

GetTasks() public method

Returns a list of all tasks matching the given filters and grouped by the specified group.

API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/tasks/get-tasks-77949

public GetTasks ( int appId = null, bool completed = null, int completedBy = null, string completedOn = null, int createdBy = null, string createdOn = null, int createdVia = null, string dueDate = null, string externalId = null, bool files = null, string grouping = null, int label = null, int limit = null, int offset, int org = null, bool reassigned = null, string reference = null, int responsible = null, string sort_by = "rank", bool sortDesc = false, int space = null, string view = null ) : Task>
appId int
completed bool True to only return completed tasks, False to return open tasks.
completedBy int The entities that completed the task.
completedOn string The from and to date the task should be completed between.
createdBy int The entities that created the task.
createdOn string The from and to date the task should be created between.
createdVia int The id of the client the task was created via.
dueDate string The from and to date the task should be due between.
externalId string The external id of the task.
files bool /// True if there should be files on the task, False if there should be no files on the task, leave out /// for no restriction. ///
grouping string /// The grouping to use. Valid options are "due_date", "created_by", "responsible", "app", "space" /// and "org". ///
label int The id of the a required label on the tasks.
limit int The maximum number of tasks to return.
offset int The offset into the tasks to return. Default value: 0
org int The ids of the orgs the tasks are related to.
reassigned bool /// True to only return tasks the active user has assigned to someone else, false to only return /// tasks that the active user has not assigned to someone else. ///
reference string The list of references on the form "type:id" separated by semi-colon.
responsible int The user ids that are responsible for the task.
sort_by string /// The sort order of the tasks returned. Either "created_on", "completed_on" or "rank". Default /// value: rank ///
sortDesc bool true if tasks should be sorted descending, false otherwise.Default value: false
space int The ids of the spaces the tasks are related to.
view string /// The level of information to return. Setting to "full" will return the full task as specific on the /// get task operation. ///
return Task>

IncompleteTask() public method

Mark the completed task as no longer being completed.

API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/tasks/incomplete-task-22433

public IncompleteTask ( int taskId, bool hook = true, bool silent = false ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
taskId int
hook bool True if hooks should be executed for the change, false otherwise. Default value: true
silent bool /// If set to true, the object will not be bumped up in the stream and notifications will not be /// generated. Default value: false ///
return System.Threading.Tasks.Task

RankTask() public method

Ranks the task in comparision to one or two other tasks.

API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/tasks/rank-task-81015

public RankTask ( int taskId, int beforeTaskId, int afterTaskId ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
taskId int
beforeTaskId int
afterTaskId int
return System.Threading.Tasks.Task

RemoveTaskReference() public method

Deletes the reference on the task.

API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/tasks/remove-task-reference-6146114

public RemoveTaskReference ( int taskId ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
taskId int
return System.Threading.Tasks.Task

TaskService() public method

public TaskService ( Podio currentInstance ) : System
currentInstance Podio
return System

UpdateLabel() public method

Updates the label with the given id.

API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/tasks/update-label-151289

public UpdateLabel ( int labelId, string text, string color ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
labelId int
text string The name of the new label
color string The color of the label in hex format (xxxxxx)
return System.Threading.Tasks.Task

UpdateTask() public method

Updates the task with the given requestData. Any requestData not specified will remain unchanged.

API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/tasks/update-task-10583674

public UpdateTask ( int taskId, TaskCreateUpdateRequest task, bool hook = true, bool silent = false ) : Task
taskId int
task PodioAPI.Models.Request.TaskCreateUpdateRequest
hook bool True if hooks should be executed for the change, false otherwise. Default value: true
silent bool /// If set to true, the object will not be bumped up in the stream and notifications will not be /// generated. Default value: false ///
return Task

UpdateTaskDescription() public method

Updates the description of the task.

API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/tasks/update-task-description-76982

public UpdateTaskDescription ( int taskId, string description, bool hook = true, bool silent = false ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
taskId int
description string
hook bool
silent bool
return System.Threading.Tasks.Task

UpdateTaskDueOn() public method

Updates the due on property on the task.

API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/tasks/update-task-due-on-3442633

public UpdateTaskDueOn ( int taskId, System.DateTime dueOn, System.DateTime dueDateTime, bool hook = true, bool silent = false ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
taskId int
dueOn System.DateTime The date and time the task is due (in UTC)
dueDateTime System.DateTime The date and time the task is due (in local date and time)
hook bool
silent bool
return System.Threading.Tasks.Task

UpdateTaskLabels() public method

Updates the task with new labels.

API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/tasks/update-task-labels-151769

public UpdateTaskLabels ( int taskId, List labelIds ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
taskId int
labelIds List
return System.Threading.Tasks.Task

UpdateTaskPrivate() public method

Update the private flag on the given task.

API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/tasks/update-task-private-22434

public UpdateTaskPrivate ( int taskId, bool isPrivate, bool hook = true, bool silent = false ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
taskId int
isPrivate bool True if the task should be private, false otherwise
hook bool
silent bool
return System.Threading.Tasks.Task

UpdateTaskReference() public method

Attached this task to an object. If the task is already attached to an object, it will be detached from that object and reattached on the new object.

API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/tasks/update-task-reference-170733

public UpdateTaskReference ( int taskId, string refType, int refId, bool hook = true, bool silent = false ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
taskId int
refType string
refId int
hook bool
silent bool
return System.Threading.Tasks.Task

UpdateTaskText() public method

Updates the text of the task.

API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/tasks/update-task-text-22428

public UpdateTaskText ( int taskId, string text, bool hook = true, bool silent = false ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
taskId int
text string The new text of the task
hook bool
silent bool
return System.Threading.Tasks.Task