C# Class Opc.Ua.Com.Client.ComAeClient

Provides access to a COM DA server.
Inheritance: ComClient
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Public Methods

Method Description
Acknowledge ( ServerSystemContext context, byte eventId, Opc.Ua.LocalizedText comment ) : uint

Acknowledges the specified context.

CloneClient ( ) : ComAeClient

Creates a new instance of the client with the same configuration.

ComAeClient ( ComAeClientConfiguration configuration ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the ComAeClient class.

CreateAreaBrowser ( ) : IOPCEventAreaBrowser

Creates the area browser.

CreateEventSubscription ( ) : IOPCEventSubscriptionMgt

Creates an event subscription.

GetConditionNames ( int eventCategory, string &conditionNames ) : void

Returns the condition names for the event category.

GetEventAttributes ( int categoryId, int &attributeIds, string &descriptions, short &datatypes ) : bool

Gets the event attributes.

GetEventCategories ( int eventType, int &categories, string &descriptions ) : void

Gets the event categories.


Reads the status from the server.

GetSubConditionNames ( string conditionName, string &subConditionNames ) : void

Returns the sub-condition names for the event condition.

Method Details

Acknowledge() public method

Acknowledges the specified context.
public Acknowledge ( ServerSystemContext context, byte eventId, Opc.Ua.LocalizedText comment ) : uint
context Opc.Ua.Server.ServerSystemContext The context.
eventId byte The event id.
comment Opc.Ua.LocalizedText The comment.
return uint

CloneClient() public method

Creates a new instance of the client with the same configuration.
public CloneClient ( ) : ComAeClient
return ComAeClient

ComAeClient() public method

Initializes a new instance of the ComAeClient class.
public ComAeClient ( ComAeClientConfiguration configuration ) : System
configuration ComAeClientConfiguration
return System

CreateAreaBrowser() public method

Creates the area browser.
public CreateAreaBrowser ( ) : IOPCEventAreaBrowser
return IOPCEventAreaBrowser

CreateEventSubscription() public method

Creates an event subscription.
public CreateEventSubscription ( ) : IOPCEventSubscriptionMgt
return IOPCEventSubscriptionMgt

GetConditionNames() public method

Returns the condition names for the event category.
public GetConditionNames ( int eventCategory, string &conditionNames ) : void
eventCategory int
conditionNames string
return void

GetEventAttributes() public method

Gets the event attributes.
public GetEventAttributes ( int categoryId, int &attributeIds, string &descriptions, short &datatypes ) : bool
categoryId int The category id.
attributeIds int The attribute ids.
descriptions string The descriptions.
datatypes short The datatypes.
return bool

GetEventCategories() public method

Gets the event categories.
public GetEventCategories ( int eventType, int &categories, string &descriptions ) : void
eventType int Type of the event.
categories int The categories.
descriptions string The descriptions.
return void

GetStatus() public method

Reads the status from the server.
public GetStatus ( ) : OPCEVENTSERVERSTATUS?

GetSubConditionNames() public method

Returns the sub-condition names for the event condition.
public GetSubConditionNames ( string conditionName, string &subConditionNames ) : void
conditionName string
subConditionNames string
return void