C# Class Opc.Ua.Com.Client.ComDaGroup

A wrapper for COM-DA group.
Inheritance: ComObject
Mostrar archivo Open project: OPCFoundation/UA-.NET Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
ActivateItems ( bool active ) : void

Sets the active state for a set of items in a group.

AddItems ( ) : void

Adds all items to the group that have not already been added.

ApplyChanges ( ) : bool

Applys any changes to the group.

ComDaGroup ( ComDaClient server, bool callbacksRequired ) : System

Creates an empty group.

Create ( ) : void

Creates the group on the server if not already created.

CreateItem ( string itemId, int samplingInterval, float deadband, bool active ) : GroupItem

Creates the item.

Delete ( ) : void

Deletes the group on the server if it has been created.

ModifyGroup ( ) : int

Modifies the group.

ModifyItem ( GroupItem item, int samplingInterval, float deadband, bool active ) : bool

Modifies the item.

RemoveItem ( GroupItem item ) : bool

Removes the item from the group.

RemoveItems ( ) : void

Removes the items from the group that have been marked as deleted.

SetMonitoredItems ( GroupItem item, MonitoredItem monitoredItems ) : void

Sets the monitored items associated with the item.

SyncRead ( int serverHandles, int count ) : DaValue[]

Reads the values for a set of items.

SyncWrite ( int serverHandles, object values, int count ) : int[]

Writes the values for a set of items.

Protected Methods

Method Description
Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void

An overrideable version of the Dispose.

ReleaseServer ( ) : void

Releases all references to the server.

Private Methods

Method Description
GetItemResults ( IntPtr &pInput, int count, bool deallocate ) : int[]

Unmarshals and deallocates a OPCITEMRESULT structures.

GetItemValues ( IntPtr &pInput, int count, bool deallocate ) : DaValue[]

Unmarshals and deallocates a OPCITEMSTATE structures.

GetItemValues ( int dwCount, object pvValues, short pwQualities, System pftTimeStamps, int pErrors ) : DaValue[]

Creates an array of item value result objects from the callback data.

OnDataChange ( int clientHandles, DaValue values ) : void

Called when a data change event arrives.

OnReadComplete ( int requestId, int clientHandles, DaValue values ) : void

Called when a asynchronous read completes.

OnWriteComplete ( int requestId, int clientHandles, int errors ) : void

Called when a asynchronous write completes.

Method Details

ActivateItems() public method

Sets the active state for a set of items in a group.
public ActivateItems ( bool active ) : void
active bool
return void

AddItems() public method

Adds all items to the group that have not already been added.
public AddItems ( ) : void
return void

ApplyChanges() public method

Applys any changes to the group.
public ApplyChanges ( ) : bool
return bool

ComDaGroup() public method

Creates an empty group.
public ComDaGroup ( ComDaClient server, bool callbacksRequired ) : System
server ComDaClient The server that the group belongs to.
callbacksRequired bool if set to true if the group will received callbacks.
return System

Create() public method

Creates the group on the server if not already created.
public Create ( ) : void
return void

CreateItem() public method

Creates the item.
public CreateItem ( string itemId, int samplingInterval, float deadband, bool active ) : GroupItem
itemId string The item id.
samplingInterval int The sampling interval.
deadband float The deadband.
active bool if set to true [active].
return GroupItem

Delete() public method

Deletes the group on the server if it has been created.
public Delete ( ) : void
return void

Dispose() protected method

An overrideable version of the Dispose.
protected Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void
disposing bool
return void

ModifyGroup() public method

Modifies the group.
public ModifyGroup ( ) : int
return int

ModifyItem() public method

Modifies the item.
public ModifyItem ( GroupItem item, int samplingInterval, float deadband, bool active ) : bool
item GroupItem The item.
samplingInterval int The sampling interval.
deadband float The deadband.
active bool if set to true [active].
return bool

ReleaseServer() protected method

Releases all references to the server.
protected ReleaseServer ( ) : void
return void

RemoveItem() public method

Removes the item from the group.
public RemoveItem ( GroupItem item ) : bool
item GroupItem The item.
return bool

RemoveItems() public method

Removes the items from the group that have been marked as deleted.
public RemoveItems ( ) : void
return void

SetMonitoredItems() public method

Sets the monitored items associated with the item.
public SetMonitoredItems ( GroupItem item, MonitoredItem monitoredItems ) : void
item GroupItem The item.
monitoredItems Opc.Ua.Server.MonitoredItem The monitored items.
return void

SyncRead() public method

Reads the values for a set of items.
public SyncRead ( int serverHandles, int count ) : DaValue[]
serverHandles int
count int
return DaValue[]

SyncWrite() public method

Writes the values for a set of items.
public SyncWrite ( int serverHandles, object values, int count ) : int[]
serverHandles int
values object
count int
return int[]