C# Class PlayFab.Internal.PlayFabUtil

Mostrar archivo Open project: PlayFab/PlayFab-Samples Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
ApiSerializerStrategy MyJsonSerializerStrategy
_defaultDateTimeFormats string[]

Public Methods

Method Description
Format ( string text ) : string
ReadAllFileText ( string filename ) : string

A threadsafe way to block and load a text file Load a text file, and return the file as text. Used for small (usually json) files.

Method Details

Format() public static method

public static Format ( string text ) : string
text string
return string

ReadAllFileText() public static method

A threadsafe way to block and load a text file Load a text file, and return the file as text. Used for small (usually json) files.
public static ReadAllFileText ( string filename ) : string
filename string
return string

Property Details

ApiSerializerStrategy public_oe static_oe property

public static MyJsonSerializerStrategy ApiSerializerStrategy
return MyJsonSerializerStrategy

_defaultDateTimeFormats public_oe static_oe property

public static string[] _defaultDateTimeFormats
return string[]