C# Class Novacode.Paragraph

Represents a document paragraph.
Inheritance: InsertBeforeOrAfter
Mostrar archivo Open project: WordDocX/DocX Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
ListItemType ListItemType
ParentContainer ContainerType

Private Properties

Property Type Description
ApplyTextFormattingProperty void
CreateEdit System.Xml.Linq.XElement
CreatePicture Picture
GetElementTextLength int
GetFirstRunEffectedByEdit Run
GetFirstRunEffectedByEditRecursive void
GetOrCreate_pPr System.Xml.Linq.XElement
GetOrCreate_pPr_ind System.Xml.Linq.XElement
GetOrGenerateRel string
GetOrGenerateRel string
GetParagraphNumberProperties System.Xml.Linq.XElement
InsertHyperlink Paragraph
Paragraph System
RebuildDocProperties void
RemoveHyperlinkRecursive void
ReplaceAtBookmark_Add void
SplitEdit System.Xml.Linq.XElement[]

Public Methods

Method Description
Append ( string text ) : Paragraph

Append text to this Paragraph.

AppendBookmark ( String bookmarkName ) : Paragraph
AppendDocProperty ( CustomProperty cp, bool trackChanges = false, Formatting f = null ) : Paragraph

Append a field of type document property, this field will display the custom property cp, at the end of this paragraph.

AppendEquation ( String equation ) : Paragraph

Add an equation to a document.

AppendHyperlink ( Novacode.Hyperlink h ) : Paragraph

Append a hyperlink to a Paragraph.

AppendLine ( ) : Paragraph

Append a new line to this Paragraph.

AppendLine ( string text ) : Paragraph

Append text on a new line to this Paragraph.

AppendPageCount ( PageNumberFormat pnf ) : void

Append a PageCount place holder onto the end of a Paragraph.

AppendPageNumber ( PageNumberFormat pnf ) : void

Append a PageNumber place holder onto the end of a Paragraph.

AppendPicture ( Picture p ) : Paragraph

Add an image to a document, create a custom view of that image (picture) and then insert it into a Paragraph using append.

Bold ( ) : Paragraph

For use with Append() and AppendLine()

CapsStyle ( CapsStyle capsStyle ) : Paragraph

For use with Append() and AppendLine()

Color ( Color c ) : Paragraph

For use with Append() and AppendLine()

Culture ( CultureInfo culture ) : Paragraph

For use with Append() and AppendLine()

CurentCulture ( ) : Paragraph

For use with Append() and AppendLine()

FindAll ( string str ) : List

Find all instances of a string in this paragraph and return their indexes in a List.

FindAll ( string str, RegexOptions options ) : List

Find all instances of a string in this paragraph and return their indexes in a List.

FindAllByPattern ( string str, RegexOptions options ) : List

Find all unique instances of the given Regex Pattern

Font ( Font fontFamily ) : Paragraph

For use with Append() and AppendLine()

Font ( string fontName ) : Paragraph

For use with Append() and AppendLine()

FontSize ( double fontSize ) : Paragraph

For use with Append() and AppendLine()

GetBookmarks ( ) : IEnumerable
Hide ( ) : Paragraph

For use with Append() and AppendLine()

Highlight ( Highlight highlight ) : Paragraph

For use with Append() and AppendLine()

InsertAtBookmark ( string toInsert, string bookmarkName ) : void
InsertDocProperty ( CustomProperty cp, bool trackChanges = false, Formatting f = null ) : DocProperty

Insert a field of type document property, this field will display the custom property cp, at the end of this paragraph.

InsertHorizontalLine ( string lineType = "single", int size = 6, int space = 1, string color = "auto" ) : void
InsertHyperlink ( Novacode.Hyperlink h, int index ) : Paragraph

This function inserts a hyperlink into a Paragraph at a specified character index.

InsertPageBreakAfterSelf ( ) : void

Insert a page break after a Paragraph.

InsertPageBreakBeforeSelf ( ) : void

Insert a page break before a Paragraph.

