C# Class PlayFab.ClientModels.ExecuteCloudScriptResult

Inheritance: PlayFab.SharedModels.PlayFabResultCommon
Mostrar archivo Open project: PlayFab/PlayFabGameServer Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
APIRequestsIssued int
Error ScriptExecutionError
ExecutionTimeSeconds double
FunctionName string
FunctionResult object
HttpRequestsIssued int
Logs List
MemoryConsumedBytes uint
ProcessorTimeSeconds double
Revision int

Property Details

APIRequestsIssued public_oe property

Number of PlayFab API requests issued by the CloudScript function
public int APIRequestsIssued
return int

Error public_oe property

Information about the error, if any, that occured during execution
public ScriptExecutionError,PlayFab.ClientModels Error
return ScriptExecutionError

ExecutionTimeSeconds public_oe property

public double ExecutionTimeSeconds
return double

FunctionName public_oe property

The name of the function that executed
public string FunctionName
return string

FunctionResult public_oe property

The object returned from the CloudScript function, if any
public object FunctionResult
return object

HttpRequestsIssued public_oe property

Number of external HTTP requests issued by the CloudScript function
public int HttpRequestsIssued
return int

Logs public_oe property

Entries logged during the function execution. These include both entries logged in the function code using log.info() and log.error() and error entries for API and HTTP request failures.
public List Logs
return List

MemoryConsumedBytes public_oe property

public uint MemoryConsumedBytes
return uint

ProcessorTimeSeconds public_oe property

Processor time consumed while executing the function. This does not include time spent waiting on API calls or HTTP requests.
public double ProcessorTimeSeconds
return double

Revision public_oe property

The revision of the CloudScript that executed
public int Revision
return int