C# Class Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.RemoteDesktop.Rdpegfx.RFX_PROGRESSIVE_TILE_UPGRADE

The RFX_PROGRESSIVE_TILE_UPGRADE structure contains data required for an upgrade pass of a tile using progressive techniques.
Inheritance: RFX_Progressive_DataBlock
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Public Properties

Property Type Description
cbRawLen ushort
cbSrlLen ushort
crRawLen ushort
crSrlLen ushort
progressiveQuality byte
quantIdxCb byte
quantIdxCr byte
quantIdxY byte
xIdx ushort
yIdx ushort
yRawLen ushort
ySrlLen ushort

Public Methods

Method Description
Decode ( Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.PduMarshaler marshaler ) : bool

Decode this PDU from the PduMarshaler.

Encode ( Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.PduMarshaler marshaler ) : void

Encode this PDU to the PduMarshaler.

RFX_PROGRESSIVE_TILE_UPGRADE ( byte quantIdx, Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.RemoteDesktop.Rdpegfx.TileIndex tileIdx, Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.RemoteDesktop.Rdpegfx.EncodedTile tileData ) : System

Constructor, create RFX_PROGRESSIVE_TILE_UPGRADE block

Method Details

Decode() public method

Decode this PDU from the PduMarshaler.
public Decode ( Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.PduMarshaler marshaler ) : bool
marshaler Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.PduMarshaler This is used to decode the fields of this PDU.
return bool

Encode() public method

Encode this PDU to the PduMarshaler.
public Encode ( Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.PduMarshaler marshaler ) : void
marshaler Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.PduMarshaler This is used to encode the fields of this PDU.
return void


Constructor, create RFX_PROGRESSIVE_TILE_UPGRADE block
public RFX_PROGRESSIVE_TILE_UPGRADE ( byte quantIdx, Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.RemoteDesktop.Rdpegfx.TileIndex tileIdx, Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.RemoteDesktop.Rdpegfx.EncodedTile tileData ) : System
quantIdx byte This is used to indicate index in TS_RFX_CODEC_AUANT array of region block
tileIdx Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.RemoteDesktop.Rdpegfx.TileIndex This is used to indicate tile position([x, y]).
tileData Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.RemoteDesktop.Rdpegfx.EncodedTile This is used to indicate encoded tile data which is related to quantIdx
return System

Property Details

cbRawLen public_oe property

A 16-bits unsigned integer, specify the size, in bytes, of the cbRawData field.
public ushort cbRawLen
return ushort

cbSrlLen public_oe property

A 16-bits unsigned integer, specify the size, in bytes, of the cbSrlData field.
public ushort cbSrlLen
return ushort

crRawLen public_oe property

A 16-bits unsigned integer, specify the size, in bytes, of the crRawData field.
public ushort crRawLen
return ushort

crSrlLen public_oe property

A 16-bits unsigned integer, specify the size, in bytes, of the crSrlData field.
public ushort crSrlLen
return ushort

progressiveQuality public_oe property

A 8-bits unsigned integer, specify an index into the RFX_PROGRESSIVE_CODEC_QUANT array (the quantProgVals field) of the containing RFX_PROGRESSIVE_REGION block.
public byte progressiveQuality
return byte

quantIdxCb public_oe property

A 8-bits unsigned integer, specify an index into the TS_RFX_CODEC_QUANT array (the quantVals field) of the containing RFX_PROGRESSIVE_REGION (section block.
public byte quantIdxCb
return byte

quantIdxCr public_oe property

A 8-bits unsigned integer, specify an index into the TS_RFX_CODEC_QUANT array (the quantVals field) of the containing RFX_PROGRESSIVE_REGION (section block.
public byte quantIdxCr
return byte

quantIdxY public_oe property

A 8-bits unsigned integer, specify an index into the TS_RFX_CODEC_QUANT array (the quantVals field) of the containing RFX_PROGRESSIVE_REGION (section block.
public byte quantIdxY
return byte

xIdx public_oe property

A 16-bits unsigned integer, specify the x-index of the encoded tile in the screen tile grid.
public ushort xIdx
return ushort

yIdx public_oe property

A 16-bits unsigned integer, specify the y-index of the encoded tile in the screen tile grid.
public ushort yIdx
return ushort

yRawLen public_oe property

A 16-bits unsigned integer, specify the size, in bytes, of the yRawData field.
public ushort yRawLen
return ushort

ySrlLen public_oe property

A 16-bits unsigned integer, specify the size, in bytes, of the ySrlData field.
public ushort ySrlLen
return ushort