C# Class PodioAPI.Services.AppMarketService

Mostrar archivo Open project: podio/podio-dotnet

Public Methods

Method Description
AppMarketService ( Podio currentInstance ) : System.Collections.Generic
GetCategories ( bool only_used = true ) : Task

Returns the categories available in the system.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/app-market/get-categories-37009

GetOrgsWithPrivateShares ( ) : Task>

Returns all the orgs, that the user is member of, and that has shared private apps.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/app-market/get-orgs-with-private-shares-211715

GetOwnShares ( string type, int limit = 6, int offset ) : Task

Returns all the apps that the active user has shared.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/app-market/get-own-shares-38645

GetRecommendedShares ( string type, string area ) : Task

Returns the recommended apps in the app market for the given "area". Current areas are: "web" and "mobile".

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/app-market/get-recommended-shares-5340177

GetShare ( int shareId ) : Task

Returns the shared app from the app market with the given id. It will also return all comments and fivestar ratings of the app.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/app-market/get-share-22505

GetShareByReference ( string refType, int refId ) : Task>

Returns the shares of the given object. The active users shares will be first followed by other users shares. Besides that the shares will be sorted descending by when they were shared.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/app-market/get-share-by-reference-45002

GetSharesByAuthor ( string type, int userId, int limit = 6, int offset, string sort = "install" ) : Task

Returns all the apps in the app market created by the given user in the given language.

GetSharesByCategory ( string type, int categoryId, int limit = 6, int offset, string sort = "install" ) : Task

Returns the apps in the app market in the given category and language.

GetTopShares ( string type, int limit = 6, int offset ) : Task

Returns the top apps in the app market in the given language.

InstallShare ( int shareId, int spaceId, List dependentShareIds ) : Task

Installs the share with the given id on the space.

ShareApp ( string refType, int refId, string name, string abstracts, string description, string language, int categoryId, int fileId, int videoId, List features, int childrenId, string scope = "public" ) : Task

Shares the app or pack in the app market.

UnshareApp ( int shareId ) : Task

Unshares the given app from the app market

UpdateShare ( int shareId, string name, string abstracts, string description, string language, int categoryId, int fileId, int videoId = null ) : Task

Updates the share with changes to abstract, description, etc.

Method Details

AppMarketService() public method

public AppMarketService ( Podio currentInstance ) : System.Collections.Generic
currentInstance Podio
return System.Collections.Generic

GetCategories() public method

Returns the categories available in the system.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/app-market/get-categories-37009

public GetCategories ( bool only_used = true ) : Task
only_used bool /// If true, returns only categories that are used by shares in the active users language. If /// false, all categories are returned.Default value: true ///
return Task

GetOrgsWithPrivateShares() public method

Returns all the orgs, that the user is member of, and that has shared private apps.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/app-market/get-orgs-with-private-shares-211715

public GetOrgsWithPrivateShares ( ) : Task>
return Task>

GetOwnShares() public method

Returns all the apps that the active user has shared.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/app-market/get-own-shares-38645

public GetOwnShares ( string type, int limit = 6, int offset ) : Task
type string The type of shares to return, either "app" or "pack", leave out for all shares
limit int The maximum number of results to return Default value: 6
offset int The offset into the returned results Default value: 0
return Task

GetRecommendedShares() public method

Returns the recommended apps in the app market for the given "area". Current areas are: "web" and "mobile".

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/app-market/get-recommended-shares-5340177

public GetRecommendedShares ( string type, string area ) : Task
type string
area string
return Task

GetShare() public method

Returns the shared app from the app market with the given id. It will also return all comments and fivestar ratings of the app.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/app-market/get-share-22505

public GetShare ( int shareId ) : Task
shareId int
return Task

GetShareByReference() public method

Returns the shares of the given object. The active users shares will be first followed by other users shares. Besides that the shares will be sorted descending by when they were shared.

Podio API Reference: https://developers.podio.com/doc/app-market/get-share-by-reference-45002

public GetShareByReference ( string refType, int refId ) : Task>
refType string
refId int
return Task>

GetSharesByAuthor() public method

Returns all the apps in the app market created by the given user in the given language.
public GetSharesByAuthor ( string type, int userId, int limit = 6, int offset, string sort = "install" ) : Task
type string
userId int
limit int The maximum number of results to return Default value: 6
offset int The offset into the returned results Default value :0
sort string /// The sorting of the shares, either "install", "rating", "popularity", "recommended", "shared_on", or /// "name".Default value: install ///
return Task

GetSharesByCategory() public method

Returns the apps in the app market in the given category and language.
public GetSharesByCategory ( string type, int categoryId, int limit = 6, int offset, string sort = "install" ) : Task
type string
categoryId int
limit int The maximum number of results to return Default value: 6
offset int The offset into the returned results Default value :0
sort string /// The sorting of the shares, either "install", "rating", "popularity", "recommended", "shared_on", or /// "name".Default value: install ///
return Task

GetTopShares() public method

Returns the top apps in the app market in the given language.
public GetTopShares ( string type, int limit = 6, int offset ) : Task
type string
limit int The maximum number of results to return Default value: 6
offset int The offset into the returned results Default value :0
return Task

InstallShare() public method

Installs the share with the given id on the space.
public InstallShare ( int shareId, int spaceId, List dependentShareIds ) : Task
shareId int
spaceId int The id of the space the shared app should be installed to
dependentShareIds List /// The list of ids of the dependent shares that should also be installed. If not /// specified, all dependencies will be installed ///
return Task

ShareApp() public method

Shares the app or pack in the app market.
public ShareApp ( string refType, int refId, string name, string abstracts, string description, string language, int categoryId, int fileId, int videoId, List features, int childrenId, string scope = "public" ) : Task
refType string The type of object to share, either "app" or "space"
refId int The id of the object to be shared
name string The name of the share (only valid for sharing of space)
abstracts string The abstract of the app
description string The description of the app
language string The language the app is written in
categoryId int The ids of the categories the app should be placed in
fileId int The file ids to use as screenshots for the app
videoId int The youtube id of a introduction video, if any
features List The list of features to enable
childrenId int The ids of the child shares that this share should include
scope string The scope the app should be shared with, either "public" or "private", defaults to "public"
return Task

UnshareApp() public method

Unshares the given app from the app market
public UnshareApp ( int shareId ) : Task
shareId int
return Task

UpdateShare() public method

Updates the share with changes to abstract, description, etc.
public UpdateShare ( int shareId, string name, string abstracts, string description, string language, int categoryId, int fileId, int videoId = null ) : Task
shareId int
name string The name of the share, only valid if the share is a space
abstracts string The abstract of the share
description string The description of the share
language string The language the share is written in
categoryId int The ids of the categories the share should be placed in
fileId int The file ids to use as screenshots for the share
videoId int The youtube id of a introduction video, if any
return Task