InsertPageCount ( PageNumberFormat pnf, int index ) : void

Insert a PageCount place holder into a Paragraph. This place holder should only be inserted into a Header or Footer Paragraph. Word will not automatically update this field if it is inserted into a document level Paragraph.

InsertPageNumber ( PageNumberFormat pnf, int index ) : void

Insert a PageNumber place holder into a Paragraph. This place holder should only be inserted into a Header or Footer Paragraph. Word will not automatically update this field if it is inserted into a document level Paragraph.

InsertParagraphAfterSelf ( Paragraph p ) : Paragraph

Insert a Paragraph after this Paragraph, this Paragraph may have come from the same or another document.

InsertParagraphAfterSelf ( string text ) : Paragraph

Insert a new Paragraph after this Paragraph.

InsertParagraphAfterSelf ( string text, bool trackChanges ) : Paragraph

Insert a new Paragraph after this Paragraph.

InsertParagraphAfterSelf ( string text, bool trackChanges, Formatting formatting ) : Paragraph

Insert a new Paragraph after this Paragraph.

InsertParagraphBeforeSelf ( Paragraph p ) : Paragraph

Insert a Paragraph before this Paragraph, this Paragraph may have come from the same or another document.

InsertParagraphBeforeSelf ( string text ) : Paragraph

Insert a new Paragraph before this Paragraph.

InsertParagraphBeforeSelf ( string text, bool trackChanges ) : Paragraph

Insert a new Paragraph before this Paragraph.

InsertParagraphBeforeSelf ( string text, bool trackChanges, Formatting formatting ) : Paragraph

Insert a new Paragraph before this Paragraph.

InsertPicture ( Picture p, int index ) : Paragraph

Insert a Picture into a Paragraph at the given text index. If not index is provided defaults to 0.

InsertTableAfterSelf ( Table t ) : Table

Insert a new Table after this Paragraph.

InsertTableAfterSelf ( int rowCount, int columnCount ) : Table

Insert a new Table into this document after this Paragraph.

InsertTableBeforeSelf ( Table t ) : Table

Insert a new Table before this Paragraph, this Table can be from this document or another document.

InsertTableBeforeSelf ( int rowCount, int columnCount ) : Table

Insert a new Table into this document before this Paragraph.

InsertText ( int index, string value, bool trackChanges = false, Formatting formatting = null ) : void

Inserts a specified instance of System.String into a Novacode.DocX.Paragraph at a specified index position.

InsertText ( string value, bool trackChanges = false, Formatting formatting = null ) : void

Inserts a specified instance of System.String into a Novacode.DocX.Paragraph at a specified index position.

Italic ( ) : Paragraph

For use with Append() and AppendLine()

KeepLinesTogether ( bool keepTogether = true ) : Paragraph

Keep all lines in this paragraph together on a page

KeepWithNext ( bool keepWithNext = true ) : Paragraph

This paragraph will be kept on the same page as the next paragraph

Kerning ( int kerning ) : Paragraph
Misc ( Misc misc ) : Paragraph

For use with Append() and AppendLine()

PercentageScale ( int percentageScale ) : Paragraph
Position ( double position ) : Paragraph
Remove ( bool trackChanges ) : void

Remove this Paragraph from the document.

RemoveHyperlink ( int index ) : void

Remove the Hyperlink at the provided index. The first hyperlink is at index 0. Using a negative index or an index greater than the index of the last hyperlink will cause an ArgumentOutOfRangeException() to be thrown.

RemoveText ( int index, bool trackChanges = false ) : void

Removes characters from a Novacode.DocX.Paragraph.

RemoveText ( int index, int count, bool trackChanges = false ) : void

Removes characters from a Novacode.DocX.Paragraph.

ReplaceAtBookmark ( string toInsert, string bookmarkName ) : void
ReplaceText ( string findPattern, string>.Func regexMatchHandler, bool trackChanges = false, RegexOptions options = RegexOptions.None, Formatting newFormatting = null, Formatting matchFormatting = null, MatchFormattingOptions fo = MatchFormattingOptions.SubsetMatch ) : void

Find pattern regex must return a group match.

