C# Class OTAPI.Patcher.Engine.Extensions.ILProcessor.InsertExtensions

Mostrar archivo Open project: DeathCradle/Open-Terraria-API

Public Methods

Method Description
AnonymousToInstruction ( object anon ) : Instruction

Converts a anonymous type into an Instruction

InsertAfter ( this processor, Instruction target ) : List

Inserts a list of anonymous instructions after the target instruction

InsertAfter ( this processor, Instruction target, IEnumerable instructions ) : void

Inserts a group of instructions after the target instruction

InsertBefore ( this processor, Instruction target ) : List

Inserts a list of anonymous instructions before the target instruction

Method Details

AnonymousToInstruction() public static method

Converts a anonymous type into an Instruction
public static AnonymousToInstruction ( object anon ) : Instruction
anon object
return Mono.Cecil.Cil.Instruction

InsertAfter() public static method

Inserts a list of anonymous instructions after the target instruction
public static InsertAfter ( this processor, Instruction target ) : List
processor this
target Mono.Cecil.Cil.Instruction
return List

InsertAfter() public static method

Inserts a group of instructions after the target instruction
public static InsertAfter ( this processor, Instruction target, IEnumerable instructions ) : void
processor this
target Mono.Cecil.Cil.Instruction
instructions IEnumerable
return void

InsertBefore() public static method

Inserts a list of anonymous instructions before the target instruction
public static InsertBefore ( this processor, Instruction target ) : List
processor this
target Mono.Cecil.Cil.Instruction
return List