C# Class Microsoft.Samples.Kinect.SkeletonBasics.SwipeRectangleMain

Interaction logic for SwipeRectangleMain.xaml
Inheritance: System.Windows.Window
Mostrar archivo Open project: rechc/KinectMiniApps

Public Methods

Method Description
SwipeRectangleMain ( ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the SwipeRectangleMain class.

Private Methods

Method Description
Animate ( String name, DependencyProperty property, int from, int to ) : void
AnimateHandPoint ( Point from, Point to ) : void
AnimationCompleted ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
CheckBoxSeatedModeChanged ( object sender, RoutedEventArgs e ) : void

Handles the checking or unchecking of the seated mode combo box

CurrentColor ( ) : System.Windows.Media.Brush
DrawBone ( Microsoft.Kinect.Skeleton skeleton, System.Windows.Media.DrawingContext drawingContext, JointType jointType0, JointType jointType1 ) : void

Draws a bone line between two joints

DrawBonesAndJoints ( Microsoft.Kinect.Skeleton skeleton, System.Windows.Media.DrawingContext drawingContext ) : void

Draws a skeleton's bones and joints

GestureRecognition ( Microsoft.Kinect.Skeleton skeletons ) : void
GetInnerRect ( Microsoft.Kinect.Skeleton skeleton ) : Rect
GetOuterRect ( Rect innerRect ) : Rect
GetPercentageSwipeBottom ( Point hand ) : double
GetPercentageSwipeLeft ( Point hand ) : double
GetPercentageSwipeRight ( Point hand ) : double
GetPercentageSwipeTop ( Point hand ) : double
NextColor ( ) : System.Windows.Media.Brush
NextColorBlock ( ) : System.Windows.Media.Brush
PrevColor ( ) : System.Windows.Media.Brush
PrevColorBlock ( ) : System.Windows.Media.Brush
RenderClippedEdges ( Microsoft.Kinect.Skeleton skeleton, System.Windows.Media.DrawingContext drawingContext ) : void

Draws indicators to show which edges are clipping skeleton data

SensorSkeletonFrameReady ( object sender, Microsoft.Kinect.SkeletonFrameReadyEventArgs e ) : void

Event handler for Kinect sensor's SkeletonFrameReady event

SkeletonPointToScreen ( Microsoft.Kinect.SkeletonPoint skelpoint ) : Point

Maps a SkeletonPoint to lie within our render space and converts to Point

SwipeDown ( ) : void
SwipeLeft ( ) : void
SwipeRight ( ) : void
SwipeUp ( ) : void
TransformFrontColor ( double left, double top ) : void
TransformHand ( ) : void
TransformRectangles ( ) : void
WindowClosing ( object sender, System e ) : void

Execute shutdown tasks

WindowLoaded ( object sender, RoutedEventArgs e ) : void

Execute startup tasks

getTimeStamp ( ) : long

Method Details

SwipeRectangleMain() public method

Initializes a new instance of the SwipeRectangleMain class.
public SwipeRectangleMain ( ) : System
return System