ReplaceText ( string oldValue, string newValue, bool trackChanges = false, RegexOptions options = RegexOptions.None, Formatting newFormatting = null, Formatting matchFormatting = null, MatchFormattingOptions fo = MatchFormattingOptions.SubsetMatch, bool escapeRegEx = true, bool useRegExSubstitutions = false ) : void

Replaces all occurrences of a specified System.String in this instance, with another specified System.String.

Script ( System.Script script ) : Paragraph

For use with Append() and AppendLine()

SetLineSpacing ( LineSpacingType spacingType, float spacingFloat ) : void

Set the linespacing for this paragraph manually.

SetLineSpacing ( LineSpacingTypeAuto spacingType ) : void

Set the linespacing for this paragraph using the Auto value.

Spacing ( double spacing ) : Paragraph
SpacingAfter ( double spacingAfter ) : Paragraph
SpacingBefore ( double spacingBefore ) : Paragraph
StrikeThrough ( StrikeThrough strikeThrough ) : Paragraph

For use with Append() and AppendLine()

UnderlineColor ( Color underlineColor ) : Paragraph

For use with Append() and AppendLine()

UnderlineStyle ( UnderlineStyle underlineStyle ) : Paragraph

For use with Append() and AppendLine()

ValidateBookmark ( string bookmarkName ) : bool

Private Methods

Method Description
ApplyTextFormattingProperty ( System.Xml.Linq.XName textFormatPropName, string value, object content ) : void
CreateEdit ( EditType t, System.DateTime edit_time, object content ) : System.Xml.Linq.XElement

Creates an Edit either a ins or a del with the specified content and date

CreatePicture ( DocX document, string id, string name, string descr ) : Picture

Insert a Picture at the end of this paragraph.

Insert a Picture into this Paragraph at a specified index.

Create a new Picture.

GetElementTextLength ( System.Xml.Linq.XElement run ) : int
GetFirstRunEffectedByEdit ( int index, EditType type = EditType.ins ) : Run
GetFirstRunEffectedByEditRecursive ( System.Xml.Linq.XElement Xml, int index, int &count, Run &theOne, EditType type ) : void
GetOrCreate_pPr ( ) : System.Xml.Linq.XElement

If the pPr element doesent exist it is created, either way it is returned by this function.

GetOrCreate_pPr_ind ( ) : System.Xml.Linq.XElement

If the ind element doesent exist it is created, either way it is returned by this function.

GetOrGenerateRel ( Novacode.Hyperlink h ) : string
GetOrGenerateRel ( Picture p ) : string
GetParagraphNumberProperties ( ) : System.Xml.Linq.XElement
InsertHyperlink ( int index, Novacode.Hyperlink h ) : Paragraph
Paragraph ( DocX document, System.Xml.Linq.XElement xml, int startIndex, ContainerType parent = ContainerType.None ) : System
RebuildDocProperties ( ) : void
RemoveHyperlinkRecursive ( System.Xml.Linq.XElement xml, int index, int &count, bool &found ) : void
ReplaceAtBookmark_Add ( string toInsert, System.Xml.Linq.XElement bookmark ) : void
SplitEdit ( System.Xml.Linq.XElement edit, int index, EditType type ) : System.Xml.Linq.XElement[]

Method Details

Append() public method

Append text to this Paragraph.
public Append ( string text ) : Paragraph
text string The text to append.
return Paragraph

AppendBookmark() public method

public AppendBookmark ( String bookmarkName ) : Paragraph
bookmarkName String
return Paragraph

AppendDocProperty() public method

Append a field of type document property, this field will display the custom property cp, at the end of this paragraph.
public AppendDocProperty ( CustomProperty cp, bool trackChanges = false, Formatting f = null ) : Paragraph
cp CustomProperty The custom property to display.
trackChanges bool
f Formatting The formatting to use for this text.
return Paragraph

