C# Class NuBuild.MSBuild.NuPrepare

Prepare task
This task configures the NuBuild Compile items for packaging, by attaching custom metadata and determining the build sources/ targets for incremental builds. The task also establishes the build/version number for the current run.
Inheritance: Microsoft.Build.Utilities.Task
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Private Properties

Property Type Description
GetAutoVersion SemanticVersion
GetLibraryVersion SemanticVersion
GetPackageID String
GetPackageVersion SemanticVersion
PreparePackage void

Public Methods

Method Description
Execute ( ) : System.Boolean

Task execution override

Private Methods

Method Description
GetAutoVersion ( ITaskItem specItem, SemanticVersion specVer, System.Xml.Linq.XDocument specDoc ) : SemanticVersion

Constructs the nuget package version using either the build number specified in the project file (for TFS builds) or using a text file in the output directory

GetLibraryVersion ( ITaskItem specItem, SemanticVersion specVer, System.Xml.Linq.XDocument specDoc ) : SemanticVersion

Constructs a nuget package version from a library referenced by the package

GetPackageID ( System.Xml.Linq.XDocument specDoc ) : String

Retrieves the package's ID

GetPackageVersion ( ITaskItem specItem, System.Xml.Linq.XDocument specDoc ) : SemanticVersion

Constructs a nuget package version for the current project

PreparePackage ( ITaskItem specItem ) : void

Prepares a single .nuspec file for packaging

Method Details

Execute() public method

Task execution override
public Execute ( ) : System.Boolean
return System.Boolean