C# Class Opc.Ua.Com.Server.ComDaGroup

A class that implements a COM DA group.
Inheritance: IDisposable
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Private Properties

Property Type Description
AddItemToSubscription void
CheckUpdateTimerStatus void
GetSession Opc.Ua.Client.Session
OnAsyncRead void
OnAsyncWrite void
OnUpdate void
Refresh void
RemoveItemFromSubscription void
ScheduleNextUpdate void
SetFatalError void
ThrowIfDisposed void
TraceState void
UpdateCache void
UpdateReadResult void

Public Methods

Method Description
AsyncRead ( uint maxAge, int transactionId, int serverHandles, int &cancelId ) : int[]

Starts an asynchronous read operation.

AsyncWrite ( int transactionId, int serverHandles, DaValue values, int &cancelId ) : int[]

Starts an asynchronous write operation.

Cancel ( int cancelId ) : bool

Cancels an asynchronous operation.

ClearItemDeadbands ( int serverHandles ) : int[]

Clears the deadbands for the items.

ClearItemSamplingRates ( int serverHandles ) : int[]

Clears the sampling rates for the items.

Clone ( string groupName ) : ComDaGroup

Clones the group.

ComDaGroup ( ComDaGroupManager manager, string name, int serverHandle ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the ComDaGroup class.

CreateItems ( ComDaCreateItemRequest requests, bool validateOnly ) : void

Creates the items.

DeleteItems ( int serverHandles ) : int[]

Deletes the items.

Dispose ( ) : void

Frees any unmanaged resources.

GetItemAttributes ( ) : OpcRcw.Da.OPCITEMATTRIBUTES[]

Gets the item attributes.

GetItemBufferEnabled ( int serverHandles, int bufferEnabled ) : int[]

Gets whether buffering is enabled for the items.

GetItemDeadbands ( int serverHandles, float deadbands ) : int[]

Gets the deadband for the items.

GetItemSamplingRates ( int serverHandles, int samplingRates ) : int[]

Gets the sampling rates for the items.

OnDataChange ( Subscription subscription, DataChangeNotification notification, IList stringTable ) : void

Called when a data change arrives.

RecreateItems ( ) : void

Recreates the items.

Refresh ( uint maxAge, int transactionId, int &cancelId ) : void

Starts an asynchronous refresh operation.

Remove ( ) : void

Removes this group from the server.

SetActive ( int serverHandles, bool active ) : int[]

Sets the active state for the items.

SetActive ( bool active ) : void

Sets the active state for the group,

SetCallback ( IComDaGroupCallback callback ) : void

Sets the callback.

SetClientHandles ( int serverHandles, int clientHandles ) : int[]

Sets the client handles.

SetDataTypes ( int serverHandles, short dataTypes ) : int[]

Sets the data types.

SetDeadband ( float deadband ) : void

Sets the deadband for the group,

SetEnabled ( bool enabled ) : void

Sets the enabled state for the group.

SetItemBufferEnabled ( int serverHandles, int bufferEnabled ) : int[]

Sets whether buffering is enabled for the items.

SetItemDeadbands ( int serverHandles, float deadbands ) : int[]

Sets the deadband for the items.

SetItemSamplingRates ( int serverHandles, int samplingRates, int revisedSamplingRates ) : int[]

Sets the sampling rate for the items.

SetKeepAliveTime ( int keepAliveTime ) : int

Sets the keep alive time.

SetName ( string groupName ) : void

Sets the name.

SetUpdateRate ( int updateRate ) : int

Sets the update rate for the group,

SyncRead ( uint maxAge, int serverHandles, bool isInitialRefresh, int clientHandles ) : DaValue[]

Performs n synchronous read operation.

SyncWrite ( int serverHandles, DaValue values ) : int[]

Performs n synchronous write operation.

UpdateCacheWithQuality ( short quality ) : void

Updates the cache with quality.

UpdateDeadbandFilters ( IList items ) : void

Updates the deadband filters.

Protected Methods

Method Description
Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void

An overrideable version of the Dispose.

