C# Class Opc.Ua.Com.Server.ComAe2Browser

A base class for classes that implement an OPC COM specification.
Inheritance: IDisposable
Mostrar archivo Open project: OPCFoundation/UA-.NET Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
Browse ( bool isArea, string filter ) : IList

Browses the current branch.

BrowseDown ( string targetName ) : void

Moves the current browse position down.

BrowseTo ( string itemId ) : void

Moves the current browse position to the specified item.

BrowseUp ( ) : void

Moves the current browse position up.

ComAe2Browser ( ComAe2Proxy server, ComAe2ProxyConfiguration configuration, ComAeNamespaceMapper mapper ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the ComHdaBrowser class.

Dispose ( ) : void

Frees any unmanaged resources.

GetQualifiedName ( string targetName, bool isArea ) : string

Gets the qualified name.

IsValidQualifiedName ( string itemId, bool isArea ) : bool

Checks if the item id identified by the is a valid area or source.

SearchByQualifiedName ( string pattern, bool isArea ) : List

Returns the areas or sources that meet search pattern.

Protected Methods

Method Description
Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void

An overrideable version of the Dispose.

Private Methods

Method Description
Browse ( Session session, AeBrowseElement start, bool isArea ) : List

Fetches the children from the server.

Browse ( Session session, AeBrowseElement start, string pattern, bool isArea ) : List

Finds the children that match the pattern (updates cache if required).

Find ( Session session, string itemId, AeBrowseElement root, Stack names, bool isArea ) : AeBrowseElement

Finds an element identified by the path from the root.

Find ( Session session, string itemId, bool isArea ) : AeBrowseElement

Finds the area/source with the specified identifier.

FindRoot ( string itemId, Stack names ) : AeBrowseElement

Parses the item if looking for a known root element.

IsWildcardChar ( char ch ) : bool

Returns true if char is one of the special chars that must be escaped.

ThrowIfDisposed ( ) : void

Throws if disposed.

Method Details

Browse() public method

Browses the current branch.
public Browse ( bool isArea, string filter ) : IList
isArea bool
filter string
return IList

BrowseDown() public method

Moves the current browse position down.
public BrowseDown ( string targetName ) : void
targetName string
return void

BrowseTo() public method

Moves the current browse position to the specified item.
public BrowseTo ( string itemId ) : void
itemId string
return void

BrowseUp() public method

Moves the current browse position up.
public BrowseUp ( ) : void
return void

ComAe2Browser() public method

Initializes a new instance of the ComHdaBrowser class.
public ComAe2Browser ( ComAe2Proxy server, ComAe2ProxyConfiguration configuration, ComAeNamespaceMapper mapper ) : System
server ComAe2Proxy
configuration ComAe2ProxyConfiguration
mapper ComAeNamespaceMapper
return System

Dispose() public method

Frees any unmanaged resources.
public Dispose ( ) : void
return void

Dispose() protected method

An overrideable version of the Dispose.
protected Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void
disposing bool
return void

GetQualifiedName() public method

Gets the qualified name.
public GetQualifiedName ( string targetName, bool isArea ) : string
targetName string
isArea bool
return string

IsValidQualifiedName() public method

Checks if the item id identified by the is a valid area or source.
public IsValidQualifiedName ( string itemId, bool isArea ) : bool
itemId string
isArea bool
return bool

SearchByQualifiedName() public method

Returns the areas or sources that meet search pattern.
public SearchByQualifiedName ( string pattern, bool isArea ) : List
pattern string
isArea bool
return List