C# Class Org.BouncyCastle.Security.CipherUtilities

Cipher Utility class contains methods that can not be specifically grouped into other classes.
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Public Methods

Method Description
GetAlgorithmName ( DerObjectIdentifier oid ) : string
GetCipher ( DerObjectIdentifier oid ) : IBufferedCipher
GetCipher ( string algorithm ) : IBufferedCipher
GetObjectIdentifier ( string mechanism ) : DerObjectIdentifier

Returns a ObjectIdentifier for a give encoding.

Private Methods

Method Description
CipherUtilities ( ) : System
GetDigitIndex ( string s ) : int

Method Details

GetAlgorithmName() public static method

public static GetAlgorithmName ( DerObjectIdentifier oid ) : string
oid Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.DerObjectIdentifier
return string

GetCipher() public static method

public static GetCipher ( DerObjectIdentifier oid ) : IBufferedCipher
oid Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.DerObjectIdentifier
return IBufferedCipher

GetCipher() public static method

public static GetCipher ( string algorithm ) : IBufferedCipher
algorithm string
return IBufferedCipher

GetObjectIdentifier() public static method

Returns a ObjectIdentifier for a give encoding.
public static GetObjectIdentifier ( string mechanism ) : DerObjectIdentifier
mechanism string A string representation of the encoding.
return Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.DerObjectIdentifier