C# Class Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.MS_CPSWS.TestSuiteBase

Inheritance: Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.TestClassBase
Mostrar archivo Open project: OfficeDev/Interop-TestSuites Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
DepthFirstTraverse ( SPProviderHierarchyNode node, ArrayOfString &providerNames ) : void

A method used to do a depth first traverse in a given Provider Hierarchy tree to gather provider names and save them in the list of providerNames.

GenerateGUID ( ) : string

A method used to generate random GUID.

GenerateInvalidUser ( ) : string

A method used to generate an invalid domain user.

GenerateProviderSearchArgumentsInput_Valid ( ) : SPProviderSearchArguments

A method used to generate a valid SPProviderSearchArguments of IClaimProviderWebService_Search_InputMessage.

GenerateRandomString ( int size ) : string

A method used to generate random string in the range A-Z with the specified string size.

GenerateSPClaimResolveInput_Invalid ( ) : SPClaim

A method used to generate an invalid SPClaim of ResolveInput.

GenerateSPClaimResolveInput_Valid ( ) : SPClaim

A method used to generate a valid SPClaim of ResolveInput which is used in the ResolveClaim operation.

GenerateSearchAllInput_Valid ( ) : void

A method used to generate a valid input condition of SearchAll.

GetAllProviders ( ) : SPProviderHierarchyTree[]

A method used to get all existed claims providers hierarchy tree in the server.

GetClaimTypesResultBySutAdapter ( ArrayOfString claimProviderNames ) : ArrayOfString

A method used to get claim types by SUT control adapter.

GetClaimValueTypesResultBySutAdapter ( ArrayOfString claimProviderNames ) : ArrayOfString

A method used to get claim value types by SUT control.

GetEntityTypesResultBySutAdapter ( ArrayOfString claimProviderNames ) : ArrayOfString

A method used to get entity types by SUT control.

VerificationSutResultsAndProResults ( ArrayOfString resultByProtocol, ArrayOfString resultBySutAdapter ) : bool

A method used to verify types that are defined by protocol.

VerifyArgumentNullException ( System.ServiceModel.FaultException faultException, string argumentName ) : bool

A method used to verify argument null exception.

VerifyArgumentOutOfRangeException ( System.ServiceModel.FaultException faultException, string argumentName ) : bool

A method used to verify argument out of range exception.

VierfyRemoveDuplicate ( ArrayOfString resultByProtocol ) : bool

A method used to verify remove the duplicated item.

Private Methods

Method Description
InputClaimProviderNames ( ArrayOfString inputClaimProviderNames ) : string

A method used to convert ArrayOfString type to String type.

TestSuiteBaseCleanup ( ) : void
TestSuiteBaseInitialize ( ) : void
TestSuiteClassCleanup ( ) : void
TestSuiteClassInitialize ( Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestContext testContext ) : void

Method Details

DepthFirstTraverse() public method

A method used to do a depth first traverse in a given Provider Hierarchy tree to gather provider names and save them in the list of providerNames.
public DepthFirstTraverse ( SPProviderHierarchyNode node, ArrayOfString &providerNames ) : void
node SPProviderHierarchyNode A parameter represents a provider hierarchy node.
providerNames ArrayOfString A parameter represents a list of provider names.
return void

GenerateGUID() public method

A method used to generate random GUID.
public GenerateGUID ( ) : string
return string

GenerateInvalidUser() public method

A method used to generate an invalid domain user.
public GenerateInvalidUser ( ) : string
return string

GenerateProviderSearchArgumentsInput_Valid() public method

A method used to generate a valid SPProviderSearchArguments of IClaimProviderWebService_Search_InputMessage.
public GenerateProviderSearchArgumentsInput_Valid ( ) : SPProviderSearchArguments
return SPProviderSearchArguments

GenerateRandomString() public method

A method used to generate random string in the range A-Z with the specified string size.
public GenerateRandomString ( int size ) : string
size int A parameter represents the generated string size.
return string

GenerateSPClaimResolveInput_Invalid() public method

A method used to generate an invalid SPClaim of ResolveInput.
public GenerateSPClaimResolveInput_Invalid ( ) : SPClaim
return SPClaim

GenerateSPClaimResolveInput_Valid() public method

A method used to generate a valid SPClaim of ResolveInput which is used in the ResolveClaim operation.
public GenerateSPClaimResolveInput_Valid ( ) : SPClaim
return SPClaim

GenerateSearchAllInput_Valid() public method

A method used to generate a valid input condition of SearchAll.
public GenerateSearchAllInput_Valid ( ) : void
return void

GetAllProviders() public static method

A method used to get all existed claims providers hierarchy tree in the server.
public static GetAllProviders ( ) : SPProviderHierarchyTree[]
return SPProviderHierarchyTree[]

GetClaimTypesResultBySutAdapter() public method

A method used to get claim types by SUT control adapter.
public GetClaimTypesResultBySutAdapter ( ArrayOfString claimProviderNames ) : ArrayOfString
claimProviderNames ArrayOfString A parameter represents a group of provider name.
return ArrayOfString

GetClaimValueTypesResultBySutAdapter() public method

A method used to get claim value types by SUT control.
public GetClaimValueTypesResultBySutAdapter ( ArrayOfString claimProviderNames ) : ArrayOfString
claimProviderNames ArrayOfString A parameter represents a group of provider name.
return ArrayOfString

GetEntityTypesResultBySutAdapter() public method

A method used to get entity types by SUT control.
public GetEntityTypesResultBySutAdapter ( ArrayOfString claimProviderNames ) : ArrayOfString
claimProviderNames ArrayOfString A parameter represents a group of provider name.
return ArrayOfString

VerificationSutResultsAndProResults() public method

A method used to verify types that are defined by protocol.
public VerificationSutResultsAndProResults ( ArrayOfString resultByProtocol, ArrayOfString resultBySutAdapter ) : bool
resultByProtocol ArrayOfString A parameter represents an expected type list from protocol.
resultBySutAdapter ArrayOfString A parameter represents an actual type list from SUT adapter.
return bool

VerifyArgumentNullException() public method

A method used to verify argument null exception.
public VerifyArgumentNullException ( System.ServiceModel.FaultException faultException, string argumentName ) : bool
faultException System.ServiceModel.FaultException A parameter represents a fault exception.
argumentName string A parameter represents an argument name.
return bool

VerifyArgumentOutOfRangeException() public method

A method used to verify argument out of range exception.
public VerifyArgumentOutOfRangeException ( System.ServiceModel.FaultException faultException, string argumentName ) : bool
faultException System.ServiceModel.FaultException A parameter represents a fault exception.
argumentName string A parameter represents an argument name.
return bool

VierfyRemoveDuplicate() public method

A method used to verify remove the duplicated item.
public VierfyRemoveDuplicate ( ArrayOfString resultByProtocol ) : bool
resultByProtocol ArrayOfString A parameter represents an expected type list from protocol.
return bool