Private Methods

Method Description
AddItemToSubscription ( Opc.Ua.Com.Server.ComDaGroupItem item ) : void
CheckUpdateTimerStatus ( ) : void

Checks the update timer status.

GetSession ( ) : Session

Gets the session associated with the group.

OnAsyncRead ( object state ) : void

Called to process an asynchronous read.

OnAsyncWrite ( object state ) : void

Called to process an asynchronous write.

OnUpdate ( object state ) : void

Called when it is time to send an update.

Refresh ( uint maxAge, int transactionId, bool isFirstUpdate, int &cancelId ) : void

Starts an asynchronous refresh operation.

RemoveItemFromSubscription ( Opc.Ua.Com.Server.ComDaGroupItem item ) : void
ScheduleNextUpdate ( ) : void

Schedules the next update.

SetFatalError ( Opc.Ua.Com.Server.ComDaGroupItem itemsInRequest, int results, Exception e, int defaultError ) : void

Sets the error for all items after an unexpected error occurs.

ThrowIfDisposed ( ) : void

Throws if disposed.

TraceState ( string context ) : void

Dumps the current state of the browser.

UpdateCache ( Opc.Ua.Com.Server.ComDaGroupItem item, DaValue value, bool isInitialRefresh ) : void

Updates the cache.

UpdateReadResult ( Opc.Ua.Com.Server.ComDaGroupItem item, DaValue value ) : void

Updates the read result by converting the value to the requested data type.

Method Details

AsyncRead() public method

Starts an asynchronous read operation.
public AsyncRead ( uint maxAge, int transactionId, int serverHandles, int &cancelId ) : int[]
maxAge uint The max age.
transactionId int The transaction id.
serverHandles int The server handles.
cancelId int The cancel id.
return int[]

AsyncWrite() public method

Starts an asynchronous write operation.
public AsyncWrite ( int transactionId, int serverHandles, DaValue values, int &cancelId ) : int[]
transactionId int The transaction id.
serverHandles int The server handles.
values DaValue The values.
cancelId int The cancel id.
return int[]

Cancel() public method

Cancels an asynchronous operation.
public Cancel ( int cancelId ) : bool
cancelId int The cancel id.
return bool

ClearItemDeadbands() public method

Clears the deadbands for the items.
public ClearItemDeadbands ( int serverHandles ) : int[]
serverHandles int The server handles.
return int[]

ClearItemSamplingRates() public method

Clears the sampling rates for the items.
public ClearItemSamplingRates ( int serverHandles ) : int[]
serverHandles int The server handles.
return int[]

Clone() public method

Clones the group.
public Clone ( string groupName ) : ComDaGroup
groupName string Name of the new group.
return ComDaGroup

ComDaGroup() public method

Initializes a new instance of the ComDaGroup class.
public ComDaGroup ( ComDaGroupManager manager, string name, int serverHandle ) : System
manager ComDaGroupManager The group manager.
name string The name.
serverHandle int The server handle.
return System

CreateItems() public method

Creates the items.
public CreateItems ( ComDaCreateItemRequest requests, bool validateOnly ) : void
requests ComDaCreateItemRequest The requests.
validateOnly bool if set to true if the items only need to be validated.
return void

DeleteItems() public method

Deletes the items.
public DeleteItems ( int serverHandles ) : int[]
serverHandles int The server handles.
return int[]

Dispose() public method

Frees any unmanaged resources.
public Dispose ( ) : void
return void

Dispose() protected method

An overrideable version of the Dispose.
protected Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void
disposing bool
return void

GetItemAttributes() public method

Gets the item attributes.
public GetItemAttributes ( ) : OpcRcw.Da.OPCITEMATTRIBUTES[]

GetItemBufferEnabled() public method

Gets whether buffering is enabled for the items.
public GetItemBufferEnabled ( int serverHandles, int bufferEnabled ) : int[]
serverHandles int The server handles.
bufferEnabled int Whether buffering is enabled.
return int[]

GetItemDeadbands() public method

Gets the deadband for the items.
public GetItemDeadbands ( int serverHandles, float deadbands ) : int[]
serverHandles int The server handles.
deadbands float The deadbands.
return int[]

