C# Class Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.SharedAdapter.QueryChangesCellSubRequest

This class specifies query change sub-request.
Inheritance: FsshttpbCellSubRequest
Mostrar archivo Open project: OfficeDev/Interop-TestSuites Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
QueryChangesCellSubRequest ( ulong subRequestID ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the QueryChangesCellSubRequest class

SerializeToByteList ( ) : List

This method is used to convert the element into a byte List

Method Details

QueryChangesCellSubRequest() public method

Initializes a new instance of the QueryChangesCellSubRequest class
public QueryChangesCellSubRequest ( ulong subRequestID ) : System
subRequestID ulong Specify the sub request id
return System

SerializeToByteList() public method

This method is used to convert the element into a byte List
public SerializeToByteList ( ) : List
return List