AppendEquation() public method

Add an equation to a document.
public AppendEquation ( String equation ) : Paragraph
equation String The Equation to append.
return Paragraph

AppendHyperlink() public method

Append a hyperlink to a Paragraph.
public AppendHyperlink ( Novacode.Hyperlink h ) : Paragraph
h Novacode.Hyperlink The hyperlink to append.
return Paragraph

AppendLine() public method

Append a new line to this Paragraph.
public AppendLine ( ) : Paragraph
return Paragraph

AppendLine() public method

Append text on a new line to this Paragraph.
public AppendLine ( string text ) : Paragraph
text string The text to append.
return Paragraph

AppendPageCount() public method

Append a PageCount place holder onto the end of a Paragraph.
public AppendPageCount ( PageNumberFormat pnf ) : void
pnf PageNumberFormat The PageNumberFormat can be normal: (1, 2, ...) or Roman: (I, II, ...)
return void

AppendPageNumber() public method

Append a PageNumber place holder onto the end of a Paragraph.
public AppendPageNumber ( PageNumberFormat pnf ) : void
pnf PageNumberFormat The PageNumberFormat can be normal: (1, 2, ...) or Roman: (I, II, ...)
return void

AppendPicture() public method

Add an image to a document, create a custom view of that image (picture) and then insert it into a Paragraph using append.
public AppendPicture ( Picture p ) : Paragraph
p Picture The Picture to append.
return Paragraph

Bold() public method

For use with Append() and AppendLine()
public Bold ( ) : Paragraph
return Paragraph

CapsStyle() public method

For use with Append() and AppendLine()
public CapsStyle ( CapsStyle capsStyle ) : Paragraph
capsStyle CapsStyle The caps style to apply to the last appended text.
return Paragraph

Color() public method

For use with Append() and AppendLine()
public Color ( Color c ) : Paragraph
c Color A color to use on the appended text.
return Paragraph

Culture() public method

For use with Append() and AppendLine()
public Culture ( CultureInfo culture ) : Paragraph
culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo The CultureInfo for text
return Paragraph

CurentCulture() public method

For use with Append() and AppendLine()
public CurentCulture ( ) : Paragraph
return Paragraph

FindAll() public method

Find all instances of a string in this paragraph and return their indexes in a List.
public FindAll ( string str ) : List
str string The string to find
return List

FindAll() public method

Find all instances of a string in this paragraph and return their indexes in a List.
public FindAll ( string str, RegexOptions options ) : List
str string The string to find
options RegexOptions The options to use when finding a string match.
return List

FindAllByPattern() public method

Find all unique instances of the given Regex Pattern
public FindAllByPattern ( string str, RegexOptions options ) : List
str string
options RegexOptions
return List

Font() public method

For use with Append() and AppendLine()
public Font ( Font fontFamily ) : Paragraph
fontFamily System.Drawing.Font The font to use for the appended text.
return Paragraph

Font() public method

For use with Append() and AppendLine()
public Font ( string fontName ) : Paragraph
fontName string The font to use for the appended text.
return Paragraph

FontSize() public method

For use with Append() and AppendLine()
public FontSize ( double fontSize ) : Paragraph
fontSize double The font size to use for the appended text.
return Paragraph

GetBookmarks() public method

public GetBookmarks ( ) : IEnumerable
return IEnumerable

Hide() public method

For use with Append() and AppendLine()
public Hide ( ) : Paragraph
return Paragraph

Highlight() public method

For use with Append() and AppendLine()
public Highlight ( Highlight highlight ) : Paragraph
highlight Highlight The highlight to apply to the last appended text.
return Paragraph

InsertAtBookmark() public method

public InsertAtBookmark ( string toInsert, string bookmarkName ) : void
toInsert string
bookmarkName string
return void

InsertDocProperty() public method

Insert a field of type document property, this field will display the custom property cp, at the end of this paragraph.
public InsertDocProperty ( CustomProperty cp, bool trackChanges = false, Formatting f = null ) : DocProperty
cp CustomProperty The custom property to display.
trackChanges bool
f Formatting The formatting to use for this text.
return DocProperty

