C# Class Pchp.CodeAnalysis.FlowAnalysis.PHPDoc

Helpers class for resolving PHPDoc types.
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Public Methods

Method Description
GetKnownTypeMask ( TypeRefContext typeCtx, string tname ) : TypeRefMask

Gets type mask of known PHPDoc type name or 0 if such type is now known.

GetParamTag ( PHPDocBlock phpdoc, int paramIndex, string paramName ) : PHPDocBlock.ParamTag

Gets parameter type from given PHPDoc block.

GetTypeMask ( TypeRefContext targetCtx, Symbols routine, string tnames, bool fullyQualified = false ) : TypeRefMask

Gets type mask at target ctype context representing given type names from given routine.

GetTypeMask ( TypeRefContext targetCtx, TypeRefContext ctx, string tnames, NamingContext naming, bool fullyQualified = false ) : TypeRefMask

Gets type mask at target type context representing given type names from given routine.

GetTypeMask ( TypeRefContext typeCtx, string tname, NamingContext naming, bool fullyQualified = false ) : TypeRefMask

Gets type mask representing given type name.

IsKnownType ( string tname ) : bool

Gets value indicating whether given parameter represents known PHPDoc type name.

Method Details

GetKnownTypeMask() public static method

Gets type mask of known PHPDoc type name or 0 if such type is now known.
public static GetKnownTypeMask ( TypeRefContext typeCtx, string tname ) : TypeRefMask
typeCtx TypeRefContext
tname string
return TypeRefMask

GetParamTag() public static method

Gets parameter type from given PHPDoc block.
public static GetParamTag ( PHPDocBlock phpdoc, int paramIndex, string paramName ) : PHPDocBlock.ParamTag
phpdoc PHPDocBlock
paramIndex int
paramName string
return PHPDocBlock.ParamTag

GetTypeMask() public static method

Gets type mask at target ctype context representing given type names from given routine.
public static GetTypeMask ( TypeRefContext targetCtx, Symbols routine, string tnames, bool fullyQualified = false ) : TypeRefMask
targetCtx TypeRefContext
routine Symbols
tnames string
fullyQualified bool
return TypeRefMask

GetTypeMask() public static method

Gets type mask at target type context representing given type names from given routine.
public static GetTypeMask ( TypeRefContext targetCtx, TypeRefContext ctx, string tnames, NamingContext naming, bool fullyQualified = false ) : TypeRefMask
targetCtx TypeRefContext
ctx TypeRefContext
tnames string
naming NamingContext
fullyQualified bool
return TypeRefMask

GetTypeMask() public static method

Gets type mask representing given type name.
public static GetTypeMask ( TypeRefContext typeCtx, string tname, NamingContext naming, bool fullyQualified = false ) : TypeRefMask
typeCtx TypeRefContext
tname string
naming NamingContext
fullyQualified bool
return TypeRefMask

IsKnownType() public static method

Gets value indicating whether given parameter represents known PHPDoc type name.
public static IsKnownType ( string tname ) : bool
tname string
return bool