C# Class Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.Utilities.Common.WindowsAzureCertificate

This class encapsulates the details of creating and reloading certificates from various sources.
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Public Methods

Method Description
FromPublishSettingsString ( string managementCertificateString ) : X509Certificate2
FromThumbprint ( string thumbprint ) : X509Certificate2

Private Methods

Method Description
DeleteFromStore ( X509Certificate2 certificate ) : void
DoStoreOp ( OpenFlags flags, Action op ) : void
DoStoreOp ( StoreLocation location, OpenFlags flags, Action op ) : void
LoadCertificateByThumbprint ( string thumbprint ) : X509Certificate2
SaveCertificateToStore ( X509Certificate2 certificate ) : void

Method Details

FromPublishSettingsString() public static method

public static FromPublishSettingsString ( string managementCertificateString ) : X509Certificate2
managementCertificateString string
return System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2

FromThumbprint() public static method

public static FromThumbprint ( string thumbprint ) : X509Certificate2
thumbprint string
return System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2