C# Class Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.Test.CloudService.Development.EnableAzureRemoteDesktopCommandTest

Inheritance: Test.Utilities.Common.TestBase
Mostrar archivo Open project: Azure/azure-powershell Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
EnableAzureRemoteDesktopCommandTest ( ) : System
EnableRemoteDesktop ( string username, string password ) : void

Invoke the Enable-AzureServiceProjectRemoteDesktop enableRDCmdlet.

VerifyRoleSettings ( CloudServiceProject service ) : void
VerifyWebRole ( WebRole role, bool isForwarder ) : void
VerifyWorkerRole ( WorkerRole role, bool isForwarder ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
EnableRemoteDesktopBasicParameterValidation ( ) : void
EnableRemoteDesktopForEmptyService ( ) : void
EnableRemoteDesktopForMultipleWebAndWorkerRolesTwice ( ) : void
EnableRemoteDesktopForWebAndWorkerRoles ( ) : void
EnableRemoteDesktopForWebRole ( ) : void
EnableRemoteDesktopUnicode ( ) : void
EnableRemoteDesktopUnicodeAndShortPasswordFails ( ) : void

Method Details

EnableAzureRemoteDesktopCommandTest() public method

public EnableAzureRemoteDesktopCommandTest ( ) : System
return System

EnableRemoteDesktop() public static method

Invoke the Enable-AzureServiceProjectRemoteDesktop enableRDCmdlet.
public static EnableRemoteDesktop ( string username, string password ) : void
username string Username.
password string Password.
return void

VerifyRoleSettings() public static method

public static VerifyRoleSettings ( CloudServiceProject service ) : void
service CloudServiceProject
return void

VerifyWebRole() public static method

public static VerifyWebRole ( WebRole role, bool isForwarder ) : void
role WebRole
isForwarder bool
return void

VerifyWorkerRole() public static method

public static VerifyWorkerRole ( WorkerRole role, bool isForwarder ) : void
role WorkerRole
isForwarder bool
return void