C# Class Pelsser.PelsserKey

Dictionary Key for accessing PelsserCache, which is optimized to memorize integrals parameterized by two dates.
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Public Properties

Property Type Description
s double
t double

Public Methods

Method Description
Equals ( PelsserKey obj ) : bool

Checks if the provided PelsserKey object is equivalent to this object.

Equals ( object obj ) : bool

Checks if the provided object is equivalent this object.

GetHashCode ( ) : int

Gets the HashCode of this PelsserKey object.

PelsserKey ( double t, double s ) : System

Default constructor to create a new key for accessing the PelsserCache.

Method Details

Equals() public method

Checks if the provided PelsserKey object is equivalent to this object.
public Equals ( PelsserKey obj ) : bool
obj PelsserKey True if the two objects are equivalent.
return bool

Equals() public method

Checks if the provided object is equivalent this object.
public Equals ( object obj ) : bool
obj object The object to check for equivalence.
return bool

GetHashCode() public method

Gets the HashCode of this PelsserKey object.
public GetHashCode ( ) : int
return int

PelsserKey() public method

Default constructor to create a new key for accessing the PelsserCache.
public PelsserKey ( double t, double s ) : System
t double The first date parameter.
s double The second date parameter.
return System

Property Details

s public_oe property

The second date parameter which will act as index together with t.
public double s
return double

t public_oe property

The first date parameter which will act as index together with s.
public double t
return double