GetItemSamplingRates() public method

Gets the sampling rates for the items.
public GetItemSamplingRates ( int serverHandles, int samplingRates ) : int[]
serverHandles int The server handles.
samplingRates int The sampling rates.
return int[]

OnDataChange() public method

Called when a data change arrives.
public OnDataChange ( Subscription subscription, DataChangeNotification notification, IList stringTable ) : void
subscription Subscription The subscription.
notification DataChangeNotification The notification.
stringTable IList The string table.
return void

RecreateItems() public method

Recreates the items.
public RecreateItems ( ) : void
return void

Refresh() public method

Starts an asynchronous refresh operation.
public Refresh ( uint maxAge, int transactionId, int &cancelId ) : void
maxAge uint The max age.
transactionId int The transaction id.
cancelId int The cancel id.
return void

Remove() public method

Removes this group from the server.
public Remove ( ) : void
return void

SetActive() public method

Sets the active state for the items.
public SetActive ( int serverHandles, bool active ) : int[]
serverHandles int The server handles.
active bool if set to true the items are activated.
return int[]

SetActive() public method

Sets the active state for the group,
public SetActive ( bool active ) : void
active bool if set to true the group is activated.
return void

SetCallback() public method

Sets the callback.
public SetCallback ( IComDaGroupCallback callback ) : void
callback IComDaGroupCallback The callback.
return void

SetClientHandles() public method

Sets the client handles.
public SetClientHandles ( int serverHandles, int clientHandles ) : int[]
serverHandles int The server handles.
clientHandles int The client handles.
return int[]

SetDataTypes() public method

Sets the data types.
public SetDataTypes ( int serverHandles, short dataTypes ) : int[]
serverHandles int The server handles.
dataTypes short The data types.
return int[]

SetDeadband() public method

Sets the deadband for the group,
public SetDeadband ( float deadband ) : void
deadband float The deadband.
return void

SetEnabled() public method

Sets the enabled state for the group.
public SetEnabled ( bool enabled ) : void
enabled bool if set to true the group is enabled.
return void

SetItemBufferEnabled() public method

Sets whether buffering is enabled for the items.
public SetItemBufferEnabled ( int serverHandles, int bufferEnabled ) : int[]
serverHandles int The server handles.
bufferEnabled int Whether buffering is enabled.
return int[]

SetItemDeadbands() public method

Sets the deadband for the items.
public SetItemDeadbands ( int serverHandles, float deadbands ) : int[]
serverHandles int The server handles.
deadbands float The deadbands.
return int[]

SetItemSamplingRates() public method

Sets the sampling rate for the items.
public SetItemSamplingRates ( int serverHandles, int samplingRates, int revisedSamplingRates ) : int[]
serverHandles int The server handles.
samplingRates int The sampling rates.
revisedSamplingRates int The revised sampling rates.
return int[]

SetKeepAliveTime() public method

Sets the keep alive time.
public SetKeepAliveTime ( int keepAliveTime ) : int
keepAliveTime int The keep alive time.
return int

SetName() public method

Sets the name.
public SetName ( string groupName ) : void
groupName string Name of the group.
return void

SetUpdateRate() public method

Sets the update rate for the group,
public SetUpdateRate ( int updateRate ) : int
updateRate int The update rate.
return int

SyncRead() public method

Performs n synchronous read operation.
public SyncRead ( uint maxAge, int serverHandles, bool isInitialRefresh, int clientHandles ) : DaValue[]
maxAge uint The max age.
serverHandles int The server handles.
isInitialRefresh bool if set to true the read is being done as part of the initial refresh for active items.
clientHandles int The client handles (must be allocated by the caller).
return DaValue[]

SyncWrite() public method

Performs n synchronous write operation.
public SyncWrite ( int serverHandles, DaValue values ) : int[]
serverHandles int The server handles.
values DaValue The values.
return int[]

UpdateCacheWithQuality() public method

Updates the cache with quality.
public UpdateCacheWithQuality ( short quality ) : void
quality short The quality.
return void

UpdateDeadbandFilters() public method

Updates the deadband filters.
public UpdateDeadbandFilters ( IList items ) : void
items IList The items.
return void