C# Class Mine.MyMessageV1NoPreserve

Mostrar archivo Open project: hultqvist/protobuf

Public Methods

Method Description
Deserialize ( Stream stream, Mine instance ) : Mine.MyMessageV1NoPreserve

Takes the remaining content of the stream and deserialze it into the instance.

Deserialize ( byte buffer, Mine instance ) : Mine.MyMessageV1NoPreserve

Helper: put the buffer into a MemoryStream before deserializing

Deserialize ( Stream stream ) : MyMessageV1NoPreserve

Helper: create a new instance to deserializing into

Deserialize ( byte buffer ) : MyMessageV1NoPreserve

Helper: put the buffer into a MemoryStream and create a new instance to deserializing into

DeserializeLength ( Stream stream, int length, Mine instance ) : Mine.MyMessageV1NoPreserve

Read the given number of bytes from the stream and deserialze it into the instance.

DeserializeLength ( Stream stream, int length ) : MyMessageV1NoPreserve

Helper: create a new instance to deserializing into

DeserializeLengthDelimited ( Stream stream, Mine instance ) : Mine.MyMessageV1NoPreserve

Read the VarInt length prefix and the given number of bytes from the stream and deserialze it into the instance.

DeserializeLengthDelimited ( Stream stream ) : MyMessageV1NoPreserve

Helper: create a new instance to deserializing into

Serialize ( Stream stream, MyMessageV1NoPreserve instance ) : void

Serialize the instance into the stream

SerializeLengthDelimited ( Stream stream, MyMessageV1NoPreserve instance ) : void

Helper: Serialize with a varint length prefix

SerializeToBytes ( MyMessageV1NoPreserve instance ) : byte[]

Helper: Serialize into a MemoryStream and return its byte array

Method Details

Deserialize() public static method

Takes the remaining content of the stream and deserialze it into the instance.
public static Deserialize ( Stream stream, Mine instance ) : Mine.MyMessageV1NoPreserve
stream Stream
instance Mine
return Mine.MyMessageV1NoPreserve

Deserialize() public static method

Helper: put the buffer into a MemoryStream before deserializing
public static Deserialize ( byte buffer, Mine instance ) : Mine.MyMessageV1NoPreserve
buffer byte
instance Mine
return Mine.MyMessageV1NoPreserve

Deserialize() public static method

Helper: create a new instance to deserializing into
public static Deserialize ( Stream stream ) : MyMessageV1NoPreserve
stream Stream
return MyMessageV1NoPreserve

Deserialize() public static method

Helper: put the buffer into a MemoryStream and create a new instance to deserializing into
public static Deserialize ( byte buffer ) : MyMessageV1NoPreserve
buffer byte
return MyMessageV1NoPreserve

DeserializeLength() public static method

Read the given number of bytes from the stream and deserialze it into the instance.
public static DeserializeLength ( Stream stream, int length, Mine instance ) : Mine.MyMessageV1NoPreserve
stream Stream
length int
instance Mine
return Mine.MyMessageV1NoPreserve

DeserializeLength() public static method

Helper: create a new instance to deserializing into
public static DeserializeLength ( Stream stream, int length ) : MyMessageV1NoPreserve
stream Stream
length int
return MyMessageV1NoPreserve

DeserializeLengthDelimited() public static method

Read the VarInt length prefix and the given number of bytes from the stream and deserialze it into the instance.
public static DeserializeLengthDelimited ( Stream stream, Mine instance ) : Mine.MyMessageV1NoPreserve
stream Stream
instance Mine
return Mine.MyMessageV1NoPreserve

DeserializeLengthDelimited() public static method

Helper: create a new instance to deserializing into
public static DeserializeLengthDelimited ( Stream stream ) : MyMessageV1NoPreserve
stream Stream
return MyMessageV1NoPreserve

Serialize() public static method

Serialize the instance into the stream
public static Serialize ( Stream stream, MyMessageV1NoPreserve instance ) : void
stream Stream
instance MyMessageV1NoPreserve
return void

SerializeLengthDelimited() public static method

Helper: Serialize with a varint length prefix
public static SerializeLengthDelimited ( Stream stream, MyMessageV1NoPreserve instance ) : void
stream Stream
instance MyMessageV1NoPreserve
return void

SerializeToBytes() public static method

Helper: Serialize into a MemoryStream and return its byte array
public static SerializeToBytes ( MyMessageV1NoPreserve instance ) : byte[]
instance MyMessageV1NoPreserve
return byte[]