InsertHorizontalLine() public method

public InsertHorizontalLine ( string lineType = "single", int size = 6, int space = 1, string color = "auto" ) : void
lineType string
size int
space int
color string
return void

InsertHyperlink() public method

This function inserts a hyperlink into a Paragraph at a specified character index.
public InsertHyperlink ( Novacode.Hyperlink h, int index ) : Paragraph
h Novacode.Hyperlink The hyperlink to insert.
index int The index to insert at.
return Paragraph

InsertPageBreakAfterSelf() public method

Insert a page break after a Paragraph.
public InsertPageBreakAfterSelf ( ) : void
return void

InsertPageBreakBeforeSelf() public method

Insert a page break before a Paragraph.
public InsertPageBreakBeforeSelf ( ) : void
return void

InsertPageCount() public method

Insert a PageCount place holder into a Paragraph. This place holder should only be inserted into a Header or Footer Paragraph. Word will not automatically update this field if it is inserted into a document level Paragraph.
public InsertPageCount ( PageNumberFormat pnf, int index ) : void
pnf PageNumberFormat The PageNumberFormat can be normal: (1, 2, ...) or Roman: (I, II, ...)
index int The text index to insert this PageCount place holder at.
return void

InsertPageNumber() public method

Insert a PageNumber place holder into a Paragraph. This place holder should only be inserted into a Header or Footer Paragraph. Word will not automatically update this field if it is inserted into a document level Paragraph.
public InsertPageNumber ( PageNumberFormat pnf, int index ) : void
pnf PageNumberFormat The PageNumberFormat can be normal: (1, 2, ...) or Roman: (I, II, ...)
index int The text index to insert this PageNumber place holder at.
return void

InsertParagraphAfterSelf() public method

Insert a Paragraph after this Paragraph, this Paragraph may have come from the same or another document.
public InsertParagraphAfterSelf ( Paragraph p ) : Paragraph
p Paragraph The Paragraph to insert.
return Paragraph

InsertParagraphAfterSelf() public method

Insert a new Paragraph after this Paragraph.
public InsertParagraphAfterSelf ( string text ) : Paragraph
text string The initial text for this new Paragraph.
return Paragraph

InsertParagraphAfterSelf() public method

Insert a new Paragraph after this Paragraph.
public InsertParagraphAfterSelf ( string text, bool trackChanges ) : Paragraph
text string The initial text for this new Paragraph.
trackChanges bool Should this insertion be tracked as a change?
return Paragraph

InsertParagraphAfterSelf() public method

Insert a new Paragraph after this Paragraph.
public InsertParagraphAfterSelf ( string text, bool trackChanges, Formatting formatting ) : Paragraph
text string The initial text for this new Paragraph.
trackChanges bool Should this insertion be tracked as a change?
formatting Formatting The formatting to apply to this insertion.
return Paragraph

InsertParagraphBeforeSelf() public method

Insert a Paragraph before this Paragraph, this Paragraph may have come from the same or another document.
public InsertParagraphBeforeSelf ( Paragraph p ) : Paragraph
p Paragraph The Paragraph to insert.
return Paragraph

InsertParagraphBeforeSelf() public method

Insert a new Paragraph before this Paragraph.
public InsertParagraphBeforeSelf ( string text ) : Paragraph
text string The initial text for this new Paragraph.
return Paragraph

InsertParagraphBeforeSelf() public method

Insert a new Paragraph before this Paragraph.
public InsertParagraphBeforeSelf ( string text, bool trackChanges ) : Paragraph
text string The initial text for this new Paragraph.
trackChanges bool Should this insertion be tracked as a change?
return Paragraph

InsertParagraphBeforeSelf() public method

Insert a new Paragraph before this Paragraph.
public InsertParagraphBeforeSelf ( string text, bool trackChanges, Formatting formatting ) : Paragraph
text string The initial text for this new Paragraph.
trackChanges bool Should this insertion be tracked as a change?
formatting Formatting The formatting to apply to this insertion.
return Paragraph

