C# Class ParkitectNexus.Client.Base.Tiles.LoadableDataTileView

Inheritance: Xwt.ScrollView, IPresenter, IPageView
Mostrar archivo Open project: ParkitectNexus/ParkitectNexusClient

Public Methods

Method Description
HandleSizeUpdate ( float width ) : void
RefreshTiles ( ) : void

Protected Methods

Method Description
ClearTiles ( ) : void
LoadTiles ( CancellationToken cancellationToken ) : Task>
LoadableDataTileView ( ILogger log, string displayName ) : System
OnBoundsChanged ( ) : void

Raises the bounds changed event.

Override OnBoundsChanged to handle the event internally and call the base Xwt.Widget.OnBoundsChanged to finally raise the event. The event will be enabled in the backend automatically, if Xwt.Widget.OnBoundsChanged is overridden.

Private Methods

Method Description
CalculateButtonsPerRow ( float width ) : int
PushNewRow ( ) : void

Method Details

ClearTiles() protected method

protected ClearTiles ( ) : void
return void

HandleSizeUpdate() public method

public HandleSizeUpdate ( float width ) : void
width float
return void

LoadTiles() protected abstract method

protected abstract LoadTiles ( CancellationToken cancellationToken ) : Task>
cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken
return Task>

LoadableDataTileView() protected method

protected LoadableDataTileView ( ILogger log, string displayName ) : System
log ILogger
displayName string
return System

OnBoundsChanged() protected method

Raises the bounds changed event.
Override OnBoundsChanged to handle the event internally and call the base Xwt.Widget.OnBoundsChanged to finally raise the event. The event will be enabled in the backend automatically, if Xwt.Widget.OnBoundsChanged is overridden.
protected OnBoundsChanged ( ) : void
return void

RefreshTiles() public method

public RefreshTiles ( ) : void
return void