C# Class PodioAPI.Services.CommentService

Mostrar archivo Open project: podio/podio-dotnet

Public Methods

Method Description
AddCommentToObject ( string type, int id, CommentCreateUpdateRequest comment, bool alertInvite = false, bool silent = false, bool hook = true ) : Task

Adds a new comment to the object of the given type and id, f.ex. item 1.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/comments/add-comment-to-object-22340

AddCommentToObject ( string type, int id, string text, string externalId = null, List fieldIds = null, string embedUrl = null, int embedId = null, bool alertInvite = false, bool silent = false, bool hook = true ) : Task

Adds a new comment to the object of the given type and id with no reference to other objects

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/comments/add-comment-to-object-22340

CommentService ( Podio currentInstance ) : System.Collections.Generic
DeleteComment ( int commentId ) : Task

Deletes a comment made by a user. This can be used to retract a comment that was made and which the user regrets.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/comments/delete-a-comment-22347

GetComment ( int commentId ) : Task

Returns the contents of a comment. It is not possible to see where the comment was made, only the comment itself.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/comments/get-a-comment-22345

GetCommentsOnObject ( string type, int id ) : Task>

Used to retrieve all the comments that have been made on an object of the given type and with the given id. It returns a list of all the comments sorted in ascending order by time created.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/comments/get-comments-on-object-22371

UpdateComment ( int commentId, CommentCreateUpdateRequest comment ) : Task

Updates an already created comment. This should only be used to correct spelling and grammatical mistakes in the comment.

UpdateComment ( int commentId, string text, string externalId = null, List fieldIds = null, string embedUrl = null, int embedId = null ) : Task

Updates an already created comment. This should only be used to correct spelling and grammatical mistakes in the comment.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/comments/update-a-comment-22346

Method Details

AddCommentToObject() public method

Adds a new comment to the object of the given type and id, f.ex. item 1.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/comments/add-comment-to-object-22340

public AddCommentToObject ( string type, int id, CommentCreateUpdateRequest comment, bool alertInvite = false, bool silent = false, bool hook = true ) : Task
type string
id int
comment PodioAPI.Models.Request.CommentCreateUpdateRequest
alertInvite bool /// True if any mentioned user should be automatically invited to the workspace if the user does /// not have access to the object and access cannot be granted to the object. Default value: false ///
silent bool /// If set to true, the object will not be bumped up in the stream and notifications will not be /// generated. Default value: false ///
hook bool
return Task

AddCommentToObject() public method

Adds a new comment to the object of the given type and id with no reference to other objects

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/comments/add-comment-to-object-22340

public AddCommentToObject ( string type, int id, string text, string externalId = null, List fieldIds = null, string embedUrl = null, int embedId = null, bool alertInvite = false, bool silent = false, bool hook = true ) : Task
type string
id int
text string The comment to be made
externalId string The external id of the comment
fieldIds List Temporary files that have been uploaded and should be attached to this comment
embedUrl string The url to be attached
embedId int /// The id of an embedded link that has been created with the Add an embed operation in the Embed /// area ///
alertInvite bool /// True if any mentioned user should be automatically invited to the workspace if the user does /// not have access to the object and access cannot be granted to the object. Default value: false ///
silent bool /// If set to true, the object will not be bumped up in the stream and notifications will not be /// generated. Default value: false ///
hook bool
return Task

CommentService() public method

public CommentService ( Podio currentInstance ) : System.Collections.Generic
currentInstance Podio
return System.Collections.Generic

DeleteComment() public method

Deletes a comment made by a user. This can be used to retract a comment that was made and which the user regrets.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/comments/delete-a-comment-22347

public DeleteComment ( int commentId ) : Task
commentId int
return Task

GetComment() public method

Returns the contents of a comment. It is not possible to see where the comment was made, only the comment itself.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/comments/get-a-comment-22345

public GetComment ( int commentId ) : Task
commentId int
return Task

GetCommentsOnObject() public method

Used to retrieve all the comments that have been made on an object of the given type and with the given id. It returns a list of all the comments sorted in ascending order by time created.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/comments/get-comments-on-object-22371

public GetCommentsOnObject ( string type, int id ) : Task>
type string
id int
return Task>

UpdateComment() public method

Updates an already created comment. This should only be used to correct spelling and grammatical mistakes in the comment.
public UpdateComment ( int commentId, CommentCreateUpdateRequest comment ) : Task
commentId int
comment PodioAPI.Models.Request.CommentCreateUpdateRequest
return Task

UpdateComment() public method

Updates an already created comment. This should only be used to correct spelling and grammatical mistakes in the comment.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/comments/update-a-comment-22346

public UpdateComment ( int commentId, string text, string externalId = null, List fieldIds = null, string embedUrl = null, int embedId = null ) : Task
commentId int
text string The comment to be made
externalId string The external id of the comment
fieldIds List Temporary files that have been uploaded and should be attached to this comment
embedUrl string The url to be attached
embedId int /// The id of an embedded link that has been created with the Add an embed operation in the Embed /// area ///
return Task