InsertPicture() public method

Insert a Picture into a Paragraph at the given text index. If not index is provided defaults to 0.
public InsertPicture ( Picture p, int index ) : Paragraph
p Picture The Picture to insert.
index int The text index to insert at.
return Paragraph

InsertTableAfterSelf() public method

Insert a new Table after this Paragraph.
public InsertTableAfterSelf ( Table t ) : Table
t Table The Table t to be inserted.
return Table

InsertTableAfterSelf() public method

Insert a new Table into this document after this Paragraph.
public InsertTableAfterSelf ( int rowCount, int columnCount ) : Table
rowCount int The number of rows this Table should have.
columnCount int The number of columns this Table should have.
return Table

InsertTableBeforeSelf() public method

Insert a new Table before this Paragraph, this Table can be from this document or another document.
public InsertTableBeforeSelf ( Table t ) : Table
t Table The Table t to be inserted.
return Table

InsertTableBeforeSelf() public method

Insert a new Table into this document before this Paragraph.
public InsertTableBeforeSelf ( int rowCount, int columnCount ) : Table
rowCount int The number of rows this Table should have.
columnCount int The number of columns this Table should have.
return Table

InsertText() public method

Inserts a specified instance of System.String into a Novacode.DocX.Paragraph at a specified index position.
public InsertText ( int index, string value, bool trackChanges = false, Formatting formatting = null ) : void
index int The index position of the insertion.
value string The System.String to insert.
trackChanges bool Flag this insert as a change.
formatting Formatting The text formatting.
return void

InsertText() public method

Inserts a specified instance of System.String into a Novacode.DocX.Paragraph at a specified index position.
public InsertText ( string value, bool trackChanges = false, Formatting formatting = null ) : void
value string The System.String to insert.
trackChanges bool Flag this insert as a change.
formatting Formatting The text formatting.
return void

Italic() public method

For use with Append() and AppendLine()
public Italic ( ) : Paragraph
return Paragraph

KeepLinesTogether() public method

Keep all lines in this paragraph together on a page
public KeepLinesTogether ( bool keepTogether = true ) : Paragraph
keepTogether bool
return Paragraph

KeepWithNext() public method

This paragraph will be kept on the same page as the next paragraph
public KeepWithNext ( bool keepWithNext = true ) : Paragraph
keepWithNext bool
return Paragraph

Kerning() public method

public Kerning ( int kerning ) : Paragraph
kerning int
return Paragraph

Misc() public method

For use with Append() and AppendLine()
public Misc ( Misc misc ) : Paragraph
misc Misc The miscellaneous property to set.
return Paragraph

PercentageScale() public method

public PercentageScale ( int percentageScale ) : Paragraph
percentageScale int
return Paragraph

Position() public method

public Position ( double position ) : Paragraph
position double
return Paragraph

Remove() public method

Remove this Paragraph from the document.
public Remove ( bool trackChanges ) : void
trackChanges bool Should this remove be tracked as a change?
return void

RemoveHyperlink() public method

Remove the Hyperlink at the provided index. The first hyperlink is at index 0. Using a negative index or an index greater than the index of the last hyperlink will cause an ArgumentOutOfRangeException() to be thrown.
public RemoveHyperlink ( int index ) : void
index int The index of the hyperlink to be removed.
return void

RemoveText() public method

Removes characters from a Novacode.DocX.Paragraph.
public RemoveText ( int index, bool trackChanges = false ) : void
index int The position to begin deleting characters.
trackChanges bool Track changes
return void

RemoveText() public method

Removes characters from a Novacode.DocX.Paragraph.
public RemoveText ( int index, int count, bool trackChanges = false ) : void
index int The position to begin deleting characters.
count int The number of characters to delete
trackChanges bool Track changes
return void

ReplaceAtBookmark() public method

public ReplaceAtBookmark ( string toInsert, string bookmarkName ) : void
toInsert string
bookmarkName string
return void

