C# Class NPlot.SequenceAdapter

This class is responsible for interpreting the various ways you can specify data to plot objects using the DataSource, DataMember, ordinateData and AbscissaData properties. It is a bridge that provides access to this data via a single interface.
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Public Methods

Method Description
SequenceAdapter ( object dataSource, string dataMember, object ordinateData, object abscissaData ) : System

Constructor. The data source specifiers must be specified here.

SuggestXAxis ( ) : Axis

Returns an x-axis that is suitable for drawing the data.

SuggestYAxis ( ) : Axis

Returns a y-axis that is suitable for drawing the data.

WriteData ( System sb, RectangleD region, bool onlyInRegion ) : void

Writes data out as text.

this ( int i ) : PointD

Returns the ith point.

Method Details

SequenceAdapter() public method

Constructor. The data source specifiers must be specified here.
public SequenceAdapter ( object dataSource, string dataMember, object ordinateData, object abscissaData ) : System
dataSource object The source containing a list of values to plot.
dataMember string The specific data member in a multimember data source to get data from.
ordinateData object The source containing a list of values to plot on the ordinate axis, or a the name of the column to use for this data.
abscissaData object The source containing a list of values to plot on the abscissa axis, or a the name of the column to use for this data.
return System

SuggestXAxis() public method

Returns an x-axis that is suitable for drawing the data.
public SuggestXAxis ( ) : Axis
return Axis

SuggestYAxis() public method

Returns a y-axis that is suitable for drawing the data.
public SuggestYAxis ( ) : Axis
return Axis

WriteData() public method

Writes data out as text.
public WriteData ( System sb, RectangleD region, bool onlyInRegion ) : void
sb System StringBuilder to write to.
region RectangleD Only write out data in this region if onlyInRegion is true.
onlyInRegion bool If true, only data in region is written, else all data is written.
return void

this() public method

Returns the ith point.
public this ( int i ) : PointD
i int
return PointD