ReplaceText() public method

Find pattern regex must return a group match.
public ReplaceText ( string findPattern, string>.Func regexMatchHandler, bool trackChanges = false, RegexOptions options = RegexOptions.None, Formatting newFormatting = null, Formatting matchFormatting = null, MatchFormattingOptions fo = MatchFormattingOptions.SubsetMatch ) : void
findPattern string Regex pattern that must include one group match. ie (.*)
regexMatchHandler string>.Func A func that accepts the matching find grouping text and returns a replacement value
trackChanges bool
options RegexOptions
newFormatting Formatting
matchFormatting Formatting
fo MatchFormattingOptions
return void

ReplaceText() public method

Replaces all occurrences of a specified System.String in this instance, with another specified System.String.
public ReplaceText ( string oldValue, string newValue, bool trackChanges = false, RegexOptions options = RegexOptions.None, Formatting newFormatting = null, Formatting matchFormatting = null, MatchFormattingOptions fo = MatchFormattingOptions.SubsetMatch, bool escapeRegEx = true, bool useRegExSubstitutions = false ) : void
oldValue string A System.String to be replaced.
newValue string A System.String to replace all occurrences of oldValue.
trackChanges bool Track changes
options RegexOptions A bitwise OR combination of RegexOption enumeration options.
newFormatting Formatting The formatting to apply to the text being inserted.
matchFormatting Formatting The formatting that the text must match in order to be replaced.
fo MatchFormattingOptions How should formatting be matched?
escapeRegEx bool True if the oldValue needs to be escaped, otherwise false. If it represents a valid RegEx pattern this should be false.
useRegExSubstitutions bool True if RegEx-like replace should be performed, i.e. if newValue contains RegEx substitutions. Does not perform named-group substitutions (only numbered groups).
return void

Script() public method

For use with Append() and AppendLine()
public Script ( System.Script script ) : Paragraph
script System.Script The script style to apply to the last appended text.
return Paragraph

SetLineSpacing() public method

Set the linespacing for this paragraph manually.
public SetLineSpacing ( LineSpacingType spacingType, float spacingFloat ) : void
spacingType LineSpacingType The type of spacing to be set, can be either Before, After or Line (Standard line spacing).
spacingFloat float A float value of the amount of spacing. Equals the value that van be set in Word using the "Line and Paragraph spacing" button.
return void

SetLineSpacing() public method

Set the linespacing for this paragraph using the Auto value.
public SetLineSpacing ( LineSpacingTypeAuto spacingType ) : void
spacingType LineSpacingTypeAuto The type of spacing to be set automatically. Using Auto will set both Before and After. None will remove any linespacing.
return void

Spacing() public method

public Spacing ( double spacing ) : Paragraph
spacing double
return Paragraph

SpacingAfter() public method

public SpacingAfter ( double spacingAfter ) : Paragraph
spacingAfter double
return Paragraph

SpacingBefore() public method

public SpacingBefore ( double spacingBefore ) : Paragraph
spacingBefore double
return Paragraph

StrikeThrough() public method

For use with Append() and AppendLine()
public StrikeThrough ( StrikeThrough strikeThrough ) : Paragraph
strikeThrough StrikeThrough The strike through style to used on the last appended text.
return Paragraph

UnderlineColor() public method

For use with Append() and AppendLine()
public UnderlineColor ( Color underlineColor ) : Paragraph
underlineColor Color The underline color to use, if no underline is set, a single line will be used.
return Paragraph

UnderlineStyle() public method

For use with Append() and AppendLine()
public UnderlineStyle ( UnderlineStyle underlineStyle ) : Paragraph
underlineStyle UnderlineStyle The underline style to use for the appended text.
return Paragraph

ValidateBookmark() public method

public ValidateBookmark ( string bookmarkName ) : bool
bookmarkName string
return bool

Property Details

ListItemType public_oe property

Determine if the list element is a numbered list of bulleted list element
public ListItemType ListItemType
return ListItemType

ParentContainer public_oe property

public ContainerType ParentContainer
return ContainerType